
Forum => Kenya Discussion => Topic started by: vooke on September 17, 2019, 05:53:13 PM

Title: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on September 17, 2019, 05:53:13 PM
Starting this thread to keep tally of all counties rejecting it.

Muranga has rejected it.

I think Ruto is running on hubris

Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on September 17, 2019, 05:58:49 PM
Starting this thread to keep tally of all counties rejecting it.

Muranga has rejected it.

I think Ruto is running on hubris

 :D.  He might actually believe he has a shot at getting power.  Stranger things have happened.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 17, 2019, 06:00:19 PM
You can add Siaya and kirinyaga against..and Uasin Gishu for.I don't think Ruto wants PMI except as counter to BBi.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 17, 2019, 06:06:31 PM
It appears the same strategy Waiguru used in Kirinyanga- initiate a vote on PMI - and call a seconder - who then refuses to second the motion. The motion is not put to vote but in abayeance for six months.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 17, 2019, 06:27:27 PM
Haven't you been saying that for decades now - while Ruto has continued to rise to become DPORK - just a heartbeat (uhurus) away from PORK.

Ruto doesn't want both PMI and BBI. When BBI suceeds - it has very very long path it need to walk - to get to Aukot stage - then you can talk Ruto chance for 2012 diminishing.  If BBI has chance of success...Ruto will probably come with his own popular initiative to ammend the katiba...because a lot of PMI stuff are not practical.

Ruto remain the hot favourite according to all opinion pollsters to nick it.

:D.  He might actually believe he has a shot at getting power.  Stranger things have happened.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Pajero on September 17, 2019, 10:36:35 PM
Ruto is just an  over hyped political thug,only kalenjin counties will pass PMI,

In by your
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 17, 2019, 11:55:34 PM
Now Ruto doesn't want Punguza - a 180 - cause it a good litmus test of his popularity. He's coming up short. Ruto once BBI become unstoppable - will support it shingo upande - to avoid losing wind on his sail.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on September 18, 2019, 05:59:23 AM
You can add Siaya and kirinyaga against..and Uasin Gishu for.I don't think Ruto wants PMI except as counter to BBi.

How does he counter BBI by voting against PMI in his 'strongholds'?
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 18, 2019, 06:50:56 AM
Obviously PMI has impractical proposal that cannot be cured like making every audit query a criminal offence and requiring corruption cases be heard and determined in 1 month plus 7 yr term.But it's good propaganda against BBI.. because Kenya wants Mzigo to be Punguzaed while BBI will likely want to bring NARA like expanded executive.I think Ruto is also aware that PMI will be hard to kill when it passes he may well decide to kill it now.And wait for BBI to kill it too...BBI has not even started...the popular initiative will see BBI going to square one to collect 1m signatures (3-6 months), get IEBC to verifty(3 Months), go through MCAS(3 months), then parliament(3 months - if not more - committee stage, public participation & a voe), then wait for budget for referendum (budget  june 2021?), then have IEBC prepare a referendum (2022 or earliest late 2021?) - all that before 2012 and the best case scenario....and besides Ruto can come up with his own Popular Initiate .
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 18, 2019, 02:20:10 PM
Homabay county shots down the bill.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Pajero on September 18, 2019, 04:16:46 PM
I hope you are counting,i think only kalenjin counties will pass the bill led by uasin gishu
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 18, 2019, 07:31:39 PM
I hope you are counting,i think only kalenjin counties will pass the bill led by uasin gishu

Pundit is going with the flow - the dispassionate analysis is MIA.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 18, 2019, 07:55:31 PM
PMI has serious issues - that cannot be cured. It's only good as propaganda weapon.
Pundit is going with the flow - the dispassionate analysis is MIA.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 18, 2019, 08:01:57 PM
Ok, that's a good enough reason for the 180. As BBI steamroll the counties, am sure you will discover some merit to celebrate inclusion.

PMI has serious issues - that cannot be cured. It's only good as propaganda weapon.
Pundit is going with the flow - the dispassionate analysis is MIA.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 18, 2019, 08:12:35 PM
I don't think Uhuru is serious with BBI - hii ni karata inacheswa.
So this is BBI gameplan. They will come out with report on 11 issues.
Uhuru and the public will discuss the report... I don't know the timelines...but surely you cannot expect anything less than 3-6 months.
Then Uhuru will probably form an implementation committee...or turn BBI into one.
Comittee will then again go round drafting bills - that will somehow get to parliament.
Parliament is bullwark against BBI. They know it's an illegal thing that Uhuru is playing games with.
So maybe BBI will turn into OKOA kenya - signature collection.
Maybe this time round Kibicho-Nancy will use the prov administration? to collect signatures?
Otherwise the earliest that process can start in next year....and it will probably take 3-6 months.
That is already past mid next year.
Budget will be read minus referendum budget.
The last half of next year - maybe it will go to IEBC - for verification & then court cases.
We are already in 2021?
Then BBI will got to counties. Ruto will easily find 24 counties to block it. I can tell you 14 counties of RV are nearly enough.
Then it goes to parliament - and fails.
Then it goes for referendum...
And then Uhuru quietly retires :)
And then Ruto take over.

Ok, that's a good enough reason for the 180. As BBI steamroll the counties, am sure you will discover some merit to celebrate inclusion.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 18, 2019, 08:38:10 PM
You been claiming BBI is illegal - while the DOA Punguza is legit. BBI taskforce you derided as a wazee baraza in March 2018. It is now finalizing and you are still at it. Get ready to wear No t-shirt - in case they don't manage to skirt referendum clause - if Ruto doesn't surrender way earlier and make it unanimous.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 18, 2019, 08:45:52 PM
The thing is illegal. How can I start getting ready when procedure for conducting referendum has not even started :). BBI have not done STEP 0NE. Step one is to come up with a bill and start signature collection. Punguza has managed two hurdles so far. 1M signatures. Raila's OKOA managed 800k. Punguza is now with Counties. Turkana boy has outdone Raila. That is what I tell politician who want to succeed in like Ruto..don't respect OLD REPUTATION ETI BABA NI HATARI SANA :). He is an empty suit.

