RV , Im just stating the facts. How JSC as currently structured and Judiciary works. There is a reason you see Warsame and Majanja in JSC , where as they are known activists.
Now in regards to my personal opinion , I echo yours , I prefer a Judiciary which will keep executive on check. I was one of rhe people who advocated capturing of JSC by Uhuru after the 2017 elections. JSC and Judiciary had gone rogue , we almost lost a country because of them.
Uhuru managed to capture JSC ,ensured they are stiffened financially and also rejected the increase of human resource. The effect is Judicial service has been affected and also Judges fear ruling anything against BBI .If it was then when they had control over JSC then by now we could be having a ruling.
We don't want to go to Kiraitu radical surgery or grand mullah intimidation.
Justice cut both ways. We want judiciary that protect everyone.
Yeah it may look naive- but it about building institutions that can be trusted.
If anybody follow you advice - we will end up in Uganda or worse.
Let judges enjoy independence and security of tenure - and let there be an appeal mechanism - to fix any problems.
Simple , these judges are as corrupt as Kenyan politicians , they have X-files. JSC determines their removal either because of incompitence ,corruption or one of the reasons captured in the constitution the determination is usually done through voting , so Judges are aware how the voting will go.They will avoid making rulings which might antagonize the JSC .So why do think the Grand Mullah was feared that much in Judiciary ?