Author Topic: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu  (Read 3330 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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My attention has been drawn to utterances made by President Uhuru Kenyatta earlier today while speaking in his native Kikuyu language on various vernacular stations, alleging that he is the one who made me the Governor of Nairobi, and confessing that he is the one who initiated my removal from office to what he termed as “my leadership style that nearly grounded services in the City.”
Nothing can be further from the truth.
First of all, it is embarrassing for the sitting President of the Republic of Kenya to resort to addressing a section of Kenyans in his mother tongue, excluding millions of other Kenyans from his purported “state of the nation address" at a time when our country is yearning for unity more than ever before. This act alone is in gross violation of Article 131 (1) (e) of the Constitution of Kenya that demands that the President shall be a symbol of national unity.
Secondly, it is shameful for a sitting president to lie to a Section of Kenyans through his native language, in the hope that other communities will never understand what he said.
For the record, it is NOT Uhuru Kenyatta who made me the Governor of Nairobi. I was validly elected by close to one million residents of Nairobi, garnering more votes that the President himself, and Governors are NOT Presidential appointees.
When I assumed office in 2017, I inherited a badly run down city that held an endemic culture of stealing public resources at the expense of services delivery, a culture that was initiated by the President’s half-sister Margaret  Kenyatta when she was the Mayor of Nairobi in 1970-1976.
It is from that time that public lands and utilities were stolen with wanton abandon, zoning laws and policies disregarded with impunity, and many other vices became the hallmark of the operations of City Hall.
Within a few days after assuming office, I cracked down on the cartels that had held Nairobi hostage for decades, sealed all the looting avenues by digitizing revenue collection, and Nairobians began to enjoy services once again without having to offer or pay a bribe.
It is the result of these stringent measures that International Agencies and Partners like the World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, DANIDA and many others regained confidence in Nairobi, and provided support that saw my administration build over 140km of roads in under two years, compared to less than 20km done by my predecessor in 5 years.
It is through these partnerships that my administration was able to construct three (3) new fire stations in Waithaka, Kangundo Road and Ruaraka in less than two years. Mark you, the last and only fire station in Nairobi on Tom Mboya Street was constructed in 1907!
All Nairobians and Kenyans at large know that the Pumwani Maternity Hospital was a dreaded death-trap by our expectant mothers. Within a year, I transformed the Hospital to a world-class facility that saw infant and maternal mortality rates decline, with more people seeking services from all our facilities.
For decades, our traders have had to endure deplorable facilities in the name of markets. In under two years, my administration was able to construct the Karandini, New Wakulima, Mwariro, Westlands and City Park ultra-modern markets with a combined capacity of hosting over 15,000 traders.
It goes without saying that I also inherited a City that was choking in stench from mounds of uncollected garbage from every corner of the City. Within a few, this was a thing of the past, and garbage was consistently collected regularly across the City  until the President took over that function through the Nairobi Metropolitan Cartel headed by Saddam Hussein. Today, Nairobians from every estate are complaining of the return of garbage mounds that stay months on end without being collected.
The list is long, and I a extremely proud of my achievements in the first two years, before the cartels from Statehouse and the President’s family hatched a scheme to disrupt my administration by endless summonses by their puppet EACC, culminating in my dramatic arrest on December 6th, 2019 over frivolous allegations.
Even nursery school going children know that this was pure political witch-hunt aimed at distracting me, especially when my administration was performing better than the National Government in all aspects. If you doubt that, you can get corroboration from reports by the EACC, the Controller of Budget, the Auditor General and other International Agencies between 2017 and 2019.
(Refer to the link at the end of this statement)
It is therefore ridiculous for the President to allude to failure of any administration, yet he has presided over the worst administration in the history of Kenya.
What the President will never tell Kenyans is that his selfish family agenda was the motivation behind my illegal and hurried removal from office. The Kenyatta family has set out on an elaborate plan to misuse Nairobi County resources to build infrastructure for their Northlands City project, hence the illegal demolitions and evictions we saw in Ruai Kariobangi and Korogocho in the guise of expanding the Nairobi's sewerage infrastructure.
The same President was however quick to mobilise resources and Senators to save Anne Waiguru after the Kirinyaga County Assembly had impeached her over corruption allegations. Ms. Waiguru who had earlier 'been given lighter duties' by President Uhuru Kenyatta is safely in office and untouchable as long as she can sing BBI.
Despite borrowing over 8 trillion shillings in the last 8 years, what does the President have to show apart from unprecedented unemployment, poverty and hopelessness in millions of Kenyans? The millions of jobs promised to our youth remain a mirage with the head of state now resorting to selling false hope in the name of Handshake and BBI.
In conclusion, I wish to urge the President to own up to Kenyans that he has been incompetent and incapable of running a country from the first day, and holding independent institutions at ransom while harassing and tormenting leaders who tell him the truth will not save him from the wrath of hungry and angry Kenyans.
Indeed Chief Justice (retired) David Maraga was not wrong when he suggested that the President should have been impeached by now.
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Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2021, 05:55:54 PM »
Spitting the utter truth. Uhuru is alergic to truth hence the reason he has failed

