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Kenya Discussion / Re: Musk is building SkyNet
« Last post by Nefertiti on Today at 11:25:47 AM »
Kenya Discussion / Re: Is bibilical "Noah flood" cyclric?
« Last post by RV Kirgit on Today at 11:23:51 AM »
Funny how numero uno black scientist Neil deGrasse Tyson blame climate change scam on dog. He's probably blaming Elon Musk doge :)

Ruto has lost control of the country Farouk Kibet is the defacto president.  Soon he will give Ruto a MBIG slap.
Rutos kitchen Cabinet have decided to start dropping Government officials who cant sway the public.
They expected that Muturi would be a factor in making Embu a Rutos stronghold . They changed their mind once Muturi was shouted down during the recent funeral . Next it will be Kindiki , they want Ichungwas however Mt Kenya now hate Ruto more than Raila . Its like how they hated Moi .
Rutos Kale cabinet is doing him a disservice . In as much as Embus are passionate than even Kikuyu on things . It doesnt warrant opening a new battle front . Its not worth it , Merus will relate to Embus and it will have a tripple effect .
Muturi has called Rutos Kale cabinet bluff , if Ruto fires him it will backfire deadly . Remember Muturi is a drunk buddy of Uhuru . This will be a major one wacha ya Gachagua .
It seems some people are hell bound to ensure we are back in Moi error .
Embus are with Kikuyus 💯 so thats why Muturi had to abadon ship, have never seen Embus this hateful against government, it means Ruto has hit rock bottom,
Merus though will wait over for Ruto to honor or dishonr the ultimatum we gave him, Merus have Ruto by the balls now. If he tries flip, then helicopter from statehouse flies him away and Kindiki takes over presidency as care taker.
Kenya Discussion / Re: Cs muturi planning to resign, fallout with ruto
« Last post by Nefertiti on Today at 10:50:38 AM »
Anyone with a working brain cell knew it was a ponzi scheme. Unless Kenya runs into hidden treasures like Eldorado.

Another fella guaranteed to face backlash for dystopian promises is Trump. Once MAGA discover not only are immigrants here to stay but fat jobs are not coming back from China. How can the food stamp crew demand debt reform. 👀

MAGA is bottom-up in English.

Will never happen. How can he even achieve 2X? Even to keep the actual income will be a problem.

The political environment is so dramatically different from the 80s, 90s - those tribal numbers are pointless. Generational revolutions just swept out likes of Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina despite her party holding absolute parliamentary majority.

Ruto himself pioneered the generational revolution called the  Hustler Nation. As soon as he multiplies their incomes 5-10X as promised all will be forgiven. 😃😃

Kenya Discussion / Re: Cs muturi planning to resign, fallout with ruto
« Last post by Kadudu on Today at 10:34:52 AM »
Will never happen. How can he even achieve 2X? Even to keep the actual income will be a problem.

The political environment is so dramatically different from the 80s, 90s - those tribal numbers are pointless. Generational revolutions just swept out likes of Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina despite her party holding absolute parliamentary majority.

Ruto himself pioneered the generational revolution called the  Hustler Nation. As soon as he multiplies their incomes 5-10X as promised all will be forgiven. 😃😃

Very true. Most CSs including Musalia are flower girls. The whole country is run directly through State House. Felix Kosgai and Farouk Kibet run the show. Oscar Sudi too is part of Ruto's kitchen cabinet.

They will get CS but not the power. They will be flower girls
Kenya Discussion / Re: Cs muturi planning to resign, fallout with ruto
« Last post by Nefertiti on Today at 10:26:09 AM »
The political environment is so dramatically different from the 80s, 90s - those tribal numbers are pointless. Generational revolutions just swept out likes of Bangladeshi PM Sheikh Hasina despite her party holding absolute parliamentary majority.

Ruto himself pioneered the generational revolution called the  Hustler Nation. As soon as he multiplies their incomes 5-10X as promised all will be forgiven. 😃😃

Endelea kuota apart from Somalis all other tribes population is dropping at the same rate.
30% , 20% 15% is a myth . Last census says otherwise and you will claim it was rigged.
Moi survived because he rigged and GEMA was split . You gave evidence how you helped Moi rig , furthermore that era was of simple majority you could rule kenya if you only got 25% of the votes in all PROVINCEs .
Ruto will be no 3 come 2027 …..

Moi survived with only on kamotho. Kenya is big that 20% who are mt Kenya. Kenya has survived with Luos for 70yrs
Kenya Discussion / Re: Cs muturi planning to resign, fallout with ruto
« Last post by Nefertiti on Today at 10:18:17 AM »
Now appointing old Kiraitu Murungi? This tail-chasing confusion is very unbecoming of Ruto the ostensible political wizard. How can you have monthly reshuffle?
Kenya Discussion / Re: Cs muturi planning to resign, fallout with ruto
« Last post by Nowayhaha on Today at 09:45:32 AM »

Endelea kuota apart from Somalis all other tribes population is dropping at the same rate.
30% , 20% 15% is a myth . Last census says otherwise and you will claim it was rigged.
Moi survived because he rigged and GEMA was split . You gave evidence how you helped Moi rig , furthermore that era was of simple majority you could rule kenya if you only got 25% of the votes in all PROVINCEs .
Ruto will be no 3 come 2027 …..

Moi survived with only on kamotho. Kenya is big that 20% who are mt Kenya. Kenya has survived with Luos for 70yrs
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