Turkana boy has gone the furthest anybody has come to amending our katiba. When we voted NO - part of the reasons was that it would be nearly impossible to amend this katiba.Raila said just pass it - and we will ammend later - okay to hit brick in stage 1 - signature collection OKOA RAILA

Get used to this Katiba. It's not easy to ammend it. Once Punguza goes through MCAs. Parliament is waiting for them with all games of tricks..including sitting on it forever.

Why would Duale and Jubilee majority in parliament not sit on BBI too - "forever" -  knowing Ruto will be shoe-in in 2022 :).

Siasa sio transparent game. It's game of trickery. You have to learn to separate smokes & mirrors from the real thing.

You been claiming BBI is illegal - while the DOA Punguza is legit. BBI taskforce you derided as a wazee baraza in March 2018. It is now finalizing and you are still at it. Get ready to wear No t-shirt - in case they don't manage to skirt referendum clause - if Ruto doesn't surrender way earlier and make it unanimous.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 18, 2019, 09:44:32 PM
Still waiting to learn how BBI is illegal.

New katiba passed cause two of three power bases supported it. Same as BBI. Yes and No are largely intact. And that was a WHOLE NEW katiba - this is a mere amendment.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 18, 2019, 09:53:26 PM
I asked you what interests would make MCAs or MPs block BBI? Anything logical besides their dicy homage to Ruto. Unlike Punguza ignorance - hopefully BBI won't attempt to brazenly gut MPs. Let's wait for Ruto to oppose more devolution or inclusion.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 18, 2019, 09:58:17 PM
The parliamentary system is an optimal model. Separates the ceremonial state from the daily government. Keeps the exec in proper check. So you have it in 90% of the developed nations.

And what's your reason for backing the divisive ethereal presidency? I mean besides tribalism.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 07:16:06 AM
If GEMA Will accept parliamentary system then they are idiots.They can as well kiss Kenya political leadership goodbye.The entire Mt Kenya including diaspora have about 20% of parliament.I can understand why Duale and pastoralists would be happy with such a proposals.Anyway BBI is Raila stew.He has been allowed to pick whatever he wants because it's going nowhere.If it was genuine there would have been very serious negotiation on things GEMA CRA formula, constituency delimitation, devolution.In short BBI like Punguza will have issues that many will find fault in.For exampl Mwananchi used to universal suffrage will not accept that taken from them....When the deal is too good like BBI think twice.Constitution making is serious business... Jubilee has not even bothered to present their views to BBI.Maybe Uhuru secretly presented his views....
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 08:06:04 AM
BBI is illegal. Uhuru should have forwarded BBI to parliament - even as private member motion - to be endorsed by parliament. On the alternative he should have invoke his powers to form a commision of inquiry named BBI. They would have been funded by Treasury with a vote from parliament. But it a secret deal that is funded secretly by Kibicho miscellaneous fund under 'peacekeeping activities". Yes it was gazetted...but that is far as it goes.
Still waiting to learn how BBI is illegal.

New katiba passed cause two of three power bases supported it. Same as BBI. Yes and No are largely intact. And that was a WHOLE NEW katiba - this is a mere amendment.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 08:46:33 AM
1. GEMA numbers are dwindling fast - it Duale who is wrong. Somali and NFD have been busting the seams despite poverty and drought. Some fools like Ephraim Maina think census 2009 was cooked. It wasn't.

2. if Exec PM is slated as Uhuru 2.0 - Gema will back Uhuru when tire meet the road. Luo/Luhya/Kamba/Mijikenda and minorities will back inclusion and more devolution.

3. Jubilee could not present to BBI due to civil war. Who would appear before panel? - Tuju and Murathe :D what is Jubilee position on anything? It was boycott by mayhem not by design. The Kiraitus of course presented as counties or CoG.

In short unless Uhuru & Babu sleep on the job - and allow moronic regional 3tier crap. Or some unworkable PORK-PM mongrel.. Ruto is in for a rough ride.

If GEMA Will accept parliamentary system then they are idiots.They can as well kiss Kenya political leadership goodbye.The entire Mt Kenya including diaspora have about 20% of parliament.I can understand why Duale and pastoralists would be happy with such a proposals.Anyway BBI is Raila stew.He has been allowed to pick whatever he wants because it's going nowhere.If it was genuine there would have been very serious negotiation on things GEMA CRA formula, constituency delimitation, devolution.In short BBI like Punguza will have issues that many will find fault in.For exampl Mwananchi used to universal suffrage will not accept that taken from them....When the deal is too good like BBI think twice.Constitution making is serious business... Jubilee has not even bothered to present their views to BBI.Maybe Uhuru secretly presented his views....
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 08:50:18 AM
Pundit which significant politician backs Ruto? Nanok? Kibwana? Referendum would be 2010 redux.. Kalenjin and a few Turkana can't hit 30%.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 09:07:29 AM
It will be some years before Somalis number reflect in voter registers. GEMA are going to dominate because they've more adults (over 18) than kids.GEMA all the way to Meru have 67mps...that is about 19% of National assembly. I think Kalenjin are about 55 -nearly 15%. When it comes to votes...the story is different...GEMA have nearly twice as many votes.

