Author Topic: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto  (Read 5053 times)

Offline Omollo

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Hear it from his own mouth.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2017, 01:04:42 PM »
How can you hear when you don't understand Kalenjjin.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2017, 01:49:24 PM »
How can you hear when you don't understand Kalenjjin.
What is your point Pundit?

I hear with my ears not Kalenjin. As for what he says, apart from reading the translation texted on it, I have obtained a professional interpretation.

There are better ways of contesting a video than claiming one can't hear or understand what is clearly audible and well translated.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2017, 02:36:10 PM »

This video is nearly similar to what I have heard Ruto tell kalenjin - same script
 - It goes this way - In 2013 we united, played smart and got back into real power.
 - We now have real power. I have real power.
 - Kalenjin should avoid going to Nairobi to become useless drunkards - drunkards cannot led this country.
 - We should remain united & smart

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2017, 02:43:57 PM »
I think he was caught with pants down and is attempting a spin which won't work.

This video is nearly similar to all videos I have heard Ruto make in various places in Kalenjin dialect.
 - It goes this way - In 2013 we united, played smart and got back into real power.
 - We now have real power. I have real power.
 - Kalenjin should avoid going to Nairobi to become useless drunkards - drunkards cannot led this country.
 - We should remain smart.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2017, 02:47:41 PM »
Caught by who? NASA :)  Or you mean now GEMA won't vote Ruto in 2022 after this video :D
I think he was caught with pants down and is attempting a spin which won't work.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2017, 03:15:13 PM »

GEMA so called "Independents" have a meeting today. The Agenda: The Ruto Directed Political Genocide of GEMA politicians.

Caught by who? NASA :)  Or you mean now GEMA won't vote Ruto in 2022 after this video :D
I think he was caught with pants down and is attempting a spin which won't work.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2017, 04:02:44 PM »
It's obvious why they lost; They are not strategic. Ruto right now is Key to Uhuru winning his re-election. You don't want to antagonize him. GEMA people know what huge sacrifices Ruto is putting to sell Uhuru and will not be kind to these folks. If they were smart - they would have quietly tried their luck - I say 1 or 2 of them independent might win. Hot-headed Kabogo will certainly try to go rogue but I think he has seen that UhuRuto are not Kibaki (but Moi) from how Joho is getting the heat. PK after scoring 2% of Nairobi vote will not appear in public for quite sometime.

Let me help with how this will play out....

After 2017 - these independent will be forgotten - as we spend the next year dealing NASA cries & wails - the gnashing of teeth as the last risasi is fired - They will certainly attempt small scale PEV against mostly Kikuyus business (Western+Nyanza+ possibly Coast)- making kikuyus realize they have enemies everywhere and forget 2007 so fast - this time Kalenjin warriors will fighting alongside Mungiki.

Jubilee who are set to win 60% of MP seats - 210 out of 350 -  Jubilee leaning parties won 58% of  Mps seat in 2013 and are set to improve this year - and tyranny of numbers will continue where it left.

After 3 months in cold  post-election -  expensive election, mortgage, many wifes & girlfriend , lifestyle of kings - most of so called independents will begging Ruto - for any job - just to afford fuel for their PRADOS.

After 6 months many NASA newly elected MPS will be defecting to Jubilee to work under Ruto - making Jubilee enjoy nearly absolute majority & governing easy breezy.

Within 1-2 yrs many smaller Jubilee leaning parties & NASA mps  will officially merge with Jubilee -to create an even bigger - a behemoth - that would straddle the country like KANU.

Meanwhile Kiunjuri will emerge as VP & Deputy Party Leader. There will be some noise from Merus & Muranga people. I suspect Ruto will create a Pentagon like party structure with leader from Coast, Northern Kenya, Central, Eastern,Western and camouflage this.

Uhuru will be taking long holidays with Ruto acting as President in the last year.

NASA in the meantime will be history and each will be hanged separately. I suspect Kalonzo who has eye for GEMA vote will be first one to try join Jubilee as trojan horse.

GEMA so called "Independents" have a meeting today. The Agenda: The Ruto Directed Political Genocide of GEMA politicians.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2017, 07:47:47 PM »
Dr Mutua is working to supplant Wiper. Kalonzo may have nothing to offer Jubilee post-2017... and may have to act as advisor or elder like the likes of Kombo.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2017, 07:55:34 PM »
You are living on Fantasy Island.

The declared goal of Jubilee was that come 2017 and Raila would be a dead horse with Tuju. Omamo and Onyango Oloo "representing" Nyanza. Eugene Wamalwa would be calling shots for Western while Gideon Mung'aro would be King of the Coast assisted by Balala.

