Since 1963,People who stole public land and public money through corruption proceeds have ended up very badly.They ended up with court cases or chronic diseases while the people who inherited that money either squandered it or died from drug overdose or tragic deaths.
When you steal public funds,just know there is someone dying in hospital,sleeping hungry or lacking healthcare.As you invest those proceeds of crime for your children to inherit,there is someone cursing you.
Public service is servanthood.Its not a get rich quick scheme.
Not true because there is no evidence-based or even literature review that corrupt money is cursed. Companies, organizations, and countries that engaged in the most corrupt, evil, and demonic slavery of humans on an industrial scale are the wealthiest and have thrived over the centuries. Catholic church, Anglican church, especially the Canterbury church of England, traded slaves and had people carving slaves with hot iron, while some engaged in sadistic sex, rape, mutilation, and other forms of crazy stuff. America is the richest country because of slavery, rape, murder, and unimaginable corruption, yet they continue to prosper. Currently, Israel and the US are relentlessly bombarding the Palestinian people. In Iraq, 1 million people were wiped out by George Bush over lies. If I were to defend a thesis, I'd argue the opposite because it seems there is overwhelming evidence that those who engage in the most evil forms of corruption tend to do well in the long run. Top Fortune 500 companies in the US are most tied to the sweat and tears of African slaves. Jews are the richest group of people partly because of slavery in the Americas.
Church of England's ties to chattel slavery went to top of hierarchy. An archbishop of Canterbury in the 18th century approved payments for the purchase of enslaved people for two sugar plantations in Barbados, documents seen by the Observer have revealed