There is more to a tribe than just language intelligibility; there is culture, kinship, their is language dna, etc. There is no denying that all bantu languages are related. How much of Kiswahili is a meru whose never been to school able to understand - a lot.
But Merus and Kikuyus cannot be one tribe because there is no kinship ties..even your own theory of origin is different from kikuyus.
Pokot and Kipsigis are related for example - because they trace their common ancestry to Mt elgon - all kalenjin sub tribes can traces their lineage as sons of one father - just like kikuyu claim to be daughters of Mumbi - nearly all kalenjin names are similar - a Meru M'Mukindia and a Karanja from Kiambu is totally different..but Kipchumba or Kiplangat or cherono or name it exist in all kalenjin. Kalenjin religion the same. Kalenjin culture the same. Kalenjin rites of passages the same. Name it - all kalenjin sub tribes are very similar.
You got to Kalenjin clans - they are almost common in all sub-tribes. For example, Talai clan exist in Pokot, Nandi, Tugen, Kipsigis, name it - and all nearly have the same totem or animal - Lion. The clans indicate common lineage...
There is no denying Kalenjin sub tribe have had difference based on intermarriages with other tribes - Kipsigis for example have some gusii/maasia/okiek blood...Nandi has luhya and maasai blood...Pokot has lots of turkana and maasai blood..all these things influence the language...kipsigis of Bomet has some gusii language influence....same way Pokot has turkana influence.
I think you are intentionally avoiding the main argument. It doesn't matter Meru having 9 subtribes actually it could have even 50 the FACT is that they are all MUTUALLY intelligible. And when you bring Kambas,Kikuyu,Embus,Kirinyaga name them the intelligibility between these languages is 70% at the minimum all across this is a linguistic fact furthermore they constitute a language continuum that lacks in other groupings like baluhya mijikenda,kalenjin.You have stated marakwet pokot are about 50% intelligible with Nandi-Kipsigis. So this clearly means easily Kikuyu,Kamba,Meru,Embu,kirinyaga,mbeere can be easily be constituted in one Tribe going by the definitions that constituted Kalenjin,Miji kenda and Luhya simply on the basis of them having a superior percentage of intelligibility alone even without pulling other obvious factors. Tell me am wrong on this very simple FACT??
Its clear pundit you have a layman understanding of linguistics you are really struggling to explain simple point s. But I guess even Mr. know it all has his limits
So there is no kinship ties among Meru and Kikuyu and also names are lacking between both? You sound like Abiy Ahmed himself. Pundit i think you going bonkers nowadays bana. I saw you say Kalenjin are even Nilo-Cushitic(Lunacy )
All mountain kabilas have some level of kinship ties and share again like 80% of names but not all. Are you saying all kalenjin kabilas share all names?
Abdi Pundit even among speakers of a same language differences exit in names for example Kikuyu there are names typical of Nyeri but not Kiambu and viceversa in kirinyaga,Muranga and so on am I wrong???. Same to Meru ,kamba even among English speakers they will tell you that a specific name is from a specific region And in spain france etc
Your points are invalid and you hereby dismissed concentrate on mathematics and numbers otherwise hapa nitakupiga kama mburukenge.
And to leave you with just a tiny of names shared across mountain include ,karimi,murimi,gitonga,muchiri,kobia,mugambi,munene,kinyua,kiambi,mukami,muthoni,wanja,Njuki,muthomi,muriuki,kariuki The names are hundreds.
Mark you some names are so common among the kabilas unless you chcek where someone was born you will never tell if they are Meru kikuyu,embu or kamba.