Mutua would be bringing in Kambas as Duale herds the Somali. The sack was full and like Issac said, they would tie it up and lift, stopping to sit on it whenever they got tired with nobody getting out.

It failed miserably. Their stooges are all rejected and some can't even make an appearance.

Instead we have Raila not only still a power house but has penetrated the Jubilee safe zones and turned them upside down. From Ruto being a King Maker in RV, he is now a faction leader having lost Bomet, Kericho, Kajiado and Narok on one side and Pokot Tans Nzoia. The core constituency of Uasin Gishu and nandi is shaky.

We have Ukambani solidly behind Kalonzo with Ngilu having lined up behind him and she has a huge grudge.

Jubilee has been completely banished from Western, Coast and NEP. The hostility they meet shocks even me! Ruto was pelted at Likoni yesterday, Uhuru jeered in Kilifi and he had to issue threats to Mwakwere in Kwale. All signs of defeat.

That squarely undermines your claim that Jubilee has maintained its constituency from 2013. Of course you will insist that is the case because you are given to selective application of logic.

Even the pro Jubilee polls have a yet to be officially named NASA challenger (the one who was supposed to be "finished" - Raila) neck and neck with Uhuru at this early stage. You will say the same happened in 2013 but I will produce evidence to show it didn't happen until the last weeks of the campaign! NASA's internal polls have a different picture. This is supported by leaked NIS polls which show a dire situation for Uhuru.

The Independents will not all win but not all will lose. However they have changed the terrain in that Jubilee planned to have unopposed elections where they would concentrate on stuffing ballot boxes for Uhuru. That makes their job harder because any stuffing would be detected as they would need to stuff for other positions as well. That is good enough for NASA.

For RV, NASA is no longer locked out.

Remember NASA has done exactly what you attributed to Jubilee - kept ist 2013 votes and expanded.

Then there is the tyranny of numbers. From the figures published so far, NASA zones have a majority. It means Uhuru must get votes in Western, Coast, Nyanza, etc to have a chance of 25% in 24 counties and hence a runoff in event Raila does not win at once. That is a tall order you know he can't deliver. Ethnic appointments have come to isolate him by his own doing.

I believe from reading history that it is the TNA wing that will collapse (first if you wish). There is no strong opposition to Raila in RV so it is not an issue. The kalenjin find themselves in a marriage of convenience they detest. What you describe will happen but to Jubilee Mps. Moi did it and anybody in power can do it. It is not limited to NASA. We saw it when the likes of Mung'aro defected. It's a non issue in a country where the government wields all power and wealth.

Get it right, Ruto will try but I can't see him making another alliance with GEMA. They won't trust him. From his position as The Leader of the Opposition, he will be limited by what he can dish out. In Five years I think the Moi money would have knocked him out.

Uhuru will take one long holiday. God help him because if he doesn't go slow on alcohol, he may not be around to see the 2022 defeat of Ruto.

... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2017, 07:58:13 PM »
Dr Mutua is working to supplant Wiper. Kalonzo may have nothing to offer Jubilee post-2017... and may have to act as advisor or elder like the likes of Kombo.

Raila is a one-term president. Kalonzo takes over with either Mudavadi, Isaac or Joho (for now). Who knows who else will emerge.

Mutua is a non starter. His games are up. He'll use most of his loot to bribe his stay out of prison for blatant theft. I can't see him succeeding. The theft was primitive and raw.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2017, 12:03:06 PM »
He has to go thro Wavinya first but certainly his party has more aspirant (900) compared to wiper(600) - so while Kalonzo will probably get 15 mps this time - Mutua may get 12mps. As far as Ruto ambition goes - Mutua losing Machakos won't be a bad thing. If Mutua wins as governor and get those many mps - Kalonzo is history. Raila has no plan to hand Opposition(aka ODM) to Kalonzo.
Dr Mutua is working to supplant Wiper. Kalonzo may have nothing to offer Jubilee post-2017... and may have to act as advisor or elder like the likes of Kombo.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2017, 12:06:59 PM »
Okay. Pin this up and let's talk on 9th (when you'll be AWOL as always). As far as I am concerned Raila is dead. Uhuru is not going to lose presidency. Aint gonna happen. Kalonzo & MaDVD is propping Raila knowing this election is not winnable - and 2022 - without GEMA candidate - is more strategic.

You are living on Fantasy Island.

The declared goal of Jubilee was that come 2017 and Raila would be a dead horse with Tuju. Omamo and Onyango Oloo "representing" Nyanza. Eugene Wamalwa would be calling shots for Western while Gideon Mung'aro would be King of the Coast assisted by Balala.

