Author Topic: Gachagua To Murathe -Uhuru Lost Mt Kenya Popularity Because you Misguided Him  (Read 3065 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Offline Kadudu

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Uhuru was not fit to rule from the beginning. Mt Kenya should just aknowledge the fact that the man has no leadership qualities. If his mother could not trust him to run the family's business, how could he be trusted to run a country in the first place?
The mistake is not with Uhuru, but with the people who voted for him. People like Murathe are in it for themselves. The man has made billions cutting deals with Chinese contractors since 2013.

Offline RV Pundit

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Uhuru went south when he started listening to Murathes and Atwolis. When Ruto was keep a tight leashing he was delivering. But he obviously resented Ruto - for trying to make him work hard. He is now back drinking, eating badly and smoking.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Murathe was in for the money he didn't know it would get this worse silently he is regretting he took it far and he knows very well should any other leader replace Uhuru he will be sent to jail for his covid 19 scandals. Thats why his cards are all in baba but slowly but surely it has downed to him 2022 he will be dealt with.

Offline Kadudu

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No leader in Kenya has ever sent a fellow looter to jail. Murathe will be around no matter who leades Kenya in 2023. Kenyan looter know each other and he will be needed for his knowledge on how to loot better.

Murathe was in for the money he didn't know it would get this worse silently he is regretting he took it far and he knows very well should any other leader replace Uhuru he will be sent to jail for his covid 19 scandals. Thats why his cards are all in baba but slowly but surely it has downed to him 2022 he will be dealt with.

Offline RV Pundit

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True. Unless he threaten the political eating class. If he goes silent - then nobody will care he exists. If he was to fight the gov of the day - they will bring his scandals.

It very unlikely he will be useful to anybody post Uhuru - so he wont be at eating table.

Eating is cut throat - and nobody will invite half-been - when hungrier more useful people will be around. He is now eating because he is powerful - and project power intelligently - as long as civil servant knows you speak to Uhuru - they will do as Murathe and friend wish. It question of calling the CEO - and ordering them  give Chinese X a contract - or they get fired. Once it been signed - you collect your money cash - from Chinese.

His best scheme now is to become Uhuru's political PA post 2022 - so he can eat Uhuru pension - monthly will be 150M - enough to hire many such characters.

No leader in Kenya has ever sent a fellow looter to jail. Murathe will be around no matter who leades Kenya in 2023. Kenyan looter know each other and he will be needed for his knowledge on how to loot better.