You're very naive. The quality of our Mps and voters is about the same. Look at Africa - there are countries that practise what you preach - and there are worse off governance wise- because at end of the day - you talking Africa
and it's ethnic-based raw power. Uganda has Prime Minister nobody has heard of. Ethiopia have president nobody cares about. Same way you have traffic lights and signs that nobody really cares about them. The mighty has their way.
Raila got 70% supporting what he didn't like - look at the overhaul he wants done - he voted 70% to get 30%. How stupid CAN you be. You go to Naivasha with parliamentary system and then just to become the winner - you propose presidential systems - and then you go ahead to support in a referendum.
Ruto had got 95% of all he wanted from the current constitution - but still voted NO anyway. If you look at Ruto's constitutional changes - he just wants few fixes. Basically, his biggest ask is Official Opposition Head role.
So you're engaged in what we called pyrrhic victory party. Ruto with his billions will literally buy that parliament if it gets there. Look at it now. Even Mt Kenya Mps have abandoned Uhuru whose is trying to get civil servants to do the job.
Going parliamentary will basically be auctioning the country to the highest bidder. You just need to bribe half the Mps for 5yrs. The presidential campaign cost a fortune....and a nobody cannot knick it. Parliamentary system - if you have some billions to spare - Mps will vote you in - and vote out the current guy - it will be unstable gov.