Jusdiciary needed an outsider, many reports , taskforce ,transformsitonal committes have been written initiated but with zero progress.
An outsider by the name of Mutunga did a lot within a short time, thats what the Judiciary needed otherwise we will have another Maraga after Maraga.
Nevertheless Koome has a good CV back in 90s she was always on newspaper for her good work from FIDA to Magistrate.
She is as good as cj..I don't see any obstacle..she may not be smooth as Ngatia or Ouko..but she is obviously intelligent.
I guess there was a stalemate btw Ouko and Ngatia.
Unfortunately Many people mistake fluency and eloquence in English language as measures of intelligence. This is very poor thinking. In that case most Merus would fail.
Nevertheless Gatheca is playing and raising stakes for 2022
Appears he doesn't want to leave.