Author Topic: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.  (Read 4967 times)

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2019, 09:49:24 PM »
Everybody knows what handshake is. Its like pornography, you cannot define it but you know it when you see it. In the case of handshake, you can see it and feel it.  We were at the brink of war and then handshake; and then stability and peace.

Sorry, but what exactly is the handshake. We should codify that two competing leader shake hands? and find another a job in AU :). I mean I can understand NARA. But handshake is plain personal deal btw two leaders.

We can have referendum every day if you can fulfill the constitution requirements - there is the threshold - and you voted YES. We told you to amend this constitution will be near impossible - I mean last one was tough with mere 2/3 of MPs - now this one is nearly impossible.

We should have referendums every year if that is what it takes to get it right.  When we get it right like after the "handshake", the country knows it. Handshake was like having a terrible tooth ache and trying all kinds of remedies then one works instantly. Referendum is trying to find away to codify, or capture the handshake, or bottle  it for posterity. 
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2019, 09:51:41 PM »
You're very naive. The quality of our Mps and voters is about the same. Look at Africa - there are countries that practise what you preach - and there are worse off governance wise- because at end of the day - you talking Africa :) and it's ethnic-based raw power. Uganda has Prime Minister nobody has heard of. Ethiopia have president nobody cares about. Same way you have traffic lights and signs that nobody really cares about them. The mighty has their way.

Raila got 70% supporting what he didn't like - look at the overhaul he wants done - he voted 70% to get 30%. How stupid CAN you be. You go to Naivasha with parliamentary system and then just to become the winner - you propose presidential systems - and then you go ahead to support in a referendum.

Ruto had got 95% of all he wanted from the current constitution - but still voted NO anyway. If you look at Ruto's constitutional changes - he just wants few fixes. Basically, his biggest ask is Official Opposition Head role.

So you're engaged in what we called pyrrhic victory party. Ruto with his billions will literally buy that parliament if it gets there. Look at it now. Even Mt Kenya Mps have abandoned Uhuru whose is trying to get civil servants to do the job.

Going parliamentary will basically be auctioning the country to the highest bidder. You just need to bribe half the Mps for 5yrs. The presidential campaign cost a fortune....and a nobody cannot knick it. Parliamentary system - if you have some billions to spare - Mps will vote you in - and vote out the current guy - it will be unstable gov.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2019, 09:53:25 PM »
Except there is no  real sex involved. Just masturbation.
Everybody knows what handshake it. Its like pornography, you cannot define it but you know it when you see it.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2019, 10:07:30 PM »
For those millions Kenyans outside Kalenjin and Gema country, handshake was real. You seem to think Kenya is all about Kalenjins and Kikuyus only.

Except there is no  real sex involved. Just masturbation.
Everybody knows what handshake it. Its like pornography, you cannot define it but you know it when you see it.
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2019, 10:11:04 PM »
Is that why you rarely post here. That was a long depression. Patel turned revolutionary. Hopefully something good come of the handshake. I mean Raila sold all of you for nothing. He basically catipulated. In 2007 - Kalenjin had struggled to get him PM. Alone - he ended making a personal deal - and forget he had like 6M voters!
For those millions Kenyans outside Kalenjin and Gema country, handshake was real. You seem to think Kenya is all about Kalenjins and Kikuyus only.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2019, 10:58:53 PM »
You're very naive. The quality of our Mps and voters is about the same. Look at Africa - there are countries that practise what you preach - and there are worse off governance wise- because at end of the day - you talking Africa :) and it's ethnic-based raw power. Uganda has Prime Minister nobody has heard of. Ethiopia have president nobody cares about. Same way you have traffic lights and signs that nobody really cares about them. The mighty has their way.

Raila got 70% supporting what he didn't like - look at the overhaul he wants done - he voted 70% to get 30%. How stupid CAN you be. You go to Naivasha with parliamentary system and then just to become the winner - you propose presidential systems - and then you go ahead to support in a referendum.

Ruto had got 95% of all he wanted from the current constitution - but still voted NO anyway. If you look at Ruto's constitutional changes - he just wants few fixes. Basically, his biggest ask is Official Opposition Head role.

So you're engaged in what we called pyrrhic victory party. Ruto with his billions will literally buy that parliament if it gets there. Look at it now. Even Mt Kenya Mps have abandoned Uhuru whose is trying to get civil servants to do the job.