There is no guarantee that somebody with 19% of Mps (Uhuru) will win PM :). There is no guarantee that Raila will not betray Uhuru. Raila is offering two birds in the bush. Ruto is giving them one bird in the hand (DPORK & 50-50). Ruto has track record, he keep his promises and has earned GEMA trust. Selling Rala is not a walk in the park...ask Nancy-Kibicho.

Anyway I believe if Uhuru/GEMA were genuine about BBI - we would have had a very robust engagement - not a carte blanche menu for Raila where he picks what he wants. Raila has basically picked Bomas draft...that GEMA 15yrs ago refused and that in 2010 didn't want anything to do.If you go to a deal...and your opponent agrees to everything your say -- then hapo unacheswa.

BBI is going to be out soon. Let see how the cookie crumbles.

1. GEMA numbers are dwindling fast - it Duale who is wrong. Somali and NFD have been busting the seams despite poverty and drought. Some fools like Ephraim Maina think census 2009 was cooked. It wasn't.

2. if Exec PM is slated as Uhuru 2.0 - Gema will back Uhuru when tire meet the road. Luo/Luhya/Kamba/Mijikenda and minorities will back inclusion and more devolution.

3. Jubilee could not present to BBI due to civil war. Who would appear before panel? - Tuju and Murathe :D what is Jubilee position on anything? It was boycott by mayhem not by design. The Kiraitus of course presented as counties or CoG.

In short unless Uhuru & Babu sleep on the job - and allow moronic regional 3tier crap. Or some unworkable PORK-PM mongrel.. Ruto is in for a rough ride.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 09:13:16 AM
Define significant. Ruto has the backing of Jubilee party except a few confused rebels following the wind. He also has won support non-Jubilee. Ruto I believe will score about 60% of vote in 2022 if Uhuru stick to the deal like I think he will.
Pundit which significant politician backs Ruto? Nanok? Kibwana? Referendum would be 2010 redux.. Kalenjin and a few Turkana can't hit 30%.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 09:24:43 AM
Decide which is which first.
Gema backed Bomas-Kilifi to the last man.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 12:03:45 PM
You can revise history but it abit harder to revise reality. Tribal Kenya has well known tribal gods. Uhuru, Babu, Ruto - top tier. Kalonzo, Mdvd 2nd tier. Even likes of Weta, Dr Mutua,  Kingi or Johos. No leader of any gravitas back Ruto. In fact they are all in Handshake and BBI. Ruto can only manage Nanok and such 4th tier. That why having 90% Jubilee mp's amount next to nothing. Cause they are mere pawns. Mere nobody Nyoros and Jumwas. It why your boy sing Baba Nyayo Uhuru - as the blows rain hard on his crew.  There are few to no influencers in Tanga Tanga.

Define significant. Ruto has the backing of Jubilee party except a few confused rebels following the wind. He also has won support non-Jubilee. Ruto I believe will score about 60% of vote in 2022 if Uhuru stick to the deal like I think he will.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 12:17:54 PM
Bomas and Kilifi were both hybrid - exact as NARA. Don't tell us Gema read hybrid Kilifi and were satisfied that it address their interest. Or well - Kalenjin opposed Katiba 2010 - Naivasha Draft - now they believe it perfect as holy bible. All that matter is what Ruto or Babu or Uhuru tell them to support.

Decide which is which first.
Gema backed Bomas-Kilifi to the last man.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 12:24:05 PM
Okay you have a point. Let us wait for BBI then.
Bomas and Kilifi were both hybrid - exact as NARA. Don't tell us Gema read hybrid Kilifi and were satisfied that it address their interest. Or well - Kalenjin opposed Katiba 2010 - Naivasha Draft - now they believe it perfect as holy bible. All that matter is what Ruto or Babu or Uhuru tell them to support.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 01:27:34 PM
What do you got to say - about the gaping influencer drought in Tanga Tanga?

You can revise history but it abit harder to revise reality. Tribal Kenya has well known tribal gods. Uhuru, Babu, Ruto - top tier. Kalonzo, Mdvd 2nd tier. Even likes of Weta, Dr Mutua,  Kingi or Johos. No leader of any gravitas back Ruto. In fact they are all in Handshake and BBI. Ruto can only manage Nanok and such 4th tier. That why having 90% Jubilee mp's amount next to nothing. Cause they are mere pawns. Mere nobody Nyoros and Jumwas. It why your boy sing Baba Nyayo Uhuru - as the blows rain hard on his crew.  There are few to no influencers in Tanga Tanga.

Define significant. Ruto has the backing of Jubilee party except a few confused rebels following the wind. He also has won support non-Jubilee. Ruto I believe will score about 60% of vote in 2022 if Uhuru stick to the deal like I think he will.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Pajero on September 19, 2019, 05:49:59 PM
Robina,please go slow on Pundit.Dont punch too much.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 06:42:05 PM
Robina,please go slow on Pundit.Dont punch too much.

 :D hey siz... Pundit is distracted and confused by Uhuru's fast and furious blows same as his sleazebag hero. Beyond the courage veneer they're squirming and screaming for help.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 06:51:15 PM
Sounds like reverse psychology. You better start preparing for 10yrs of Dr Ruto presidency.
:D hey siz... Pundit is distracted and confused by Uhuru's fast and furious blows same as his sleazebag hero. Beyond the courage veneer they're squirming and screaming for help.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 06:53:01 PM
I guess you're back from a long depression. This time round - when Uhuru will be done with Raila - even Raila himself will disappear.
Robina,please go slow on Pundit.Dont punch too much.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 06:57:41 PM
This atypical Pundit we are seeing is distracted. All ifs, buts and maybe's - about Uhuru playing Babu. Why appease the old vanquished Babu for so long? Why so much conjectures and theories? - cause the reality is unpalatable.

