MOAS will not change and I haven't be paid;
Study the figures. Ruto numbers are solid. According to twitter polls of 70K sample; his lead is 58 percent.
As for Mt kenya - yes they want Ruto to backoff - Ruto aint.
Ruto has told Kiunjuri-Kuria - they need to negotiate inside - not outside.
Accepting to pander to them now - means losing very loyal folks who have kept Ruto a float directly.
There is big group - that one Kuria or Kiunjuri - there are about 40mps plus within GEMA alone who directly support Ruto and want to run on UDA.
Nationally it become a hot potato.
I am not sure which defection you're still waiting for - Kieleweke has reduced to 9 mps.
I see them joining Moses Kuria soon if they find UDA crowded.
They know they cannot sell Raila odinga in Mt kenya.
When folks talk about handshake building a coalition - it's like Ruto hands are tied

If a 15 percent guy can promise heaven - and 45 percent promises your the same - which one will you listen to.
For now Ruto is not interested in coalition for strategic reasons - of building UDA after Jubilee was destroyed.
Ruto will do his coalition April-June. And it mostly rigging margins or insurance against GEMA kitchensink politics that Uhuru may unleash.
Dont be surprised of Kalonzo or MaDVD crossing over to Ruto - and ending Raila thing before it even begin

Real coalition serious talk begin in April huko.
First: Ruto (or Raila or Kibaki) has held huge "unassailable" margins before crushing defeat. Raila Aug 2010 was at 48% - Kibaki was at 48% during Raila-Kalonzo ODM-K fights. After Pentagon lineup Raila opened wide lead. For now Ruto will "lead" until Handshake unveil lineup - which strategically they cannot do immediately to dull Ruto attacks. Ruto should be let to run alone and deepen the omniprescent fatigue. Dude is all over the place - he seem to running commentary on BBI flop.
Second: Tangatanga has serious internal problems. It is likely to end up in breakups - serious numbers will blow up. So far they were united against Uhuru, BBI, bla bla - now it everyone for himself. I think the demand is for Ruto UDA to back off Central for Kuria/Kiunjuri - in exchange they back him. Greedy Ruto of course is afraid they could betray him if he cedes direct control. The stand-off could lead to serious fight. This I see as second biggest threat to Ruto after Handshake unity.
BTW: Ruto is known to buy followers, journalists and entire media houses. 3 years ago he already fixed some London briefcase to give him 40% - long before he had bottom-up, hustler or any agenda to sell. He is too corrupt so unless we see Ipsos or similar credible stuff am hesitant to believe any polls.
You have't and won't see any mass defections to UDA anywhere let alone Central. Which exposes those fake polls. I can bet they show Ruto beating FordK in Bungoma.
I guess you missed opinion polls showing Ruto has opened a 30 percent gap against mr Odinga.
What is happening in GEMA is the 7 stages of denial - before they all join UDA.
Kuria/Kiunjuri/Uhuru people are trying to stay afloat post-Kiambaa.
If UDA start at 50 percent - that is all you need to win 
That is why most people will want UDA.
If you join the rest - you start from zero political party support.
We have by-election in Meru - let see if Kiraitu will survive with his stillborn party - or UDA will overrun Meru.