The maasais here are waking up to mburoti invasion by kikuyus. Seems these are SGR plots buyers who thought they were going to paradise not knowing it is a masai jungle. Also likely the covid devastation rural exodus starting to have an impact.
Governor Nyoro and his county officials were thoroughly whipped by the ndawuos nyaunyos only after Kajiado Governor ole lenku intervened did peace return. The Kiambu delegation had to literally run for their lifes.
I agree after what has happened to masaai land in kajiado being broken into 50 by 100 plots, the masaai wouldn't tolerate this again, I have seen Kikuyus are now venturing into kamba land kangundo, Tala,machakos, matuu etc and the environs for more 50 by 100. This really need to stop Kambas have harbored hate for kikuyus for many years and its just a ticking time bomb.