Author Topic: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga  (Read 42564 times)

Offline Kababe

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Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
« Reply #80 on: September 15, 2014, 08:11:55 PM »
I know. I would also find it boring if I was selling it and people just didnt swallow my superstition-bigotry combie along with the koolAid... Things are always so much easier when you dont have to provide facts, arent they ???

What's boring is lame excuse for Kisiis uchawi not .org
Still here? I think we need to find a new word for boring, pastor is confused! :D
You put a spiritless fight for Kissiii witchcraft, let's call it religion if witchcraft from South Nyanza is too offensive

If its boring, stop posting yourself. 8) You are nobody's daddy.
There is no witchcraft in Kenia especially The religious Kisiis,just superstition...go to sleep now, this is boring

They have lynched witches too, coast people....
They are not superstitious as Kisiii

Witchcraft is rampant in Kisiiland, Luoland, Luhyaland and Coast.
You are lamely removing Kisiiland from that list

Someone killed someone for a belief therefore it must be true!! Pray tell, when are you converting to the religion of Boko Hsaram and ISIS if this is what you believe?
Missed this part..."Removing Kisiiland". Question is, who put who put ANY of them on that list and based on what evidence? I am sure you also believe that black cats in Coast speak like people and turn into beautiful seductive women, too...majini. Afterall, the story has been told in Kenya for ages, it surely must be true. There are also very beautiful women who have goat legs and walk backwards, again majini. My cousin claimed to have met one on a school trip to Mombasa.
Coast people lynched people? Gasp! Incontrovertible proof of witchcraft! :D

Evidence, how about the same threshold you usually demand for your conspiracy targets? So far we have stories of killers that their victims were witches. That's your proof for witches. You dont even care to interrogate any of the things they say. Apparently all witches are old vulnerable women, mostly widows in their 70s and 80s. When you have proof of a superstition, how about talking about a superstition so instead of claiming it is proof of witchcraft? You basically peddling the stories of those mgangas (conmen!) who claim to be able to drive out witchcraft from someone for a pretty sum.

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Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
« Reply #81 on: September 15, 2014, 08:17:11 PM »
Vooke, next you should provide us stories about the Illuminati and their plan to take over the world. I hear even Kenya's elite are members. :o

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Re: Australia is wrong to prosecute Esther Arunga
« Reply #82 on: September 16, 2014, 07:12:24 AM »
Negroes lack the basic intelligence required to rise through the Illuminati ranks
Vooke, next you should provide us stories about the Illuminati and their plan to take over the world. I hear even Kenya's elite are members. :o
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.