Sounds like reverse psychology. You better start preparing for 10yrs of Dr Ruto presidency.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 07:21:55 PM
Which reality ---even Babu Owino is smarter than you. Honestly what is your IQ - 75?

Let me quote him for you.

Baba must be very careful with this thing called *HANDSHAKE* No fruits so far.We can’t be duped twice.President Uhuru must be genuine with this handshake.Baba we must be very careful and if the *marriage*is void coz one party is incompetent for being in a subsisting marriage or voidable coz it’s not consummated then we must be out very fast.We need not lie to each other and in return their intention is to embarrass you.Jubilee must never and will never win kibra.I’m ready to go back to the bush

This atypical Pundit we are seeing is distracted. All ifs, buts and maybe's - about Uhuru playing Babu. Why appease the old vanquished Babu for so long? Why so much conjectures and theories? - cause the reality is unpalatable.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 19, 2019, 08:40:30 PM
I can quote Sudi on betrayal in the city. Without google. It mean little.

On the under the belt - you're a Miguna type windbag. Chasing your own tail - spin from Mavoko to Gabartonjo. Bure bilashi.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 19, 2019, 09:31:46 PM
Time and track record speaks for itself.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on September 24, 2019, 07:46:05 PM
Nyamira has rejected it
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 24, 2019, 08:18:55 PM
They same time..dont vote on it but postpone thro a technicality.this will lead to supreme court
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 24, 2019, 09:33:30 PM
Ruto and Tanga Tanga abandoned Punguza after smelling defeat.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 24, 2019, 10:57:10 PM
Maybe -- but Punguza should be let to play out - let MCA vote on it's merit - not try to use technicality on a constitutional bill that has 1.2M signatures behind it.  I am okay if MCA wakes up, vote on it, let us know 10 mca are for and 20 against.
Ruto and Tanga Tanga abandoned Punguza after smelling defeat.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on September 25, 2019, 03:14:32 AM
That's idealist thinking - I guess you are no longer Machiavellian. Uhuru-Raila vs Ruto is playing out live - as you can see your boy is losing. It 5-1 now or something.

Maybe -- but Punguza should be let to play out - let MCA vote on it's merit - not try to use technicality on a constitutional bill that has 1.2M signatures behind it.  I am okay if MCA wakes up, vote on it, let us know 10 mca are for and 20 against.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 25, 2019, 07:22:23 PM
Kiambu I hear has rejected PMI.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 25, 2019, 10:39:14 PM
Aukot getting schooled at attempt deal with one issue although honest amending Katiba takes will need a civil war...not happening soon
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on September 26, 2019, 08:54:25 PM
Kisii drops it like it's hot
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 26, 2019, 09:24:43 PM
1 against 7
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 27, 2019, 01:25:06 PM
Nation has a tracker...I hope they update it
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on September 28, 2019, 05:40:36 PM
This thing is stillborn
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 29, 2019, 03:52:13 PM
Yep Ruto drops it.Piir Turkana boy amchua achui.Lesdpn for others deal with one issue at time HTTPS://
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on September 29, 2019, 04:49:09 PM
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kadudu on September 29, 2019, 05:25:55 PM
Ruto should be honest and tell the public sometimes mpango wa kando can bring blessings like for example Baby Abby. :D :D :D
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 08, 2019, 01:39:11 PM
NAKURU BECOMES the eighth county to reject the Punguza Mizigo bill 2019; MCAs argue proposed law threatens constituencies and their positions
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on October 08, 2019, 04:33:05 PM
Nairobi has rejected it
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on October 08, 2019, 10:32:15 PM
Makueni too
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on October 09, 2019, 05:37:03 PM
Laikipia, Tharaka,Kakamega
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 09, 2019, 05:39:32 PM
Poor Turkana boy. This should convince him to try something else. Politics iko na wenyewe :)
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 09, 2019, 05:40:23 PM
Add Kitui to the rejection list.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kadudu on October 09, 2019, 06:19:29 PM

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Is there no vacancy in Sugoi like Gatekeeper? It is very lucrative job as we can see what it did to Maryanne Keitanny.

Poor Turkana boy. This should convince him to try something else. Politics iko na wenyewe :)
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 09, 2019, 06:43:37 PM
Aukot is a rent seeker. He is onto that Prof Moraa petition against BBI. As he waits for the next gig. Proper activists are likes of Omtata or Bonnie Mwangi.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 09, 2019, 10:50:08 PM
That I believe is an option...he needs to tame his ambition and naivety.  He is presenting a poison chalice.Every suspicion or audit query become criminal

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Is there no vacancy in Sugoi like Gatekeeper? It is very lucrative job as we can see what it did to Maryanne Keitanny.

Poor Turkana boy. This should convince him to try something else. Politics iko na wenyewe :)
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on October 15, 2019, 06:29:34 PM
Tana River
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 15, 2019, 09:32:48 PM
Dead as dodo.Admittedly didn't see this coming.I thought MCAs would fall for Ward Funds
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 15, 2019, 10:07:38 PM
That's because you are a quack. I thought it might make some headway cause of Ruto tacit support. But it was DOA for MPs - so their threat to "sit" on it is credible.

Dead as dodo.Admittedly didn't see this coming.I thought MCAs would fall for Ward Funds
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 15, 2019, 10:21:20 PM
Nandi too.This might end up 46-1.Poor Turkana boy.Lesson for others.Get used to katiba.Changing it is a Herculean task.He can be proud he went this far..Okoa Kenya died on signature collections
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 15, 2019, 10:22:32 PM
That's because you are a quack. I thought it might make some headway cause of Ruto tacit support. But it was DOA for MPs - so their threat to "sit" on it is credible.

