You are either not normal like KenyaPlato or have a LOW IQ - the latter being most likely.
Uhuru role in appointment has been dealt with by the constitutional court - it's mere ceremonial. Just like the wigs the judges wear.
Secondly, even if we were to assume Uhuru had some vetting role - it's FLIES AGAINST ALL LOGIC - that a corrupt or unethical judge can continue to hold the office of the high court - but not COA or be magistrate but not a judge. All judicial officers have to meet the SAME INTEGRITY STANDARD - it doesn't matter the level. Every judicial officer is held to the same very high standards of integrity...because indeed they make weighty decisions -and should be beyond supsicion like the Ceasar wife.
UFOOL would only make some little sense if he was rejecting new appointment to the bench.
But now what you're saying - that six can continue to dispense justice in high court - with serious accusation be held somewhere.
UFOOL should do very simple task. FORWARD NIS DOSSIER to JSC immediately. Make it PUBLIC. Let the judges be confronted with allegations and let them defend themselves.
There is a procedure at JSC - to weight evidence - if there are serious - Uhuru will be asked to form a tribunal - of eminent judges - to recommend either removal or dismissal of the allegation.
UFOOL should be very careful with
1) dragging kenya to civil war - in a transition year - he will pay dearly and may not enjoy his retirement and
2) violating the constitution - he will also not enjoy his retirement - because COK2010 SIO MCHEZO. It will come back to bite him. When he won't be PORK - someone can go to court - and he can at very least be forced to pay lots of money as the constitution demands.
You are deluded. Koome is just allowing uhuru to exercise his powers as given by katiba. The 6 rejects can go to court
It is amusing reading the Tangatanga comedy of errors. I can plaster as numerous tweets of people who agree with Uhuru. To answer Noway, the CJ swears in PORK to assure integrity as in Kibaki ukora. Equally, PORK cannot swear in dubious characters as briefed by NIS. These judges were rejected long before BBI ruling. 2 years.
Robert Alai says one of them has been holding sex orgies and that is damning. What law abiding folks should demand is to see the NIS dossier. Please stop attacking our Dear New CJ ... respect her judicial independence