Mutua would be bringing in Kambas as Duale herds the Somali. The sack was full and like Issac said, they would tie it up and lift, stopping to sit on it whenever they got tired with nobody getting out.

It failed miserably. Their stooges are all rejected and some can't even make an appearance.

Instead we have Raila not only still a power house but has penetrated the Jubilee safe zones and turned them upside down. From Ruto being a King Maker in RV, he is now a faction leader having lost Bomet, Kericho, Kajiado and Narok on one side and Pokot Tans Nzoia. The core constituency of Uasin Gishu and nandi is shaky.

We have Ukambani solidly behind Kalonzo with Ngilu having lined up behind him and she has a huge grudge.

Jubilee has been completely banished from Western, Coast and NEP. The hostility they meet shocks even me! Ruto was pelted at Likoni yesterday, Uhuru jeered in Kilifi and he had to issue threats to Mwakwere in Kwale. All signs of defeat.

That squarely undermines your claim that Jubilee has maintained its constituency from 2013. Of course you will insist that is the case because you are given to selective application of logic.

Even the pro Jubilee polls have a yet to be officially named NASA challenger (the one who was supposed to be "finished" - Raila) neck and neck with Uhuru at this early stage. You will say the same happened in 2013 but I will produce evidence to show it didn't happen until the last weeks of the campaign! NASA's internal polls have a different picture. This is supported by leaked NIS polls which show a dire situation for Uhuru.

The Independents will not all win but not all will lose. However they have changed the terrain in that Jubilee planned to have unopposed elections where they would concentrate on stuffing ballot boxes for Uhuru. That makes their job harder because any stuffing would be detected as they would need to stuff for other positions as well. That is good enough for NASA.

For RV, NASA is no longer locked out.

Remember NASA has done exactly what you attributed to Jubilee - kept ist 2013 votes and expanded.

Then there is the tyranny of numbers. From the figures published so far, NASA zones have a majority. It means Uhuru must get votes in Western, Coast, Nyanza, etc to have a chance of 25% in 24 counties and hence a runoff in event Raila does not win at once. That is a tall order you know he can't deliver. Ethnic appointments have come to isolate him by his own doing.

I believe from reading history that it is the TNA wing that will collapse (first if you wish). There is no strong opposition to Raila in RV so it is not an issue. The kalenjin find themselves in a marriage of convenience they detest. What you describe will happen but to Jubilee Mps. Moi did it and anybody in power can do it. It is not limited to NASA. We saw it when the likes of Mung'aro defected. It's a non issue in a country where the government wields all power and wealth.

Get it right, Ruto will try but I can't see him making another alliance with GEMA. They won't trust him. From his position as The Leader of the Opposition, he will be limited by what he can dish out. In Five years I think the Moi money would have knocked him out.

Uhuru will take one long holiday. God help him because if he doesn't go slow on alcohol, he may not be around to see the 2022 defeat of Ruto.

Offline Omollo

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2017, 01:17:35 PM »
Okay. Pin this up and let's talk on 9th (when you'll be AWOL as always). As far as I am concerned Raila is dead. Uhuru is not going to lose presidency. Aint gonna happen. Kalonzo & MaDVD is propping Raila knowing this election is not winnable - and 2022 - without GEMA candidate - is more strategic.

I did not participate in the 2013 elections because my contract forbade it. I followed though.

I will be around to watch you shout about rigging, etc.
... [the ICC case] will be tried in Europe, where due procedure and expertise prevail.; ... Second-guessing Ocampo and fantasizing ..has obviously become a national pastime.- NattyDread

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2017, 01:50:21 PM »
Pundit, Raila is dead and the world is flat.

Okay. Pin this up and let's talk on 9th (when you'll be AWOL as always). As far as I am concerned Raila is dead. Uhuru is not going to lose presidency. Aint gonna happen. Kalonzo & MaDVD is propping Raila knowing this election is not winnable - and 2022 - without GEMA candidate - is more strategic.

You are living on Fantasy Island.

The declared goal of Jubilee was that come 2017 and Raila would be a dead horse with Tuju. Omamo and Onyango Oloo "representing" Nyanza. Eugene Wamalwa would be calling shots for Western while Gideon Mung'aro would be King of the Coast assisted by Balala.

Mutua would be bringing in Kambas as Duale herds the Somali. The sack was full and like Issac said, they would tie it up and lift, stopping to sit on it whenever they got tired with nobody getting out.

It failed miserably. Their stooges are all rejected and some can't even make an appearance.

Instead we have Raila not only still a power house but has penetrated the Jubilee safe zones and turned them upside down. From Ruto being a King Maker in RV, he is now a faction leader having lost Bomet, Kericho, Kajiado and Narok on one side and Pokot Tans Nzoia. The core constituency of Uasin Gishu and nandi is shaky.