Dead as dodo.Admittedly didn't see this coming.I thought MCAs would fall for Ward Funds
I am human like Dr Aukot who thought he had great any case it was going nowhere.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: vooke on October 16, 2019, 01:26:08 PM
Nandi and Elgeyo Marakwet
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kadudu on October 16, 2019, 02:58:11 PM
Aukot is just another arrogant intellectual. Worse than Anyang Nyong'o. He cannot even let the moderator ask questions and insists on talking all the time.

Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 16, 2019, 03:31:41 PM
Narok rejects it
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on October 16, 2019, 04:06:26 PM
Aukot is just another arrogant intellectual. Worse than Anyang Nyong'o. He cannot even let the moderator ask questions and insists on talking all the time.

He is funny.  His outfit is also a joke.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 16, 2019, 05:09:44 PM
It shows BBI gravity.

Nandi too.This might end up 46-1.Poor Turkana boy.Lesson for others.Get used to katiba.Changing it is a Herculean task.He can be proud he went this far..Okoa Kenya died on signature collections
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 16, 2019, 05:11:59 PM
Aukot is just another arrogant intellectual. Worse than Anyang Nyong'o. He cannot even let the moderator ask questions and insists on talking all the time.

He is funny.  His outfit is also a joke.

Lol. He claims most MCAs are independent. How can "alliance" have ZERO elects? At least Kiraitu's Alliance Party - Mbuss - had 2 senators and a governor.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 16, 2019, 06:04:52 PM
Baringo & Embu refuses PMI.But Aukot should take this as lesson.He came this time concentrate on single issue although honestly ammending this Katiba is no joke.Just so many hurdles to jump.Parliament was waiting for them long executive start on him
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 16, 2019, 07:10:28 PM
Bomet rejects it with 32 versus 8.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 16, 2019, 08:23:00 PM
Aukot is Miguna. Low iQ, arrogant, no credibility, politically impotent. A windbag. How can he try such an overhaul yet he was CEO in Kitongo's committee of experts?

Baringo & Embu refuses PMI.But Aukot should take this as lesson.He came this time concentrate on single issue although honestly ammending this Katiba is no joke.Just so many hurdles to jump.Parliament was waiting for them long executive start on him
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 16, 2019, 09:27:49 PM
Aukot is Miguna. Low iQ, arrogant, no credibility, politically impotent. A windbag. How can he try such an overhaul yet he was CEO in Kitongo's committee of experts?

Baringo & Embu refuses PMI.But Aukot should take this as lesson.He came this time concentrate on single issue although honestly ammending this Katiba is no joke.Just so many hurdles to jump.Parliament was waiting for them long executive start on him
I know he did the most sacrilegious thing to dare think without baba permission but he is no miguna.He already got further than anybody has in ammending the Katiba.According to Nzamba Kitonga Naivasha PSC altered cut him some slack.We need the Aukots and okiya Omtatah..even miguna migunas & railas though they are radical unconstitutional means can destroy the nation.Aukot should take courage for having come this far...and soldier on...there is enough space for everyone...he had the right message ..punguza mzigo but went overboard.Next time Kenyans cry about expensive gov Aukot will be laughing.What next..copy Ruto he did in 2010 & 2002..admit defeat and wish Kenya the very best.Dont sulk like Raila a well known sore loser.Just listen to what MCAs have said and get back to work.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 16, 2019, 10:11:39 PM
That Aukot arrogance and demeanor is exactly Miguna. At least the latter only tried governor. Those rookie mistakes - 30-day trial, all appeals in 15 days, audit query as criminal proof, etc. 2 MPs + senator + governor all representing one county. Gutting parliament with 300K and capped budget. PORK 500K. Not even a Karua backing him. The naivety and incompetence are baffling.

Omtata is much better - running to court on clause by clause - real stuff. Omtata and Boni Mwangi are activists. Aukot and Miguna are clowns.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 16, 2019, 10:22:52 PM
Miguna has more serious issues..Dr Aukot issues are fixable..more naivety than mental illness.If he humble himself and admit failure...he will regain respect..the average Kenyan support his punguza mzigo
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 01:38:44 AM
Aukot has a massive ego.. seen on youtube how dismissive he is when asked for proof of MCA bribery. He is incapable of introspection like Karua. You are a drafter of a new constitution. You run for president and score zero. From that you gather Kenyans want you to fix the constitution?  :o Any law student would have told him 30-45 day full trial is impractical. The hare-brained overload of county as electoral unit. Then 7yr PORK... which out-sync MP terms. Only 35% devolution didn't have serious lacuna.

Then the way he has multiple hashtags for the same thing. Punguza Mizigo doesn't roll off the tongue - so folks call it Mzigo - but the fool can't get it. So you say he represents Wanjiku... nope. You need a BRAIN to champion Wanjiku - Aukot lacks that basic feature.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 02:03:42 AM
I know he did the most sacrilegious thing to dare think without baba permission but he is no miguna.He already got further than anybody has in ammending the Katiba.According to Nzamba Kitonga Naivasha PSC altered cut him some slack.We need the Aukots and okiya Omtatah..even miguna migunas & railas though they are radical unconstitutional means can destroy the nation.Aukot should take courage for having come this far...and soldier on...there is enough space for everyone...he had the right message ..punguza mzigo but went overboard.Next time Kenyans cry about expensive gov Aukot will be laughing.What next..copy Ruto he did in 2010 & 2002..admit defeat and wish Kenya the very best.Dont sulk like Raila a well known sore loser.Just listen to what MCAs have said and get back to work.