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2021, 05:57:06 PM »
Yes especially part where sonko got more votes than him.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2021, 09:53:53 PM »
Musings of an idiot, before he was impeached, he was fawning over Uhuru like a puppy. He dared anyone attack Uhuru but now like Ruto, he is on a vengeance mission. The only advantage they have is that Kenyans have very short memories, maybe it’s poor education or too much alcohol, these takataka idiots are online everywhere praising Uhuru like the best thing next to sliced bread. They are online defending his government and its achievements, they only become blind to this when their looting avenues are closed. Uhuru hinted at the government eventually showing the country who these idiots are, lying conniving, shameless thieves. I have asked and met with loud silence, what does Ruto have to show for his years in government? Apart from Moi type tribalism where he only employs his tribesmen to help him steal, what are his major achievements? What is his business and who is employed there? We need a complete audit on this guy before he is handed the keys to cripple the country.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2021, 12:11:17 AM »
Uhuru was broadcasting on a kikuyu Radio station, I am actually more impressed that he can speak kikuyu with fluency given his privilege. I can hardly make a speech in kikuyu and I grew up in the middle of kikuyuland. All politicians do this, I have heard Raila or even Ruto sometimes resort to their vernacular. Sonko is just going through the stages of grieve, he is now in the anger and tantrum stage, he knows that Nairobi is better without him and Nairobians are glad that he is gone. He is bragging about renovating a dinky pumwani hospital? Uhuru said that they are opening ten new hospitals in Nairobi in the next three months.

Offline Wa Njambi

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2021, 12:46:26 AM »
This is why I have been saying that Team Ruto does not need this retard in his fold. He in fact deeds to distance his campaign from chokora officially. This is a distraction you don't want. Who is going to babysit this fool for Ruto? Moses Kuria yesterday had to tell Sonko off about unnecessary drama.

Offline patel

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2021, 04:04:37 AM »
The kikuyu mps cheering on Sonko as he continues to finger the lion king bambam need to have their head examined. That's a no no just like in kalenjinland you cannot tag along with someone insulting Ruto or Luo Nyanza tag along with someone insulting Sibuor. If I was Uhuru I would trigger a recall on Kimani ichungwa or Alice Wahome and nyorosha them sawa sawa...
This is why I have been saying that Team Ruto does not need this retard in his fold. He in fact deeds to distance his campaign from chokora officially. This is a distraction you don't want. Who is going to babysit this fool for Ruto? Moses Kuria yesterday had to tell Sonko off about unnecessary drama.

Offline patel

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2021, 04:06:59 AM »
Uhuru the nationalist is slowly rising. He would have done fat much better keeping off from tribalist and political chokoraas.

