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Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by RV Heavy Hitter! on Today at 04:49:56 AM »
I live in Pa n believe trumps was not winning it with Biden n will lose it further with Harris
Yes, I see PA is almost turning to NY,MD, DC, DE, NJ,CT and the entire North East. In California, as long as you secure a Democrat nomination on statewide election, you are automatically the winner. On Presidential votes, Kamala will likely get 14 million and Trump will be lucky to get 5 million!
Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by Georgesoros on Today at 04:12:06 AM »
I live in Pa n believe trumps was not winning it with Biden n will lose it further with Harris
James Jima died exposing corruption
Ruto is not the only person that should be targeted. Every person involved in corruption should be injected.

Personaly ill Inject Pundit and rvshitter. We need to inject these tribal jingoists.

Pundit is a tribal demographer and statiscian of Kalenjin mafia. RVSHITTER is a money launderer for Kale klepocracts inject these two goons

Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by RV Heavy Hitter! on July 26, 2024, 11:55:05 PM »
Until I see Kamala path to victory  else is just noise. Let see how she will win Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin etc.
I guess you have no knowledge about US voters. Trump is the one now with no paths to victory. In Pennslyvania, all you need is to win Philly, Pittsburg and win 10-20% in other areas. The votes that will come out of Philly city and suburbs will be out of this world. The Unions, Philly mayor, Gov Shapiro and PA heavy hitters are just warming up!
Among the Black voters surveyed, 82.1 percent supported Harris, 11.5 percent backed independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and none supported Trump.

In Michigan and other Union states, Trump will fall flat!

The poll surveyed 600 likely Michigan voters between July 22 and 24 and has a margin of error of 4 percentage points. It is unclear how many Black people were included in the sample, but it is likely to be fewer than 100 people given that Black residents make up 14 percent of Michigan's population.
Kenya Discussion / Re: Demented Trump shitting bricks
« Last post by patel on July 26, 2024, 10:44:57 PM »
Until I see Kamala path to victory  else is just noise. Let see how she will win Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin etc.
Kenya Discussion / Re: USA warns & dumps Ruto.
« Last post by Nowayhaha on July 26, 2024, 09:14:00 PM »

Another Kale was a big defender but atleast him unlike Pundit is a realist …..aliachana na Ruto alipoona kameumana, Pundit is still in lala land…

Globalist wannabe is now in default primitive hunting and gathering mode hataki maneno ya wazungu 😁
I have laughed at your post coz it is hilarious.
Lakini, just like Yues, even you have rukard your tin god and you are even insulting him  :o Ghai fafa, it has come to this!
Kenya Discussion / Re: Ruto loses Kilifi Votes like that …..
« Last post by Nowayhaha on July 26, 2024, 08:59:34 PM »
Do you know Ruto was really disappointed by his 2022 performance in Kilifi and Kwale ? Why do you rever KANU times . Ruto is not Moi . You cant imagine how much he is disliked . Come 2027 thats when you will realize.
Do you have Rutos 2022 perfomance in Coast ?

How now?
Giriama of Kilifi - north coast - are happy with Amason Kingi already. Aisha and rest of cabinet will get soft landings.
Joho - represent Mombasa
Duruma/related - happy in South Coast.

Ruto need to think of rewarding Taita Taveta county.
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