Ruto has never nearly won but get cheated on anything. 2002 he was a nobody - Uhuru got a meagre 25%. No concession needed.

2007 - hehe. Genocide. Dude wasn't even a candidate but he commanded Kalenjin network. You'd have thought he and Karua were the front-runners.The case is on ice after witnesses died, disappered, refused to testify or recanted. No prize for guessing what happened.

2010 - No dismal 30% - no concession needed.

Ruto needs to first be a candidate - garner substantive following - score something worth conceding. Face the GoK machiney - dead IEBC officials, his agents or advisors deported, his offices raided, his plans sabotaged, etc - such real contentions and doubts about integrity of the outcome. Run to SCORK - scared judges don't show up. Now concede. 8) 8)  Then you can compare him with Babu.

I mean all the daylight foulplay - mlolongo and corruption - he still has the manifesto of quivers - this is your democrat?  :o It's easier to sell the "hardworking" or "achiever" or "trustworthy". Few positive words can describe Ruto.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 04:16:26 AM
When Raila was attempting to overthrow Moi in 82 which elections had he been rigged out.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kadudu on October 17, 2019, 10:08:14 AM
No wonder such fellows meaning good for the country, but get nowhere. He has no idea of how the common man in the streets thinks.

Miguna has more serious issues..Dr Aukot issues are fixable..more naivety than mental illness.If he humble himself and admit failure...he will regain respect..the average Kenyan support his punguza mzigo
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kadudu on October 17, 2019, 10:09:09 AM
At that time Moi was a total dictator and any coup attempt was welcome.

When Raila was attempting to overthrow Moi in 82 which elections had he been rigged out.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 11:04:43 AM
But these kinds of guys get there by thinking differently? If he thought like a commoner - he'd be whinning. I cannot fault him for attempting - he clearly has good ideas and means well for the country.
No wonder such fellows meaning good for the country, but get nowhere. He has no idea of how the common man in the streets thinks.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 11:06:07 AM
Raila still trying to overthrow the gov. If he was a true democract - he would long have resigned and given the mantle to someone else to try. He has a messiah complex.
At that time Moi was a total dictator and any coup attempt was welcome.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kadudu on October 17, 2019, 11:21:43 AM
Raila is still going strong. Just ask Ida. :D :D :D
Btw, who gave the mantle to William Ruto? The mantle is not given on a silver platter. One has to nyakua it. Even Uhuru born with a silver spoon in the mouth had to establish himself as Kikuyu kingpin through his contribution to the 2007/2008 political skirmishes.

Raila still trying to overthrow the gov. If he was a true democract - he would long have resigned and given the mantle to someone else to try. He has a messiah complex.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 11:27:39 AM
Hillary Clinton is strong but in a democracy - once you lose once or twice - clearly you should quit - the same with those that win. There are term limits to ensure democracy refreshes leaders. If Ruto rans twice - for PORK and loses - he need to resign and try something else.

This is part of democracy that Africans have yet to internalize.

Look at KIbaki - we ended with a cabbage - he should have long resigned for someone else in 2002.

Raila is still going strong. Just ask Ida. :D :D :D
Btw, who gave the mantle to William Ruto? The mantle is not given on a silver platter. One has to nyakua it. Even Uhuru born with a silver spoon in the mouth had to establish himself as Kikuyu kingpin through his contribution to the 2007/2008 political skirmishes.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Dear Mami on October 17, 2019, 02:07:13 PM
I know he did the most sacrilegious thing to dare think without baba permission but he is no miguna.He already got further than anybody has in ammending the Katiba.According to Nzamba Kitonga Naivasha PSC altered cut him some slack.We need the Aukots and okiya Omtatah..even miguna migunas & railas though they are radical unconstitutional means can destroy the nation.Aukot should take courage for having come this far...and soldier on...there is enough space for everyone...he had the right message ..punguza mzigo but went overboard.Next time Kenyans cry about expensive gov Aukot will be laughing.What next..copy Ruto he did in 2010 & 2002..admit defeat and wish Kenya the very best.Dont sulk like Raila a well known sore loser.Just listen to what MCAs have said and get back to work.

Ruto has never nearly won but get cheated on anything. 2002 he was a nobody - Uhuru got a meagre 25%. No concession needed.

2007 - hehe. Genocide. Dude wasn't even a candidate but he commanded Kalenjin network. You'd have thought he and Karua were the front-runners.The case is on ice after witnesses died, disappered, refused to testify or recanted. No prize for guessing what happened.

2010 - No dismal 30% - no concession needed.

Ruto needs to first be a candidate - garner substantive following - score something worth conceding. Face the GoK machiney - dead IEBC officials, his agents or advisors deported, his offices raided, his plans sabotaged, etc - such real contentions and doubts about integrity of the outcome. Run to SCORK - scared judges don't show up. Now concede. 8) 8)  Then you can compare him with Babu.

I mean all the daylight foulplay - mlolongo and corruption - he still has the manifesto of quivers - this is your democrat?  :o It's easier to sell the "hardworking" or "achiever" or "trustworthy". Few positive words can describe Ruto.

He he, yawa Robina. Kuwa mpole. You are swinging the hammer bila huruma.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 04:22:19 PM
Kadame :D Pundit has a point about democracy - but he winds morals like a majira clock. Democracy is not just about term limits - it includes integrity and many other things. Ruto is a heavy doper but Pundit claims the other athletes are too young or too old.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants on October 17, 2019, 06:01:21 PM
Ekuru wins in Turkana.
TURKANA COUNTY Assembly passes Punguza Mizigo bill becoming the second assembly to approve it after Uasin Gishu; MCAs say proposal will tighten fight against graft.