Going parliamentary will basically be auctioning the country to the highest bidder. You just need to bribe half the Mps for 5yrs. The presidential campaign cost a fortune....and a nobody cannot knick it. Parliamentary system - if you have some billions to spare - Mps will vote you in - and vote out the current guy - it will be unstable gov.
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Offline Wa Njambi

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #26 on: June 25, 2019, 11:57:21 PM »
RV Pundit,  I am almost certain that Uhuru would not want to be any part of changing the process (through a Referendum or otherwise) to extend his stay in power, especially if the process means riding on Raila. Uhuru has always ridiculed these 'antics' that are a leitmotif of Raila in every season. This is certain to make Uhuru very unpopular with Kenyans and East African in general, confuse MK and make them look very stupid.

My hunch is that these "Noises" are intended to be a destruction to Baba by design. And Where you see the likes of Kuria/Njenga/Sonko, I think it's just a 'mutation sprout' of  knuckleheads that has been left out of the main plan and screaming to stay relevant.

This doesn't make sense!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2019, 08:44:08 AM »
Yes, Uhuru has to be out of sense to try in any form or shape to extend his term, he should head to retirement after leaving a good legacy and possibly continue as Jubilee party leader if he wants to - but I'd recommend going home & enjoy gov retirement perks as a respected leader.
RV Pundit,  I am almost certain that Uhuru would not want to be any part of changing the process (through a Referendum or otherwise) to extend his stay in power, especially if the process means riding on Raila. Uhuru has always ridiculed these 'antics' that are a leitmotif of Raila in every season. This is certain to make Uhuru very unpopular with Kenyans and East African in general, confuse MK and make them look very stupid.

My hunch is that these "Noises" are intended to be a destruction to Baba by design. And Where you see the likes of Kuria/Njenga/Sonko, I think it's just a 'mutation sprout' of  knuckleheads that has been left out of the main plan and screaming to stay relevant.

This doesn't make sense!

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2019, 09:47:45 AM »
Sounds all good. So Uhuru the lazybone will be doing all donkey work - for Raila - who will be acting as the Queen or King of Kenya. Some jokes are not serious. Kenya do not want a parliamentary system. It that simple. They want to elect the substantive PORK or PM. Then PM or PORK can appoint the ceremonial dude - because we do not want many competing centers of power.

Anyway it literally took a war to get last constitution.

Now you want us to ammend the constitution for two desperate people who have refused to retire :) despite having served as PM and PORK :)

Everyone will be going to the referendum - Kalonzo, Mudavadis - all of them will be part of this imagine charade whose beneficiary is Raila and Uhuru :)

You're courting a revolt - because the line of leaders waiting for those position is long. Kalonzo be waiting for 30yrs now :)

Last time Ruto got 31% opposing it. This time Ruto will get 61% opposing BBI if it ever get there. It cannot even pass parliament then 24 counties.

First let us get the BBI - come up with their illegal output - and we can proceed from there.

Pundit, why do you always assume it is Ruto alone who got the 31% to vote against the referendum? There were many other forces who opposed the new constitituition from the conservertive religious groups and a big chunk came from Mt Kenya basis who by all means wanted an almighty central government as they assumed they can keep it forever.

Offline Dear Mami

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2019, 11:01:18 AM »
Pundit, why do you always assume it is Ruto alone who got the 31% to vote against the referendum? There were many other forces who opposed the new constitution from the conservative religious groups and a big chunk came from Mt Kenya basis who by all means wanted an almighty central government as they assumed they can keep it forever.
Yes, I abstained from the last referendum because the Church was directly opposed to it because of the right to life/abortion question and asked Catholics not to vote yes. I couldn't go to the booth and vote No, either, because I felt it was irresponsible not to change the old constitution. It was a catch 22 for many of us who valued our faiths, can't vote Yes or No, so I decided the only way to honour my conscience was to abstain. It's why I understand many people who stayed home or voted 3rd party in the US 2016 election. A choice btw a vile, warmongering, Establishment-chrony Hillary and a vile, blatantly bigoted neophyte pretending to oppose the wars.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Uhuru about to come clearly - seeking a term extension.
« Reply #30 on: June 26, 2019, 11:47:59 AM »
The same way I assume Raila got 70% as leader of Yes. Obviously there are Ruto folks who also supported Yes. Duale and many muslim voted Yes - because they didn't like Kamami Christian group hostility to Sharia law.

Pundit, why do you always assume it is Ruto alone who got the 31% to vote against the referendum? There were many other forces who opposed the new constitituition from the conservertive religious groups and a big chunk came from Mt Kenya basis who by all means wanted an almighty central government as they assumed they can keep it forever.