I told you once kale tasted power, mutajionea. Right now, Std 7 drop out Sudi is using Millitary planes while Gachagua and Uhuru cry. Kalenjin akishiba is a dangerous animal, they forget where the come from, it’s Moi error2. They are even calling Okuyu villagers, it make me chuckle cause this guys all the way from Ruto to Sudi are as village and as primitive as they come, no money can wash that stench. I looked at Ruto’s wife here in the USA, a man can get away with wearing a generic suit, for a woman there is much more creativity, that woman cannot dress for shit. Kales in power need to walk around with a huge mirror, every time their ego tries to take over, they should look in the mirror and be shocked back to reality. Guys like Uhuru who grew up the way they did must look at this guys, the likes of Gachagua and Ruto and think they are from another planet in the alternate universe.