The sponsor of the bill, Ekuru Aukot, hails from Turkana. (
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 06:26:13 PM
Kadame :D Pundit has a point about democracy - but he winds morals like a majira clock. Democracy is not just about term limits - it includes integrity and many other things. Ruto is a heavy doper but Pundit claims the other athletes are too young or too old.
I don't suffer your double standards where Babu is clean and everyone else dirty.Because we are in environment where everyone dopes I focus myself on performance.I distrust Kenya politician selling integrity or change just like many Kenya's.I want to hear practical solutions to our problems.Dont tell me you will clean our politics.Tell me like Sonko you'll will clean our streets and I will listen.Ruto has very many such ideas.. around providing infrastructure, social services and improving gov services.I don't like Raila big words and zero track record.You can start from Kibera and see what Okoth a mere mp did.Ruto has a reputation of getting stuff done.Those are folks we need now.Look at Meles,Musevenis & kagames..those are corrupt dictators responsible for genocide..but their leadership is effective and common sensical.Who need talkers? we want doers.What biggest issue in Kenya... corruption or fact that only 15% 0f our roads are paved. For me the latter...let elevate such issues that are SMART to the top...Let contest be who will tarmac 50,000kms of roads in next 5 yrs...if you somehow give me roads like electricity now...I really will not care less if you become a dollar billionaire like Bill Gates.You are just public service wizard Pinochet or Suharto.. getting his 10% margin.But if you never steal a coin like Nyerere but end up manufacturing poverty and a Raila leadership has...then clearly you're good for nothing.Give me Jomo Kenyatta any day and have your Nyerere plus all his great empty speeches.Throw his only earthly possession a bicycle and see where Tanzania ended up..Bankruptcy.Look at Trumph... evidence suggest he is better POTUS than Obama.Who cares if he is a clown..he get shiet done...
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 06:48:45 PM
I don't suffer your double standards where Babu is clean and everyone else dirty.Because we are in environment where everyone dopes I focus myself on performance.I distrust Kenya politician selling integrity or change just like many Kenya's.I want to hear practical solutions to our problems.Dont tell me you will clean our politics.Tell me like Sonko you'll will clean our streets and I will listen.Ruto has very many such ideas.. around providing infrastructure, social services and improving gov services.I don't like Raila big words and zero track record.You can start from Kibera and see what Okoth a mere mp did.Ruto has a reputation of getting stuff done.Those are folks we need now.Look at Meles,Musevenis & kagames..those are corrupt dictators responsible for genocide..but their leadership is effective and common sensical.Who need talkers? we want doers.What biggest issue in Kenya... corruption or fact that only 15% 0f our roads are paved. For me the latter...let elevate such issues that are SMART to the top...Let contest be who will tarmac 50,000kms of roads in next 5 yrs...if you somehow give me roads like electricity now...I really will not care less if you become a dollar billionaire like Bill Gates.You are just public service wizard Pinochet or Suharto.. getting his 10% margin.But if you never steal a coin like Nyerere but end up manufacturing poverty and a Raila leadership has...then clearly you're good for nothing.Give me Jomo Kenyatta any day and have your Nyerere plus all his great empty speeches.Look at Triumph... evidence suggest he is better POTUS than Obama.Who cares if he is a clown..he get shiet done...

What double standard? I have admitted Babu or Uhuru are all dirty - the difference is they don't spread the cancer to Wanjiku. Spreading cancer to the the priest and Mama Mboga has a real impact and is an output more visible than GDP.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 06:56:43 PM
There goes whack theory of spreading does fundraising spread corruption.Youre just an idiot.You think because Ruto give out 500mil it will motivate people to go steal than if he owned a county like the kenyattas.The only preaching Ruto does is for people to lead Christian Life, avoid alcohol, build churches and schools.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 06:57:41 PM
Ruto is like Joe Biden. Riding on Obama positives like medicare or green energy or containing the financial meltdown. But he can't escape the Arab Spring and rise of ISIS and wars that have killed millions in the Middle East. He seemed shocked when Bernie Sanders pointed this out.

Ruto is smart and has done some good things yes. The downside is worse. I don't need to redux the many negatives of graft. It's a domino spiral to a bottomless abyss. The other day he said corruption cannot hinder development. 8)  That's all I need to know about his vision.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 07:00:27 PM
Uhuru Kenyatta is a drunkard.Ruto is very brilliant.Your hatred will not dim his brilliance, leadership and Management skills.What Kenya achieve in Jubilee 1.0 is down to Ruto.Wait for Uhuru Big Flop Agenda.Those are signature Uhuru and Ruto has little time for them...Ruto is big on roads, electricity and TIVET...big Flop Agenda of Uhuru will Flop so badly .Housing agenda is failing.Universal health dead as dodo.No leadership.No execution.No seriousness
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 07:06:39 PM
There goes whack theory of spreading does fundraising spread corruption.Youre just an idiot.You think because Ruto give out 500mil it will motivate people to go steal than if he owned a county like the kenyattas.

Yup. Ruto donates 20 million or more a month. Every Joe knows he is a big thief. Uhuru inherited Jomo loot but 30B is just a rumor from Ndii. Graft and evil is spread first and foremost by symbolism - it is why we have a whole chapter in the katiba. If Jomo and Moi did not entrench graft - cops would not be cashiers as folks die on the highway. Mau would not be under serious threat. Al Shaabab would not have slaughterered so many. There would be no mercury sugar. Fewer folks would die from kumi kumi. There would be no sex for grades and dodgy certficates. It is a bottomless pit and a national leader employing graft as his core strategy is no patriot or visionary worth any consideration.