We have Ukambani solidly behind Kalonzo with Ngilu having lined up behind him and she has a huge grudge.

Jubilee has been completely banished from Western, Coast and NEP. The hostility they meet shocks even me! Ruto was pelted at Likoni yesterday, Uhuru jeered in Kilifi and he had to issue threats to Mwakwere in Kwale. All signs of defeat.

That squarely undermines your claim that Jubilee has maintained its constituency from 2013. Of course you will insist that is the case because you are given to selective application of logic.

Even the pro Jubilee polls have a yet to be officially named NASA challenger (the one who was supposed to be "finished" - Raila) neck and neck with Uhuru at this early stage. You will say the same happened in 2013 but I will produce evidence to show it didn't happen until the last weeks of the campaign! NASA's internal polls have a different picture. This is supported by leaked NIS polls which show a dire situation for Uhuru.

The Independents will not all win but not all will lose. However they have changed the terrain in that Jubilee planned to have unopposed elections where they would concentrate on stuffing ballot boxes for Uhuru. That makes their job harder because any stuffing would be detected as they would need to stuff for other positions as well. That is good enough for NASA.

For RV, NASA is no longer locked out.

Remember NASA has done exactly what you attributed to Jubilee - kept ist 2013 votes and expanded.

Then there is the tyranny of numbers. From the figures published so far, NASA zones have a majority. It means Uhuru must get votes in Western, Coast, Nyanza, etc to have a chance of 25% in 24 counties and hence a runoff in event Raila does not win at once. That is a tall order you know he can't deliver. Ethnic appointments have come to isolate him by his own doing.

I believe from reading history that it is the TNA wing that will collapse (first if you wish). There is no strong opposition to Raila in RV so it is not an issue. The kalenjin find themselves in a marriage of convenience they detest. What you describe will happen but to Jubilee Mps. Moi did it and anybody in power can do it. It is not limited to NASA. We saw it when the likes of Mung'aro defected. It's a non issue in a country where the government wields all power and wealth.

Get it right, Ruto will try but I can't see him making another alliance with GEMA. They won't trust him. From his position as The Leader of the Opposition, he will be limited by what he can dish out. In Five years I think the Moi money would have knocked him out.

Uhuru will take one long holiday. God help him because if he doesn't go slow on alcohol, he may not be around to see the 2022 defeat of Ruto.

"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2017, 01:55:20 PM »
August 9th... man is this gonna be fun.  8)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2017, 02:26:45 PM »
I am glad you'll be around. I am always around.

Keep these numbers in your memory

Jubilee -53% - up from 51% in 2013 - thanks to Incumbency - from battleground counties who don't have a horse & just want to be in gov.
NASA - 46% - 2% down from 48%(Raila+MaDVD 2013 votes) thanks to running now as opposition without any stick or carrot to dangle.
Others -2%

Jubilee will win by beating CORD by about 1,000,000 votes- 1M votes

I did not participate in the 2013 elections because my contract forbade it. I followed though.

I will be around to watch you shout about rigging, etc.

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2017, 02:29:13 PM »
He is been dead for quite a long while.If you recall I told you he died in 2008. Politically speaking. The day he went to Sagana on Kibaki military chopper and emerged with the most foolish political deal is when I wrote his obituary. And that is the day Uhuru won. I do hope you have paid attention the last few years and learnt from William Ruto (Co-President) on the "Art of the Political Deal". Ruto didn't have Raila leverage of 2008 but he is clearly a co-president (or president if you go by Omollo sub-title).

Raila won 2007 by narrow margin - after Kibaki destroyed Narc- all he needed to do was to consolidate his base  and he would have won 2013 with a huge margin.Now he would be on his second term.

Pundit, Raila is dead and the world is flat.

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2020, 03:34:57 PM »
Robina - this was 2017 May.

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Re: Uhuru Kenyatta is My Enemy; He's a Drunkard - William Ruto
« Reply #19 on: June 29, 2020, 04:16:45 PM »
This fucking prove what I have been saying all along about the role of kimetrica and cambridge Analytica in rigging the 2017. 

I am glad you'll be around. I am always around.

Keep these numbers in your memory

Jubilee -53% - up from 51% in 2013 - thanks to Incumbency - from battleground counties who don't have a horse & just want to be in gov.
NASA - 46% - 2% down from 48%(Raila+MaDVD 2013 votes) thanks to running now as opposition without any stick or carrot to dangle.
Others -2%

Jubilee will win by beating CORD by about 1,000,000 votes- 1M votes

I did not participate in the 2013 elections because my contract forbade it. I followed though.

I will be around to watch you shout about rigging, etc.