So, the few roads or one-off Suharto story. That is the whack theory.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 07:18:00 PM
Uhuru Kenyatta is a drunkard.Ruto is very brilliant.Your hatred will not dim his brilliance, leadership and Management skills.What Kenya achieve in Jubilee 1.0 is down to Ruto.Wait for Uhuru Big Flop Agenda.Those are signature Uhuru and Ruto has little time for them...Ruto is big on roads, electricity and TIVET...big Flop Agenda of Uhuru will Flop so badly .Housing agenda is failing.Universal health dead as dodo.No leadership.No execution.No seriousness

I guess you blow hot n cold on Uhuru. There is 2day old thread about how he is nailing his legacy. A week earlier you said SGR had ended in a maize plantation in Narok. One minute he has pulled a jujitsu move - now you're onto Big Flop Agenda. If Uhuru endorses Ruto you will declare him a visionary. If he endorses Babu he is a failure and a lazy drunkard. You are the classic flip flop or pendulum.

The only good in Uhuru is scuttling Ruto and throwing Babu a life saver.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 07:20:26 PM
Pundit i could be wrong but Kagame or Meles are ruthless sleaze busters. Or well, China hangs thieves. Indonesia and Chile are outliers that don't help your case. Cause statistics.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 07:55:39 PM
Uhuru legacy is what he achieved with Ruto...Ruto has given him space to nail his legacy...but two years on the big Flop Agenda is dead.His legacy will be great but wait for Ruto mega legacy.Ruto will redefine Kenya.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 07:57:48 PM
Pundit i could be wrong but Kagame or Meles are ruthless sleaze busters. Or well, China hangs thieves. Indonesia and Chile are outliers that don't help your case. Cause statistics.
You theory on graft is just whack.Graft started in 1970s with Ndegwa commission that allowed civil servant to engage in business to supliment their salaries and also grow black owned enterprises.British civil service were not allowed to engage in any business like you find every modern nation.That is the Genesis..not Ruto fundraiser.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 08:01:19 PM
Kagames or Meles or those leadership you quote are ruthless discipline mean machine that get stuff done but the Meles or Kagames also steal their 10% share.Meles reportedly stashed 30b dollars abroad with his tiny tigray elite.Museveni obviously has done the same.I bet Kagame also do the same.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 08:02:35 PM
Pundit i could be wrong but Kagame or Meles are ruthless sleaze busters. Or well, China hangs thieves. Indonesia and Chile are outliers that don't help your case. Cause statistics.
You theory on graft is just whack.Graft started in 1970s with Ndegwa commission that allowed civil servant to engage in business to supliment their salaries and also grow black owned enterprises.British civil service were not allowed to engage in any business like you find every modern nation.That is the Genesis..not Ruto fundraiser.

Doesn't absolve him. Jomo started graft. Moi democratized it. Ruto makes it insidious and is worse than our unpatriotic ancestors.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 17, 2019, 08:22:49 PM
Ruto is effective in what he does including thieving.The solution to end graft is disallow any civil servant any side business including even farming.Increase their salaries but you join public service and you have to quit any business...and make serious declaration.But the horse already bolted and nobody in civil service will accept that.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 17, 2019, 10:04:32 PM
Graft is a big elephant that must be sliced from all angles. The obvious one is not to elect its high priest.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 18, 2019, 09:00:01 AM
There are countries like Tanzania with little corruption but poverty & misery is endemic.We need to hold leadership on be real issues
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 18, 2019, 10:42:48 AM
Statistics sir. TZ is the outlier.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 18, 2019, 12:33:55 PM
Which statistics have your read that say Corruption is the alpha and omega of development. The ones I have read says corruption eventually goes away on it's on as long as the economy keep growing like it is. Corruption & under-development are siblings. They co-exist. Like poverty & crime at micro-level. If in my village - we jailed all petty thieves (corruption) - it doesn't mean we will suddenly develop - now that we are crime free. We are far more likely to develop if we planted avacados, macademis, kept chicken and dairy in addition to tea...thank focusing on hunting all thieves...who are creation of poverty in their families. We can produce so much avacados - the few thieves won't dent our village pockets.
Statistics sir. TZ is the outlier.
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 18, 2019, 02:18:02 PM
Statistics. How many perennially poor countries are corruption free? I bet only TZ. You can see it both ways : as corruption, theft and such negative role modeling are stamped out, merit is upheld and folks get down to work. Development happens. How do you convince the youth to work hard when the news show Kabura, Ngiriti and Ruto living large on loot?
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: RV Pundit on October 18, 2019, 03:37:14 PM
Youths don't need inspiration message :) Your IQ has to be around room temperatures.
Statistics. How many perennially poor countries are corruption free? I bet only TZ. You can see it both ways : as corruption, theft and such negative role modeling are stamped out, merit is upheld and folks get down to work. Development happens. How do you convince the youth to work hard when the news show Kabura, Ngiriti and Ruto living large on loot?
Title: Re: Punguza Mizigo Vote
Post by: Nefertiti on October 18, 2019, 05:40:44 PM
Yours must be equal to Waititu's. Leadership is first and foremost SYMBOLIC. It is why an MP or governor will promptly be charged with incitement. While mama mboga or manamba will not be noted. Cause a leader's words and actions have consequences. The other day you were googling "portrait"... today try google "role model". And get a clue.

Youths don't need inspiration message :) Your IQ has to be around room temperatures.
Statistics. How many perennially poor countries are corruption free? I bet only TZ. You can see it both ways : as corruption, theft and such negative role modeling are stamped out, merit is upheld and folks get down to work. Development happens. How do you convince the youth to work hard when the news show Kabura, Ngiriti and Ruto living large on loot?