Uhuru was broadcasting on a kikuyu Radio station, I am actually more impressed that he can speak kikuyu with fluency given his privilege. I can hardly make a speech in kikuyu and I grew up in the middle of kikuyuland. All politicians do this, I have heard Raila or even Ruto sometimes resort to their vernacular. Sonko is just going through the stages of grieve, he is now in the anger and tantrum stage, he knows that Nairobi is better without him and Nairobians are glad that he is gone. He is bragging about renovating a dinky pumwani hospital? Uhuru said that they are opening ten new hospitals in Nairobi in the next three months.

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Mike Sonko respond to lameduck Muthamaki - the last king of Kikuyu
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2021, 06:59:00 AM »
You could have posted both statements at a go ...


Nairobi, January 18, 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press!
My attention has been drawn to spurious allegations by Deputy President William Ruto concerning the ownership of my Yatta Farm.

Addressing a rally in Bomet on Friday, DP Ruto made a frivolous and unsubstantiated claim to the effect that I grabbed government land in Yatta.

The wild claims hold no water. The allegations are a cheap and a desperate attempt at character assassination. I uphold the highest moral and ethical standards in all my affairs. I have nothing to hide and I today challenge the authorities to open an investigation into this matter. I am today presenting myself for a thorough investigation by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation as well as the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. I want the matter settled once and for all. Indeed, this is the time to separate the truth from lies and malicious propaganda.

In the same vein, I challenge DP Ruto, alias "Arap Mashamba" well known for his unbridled greed for both public and private land, to offer himself for investigation concerning the following scandals that are in the public domain:

1. The grabbing of the land belonging to Hon. Joseph Murumbi, Kenya’s first Vice-President and a renowned conservationist.
2. The attempted land grab of the Langata Road Primary School playground, where innocent children were mercilessly teargassed and traumatized.
3. The grabbing of the piece of land on which Weston Hotel is located. It is in public knowledge that the land is public property belonging to the Kenya Airports Authority.
4. Who grabbed more than 100 acres belonging to the late Adrian Muteshi, an IDP who died out of bitterness and frustrations having fought for more than 10 years trying to reclaim his land, albeit successfully. The D.P was found criminally culpable.
5. DP Ruto should tell Kenyans the truth about who swindled Makindu Motors of millions of shillings, where a businessman lost  Kshs.300 million due to shenanigans emanating from his office.
6. Can Arap Mashamba tell Kenyans how he acquired large tracts of land in Taita Taveta County?
7.What does DP Ruto know about the fake arms scandal, where one of his bodyguards Seargent Kipyegon Kenei was murdered?
8. Can DP Ruto explain what he knows about the loss of over 4 billion shillings of public funds meant for the construction of Arror and Kimwarer dams? Why was he so defensive when news of the scandal broke out? What information did he want kept out of the public's eye concerning those collapsed projects?
9.DP Ruto should be ready to also give a statement on what he knows about the recent camera scandal that led to one of his bodyguards to "commit suicide." Is there more than meets the eye in that sad incident?
10. I therefore demand on behalf of all Kenyans that the D.P subjects himself to a transparent lifestyle audit.

Let us be honest with ourselves. As leaders in particular, and as Kenyans in general, we must learn to accountable for all our acts of omission and commission. In this regard, I urge “Arap Mashamba” to stop being hypocritical and to take responsibility for his misdeeds, which stink to high heavens.

It is so sad to note that DP Ruto has been fomenting bitter divisions and a class war, instead of preaching unity and cohesiveness. As a disruptor of law and order he is easily comparable to the outgoing president of the United States, Mr. Donald Trump.

Let us preach unity and avoid divisive politics that can plunge the country into chaos. Let us remember that we are One Kenya. This is our home. And we do not have another country. People of DP Ruto's ilk must not be given the chance to wreak havoc through wolfishly deceitful manipulations. They must be stopped in their tracks!

God Bless You All!
God Bless Kenya!
One Kenya, One Nation!


My attention has been drawn to utterances made by President Uhuru Kenyatta earlier today while speaking in his native Kikuyu language on various vernacular stations, alleging that he is the one who made me the Governor of Nairobi, and confessing that he is the one who initiated my removal from office to what he termed as “my leadership style that nearly grounded services in the City.”
Nothing can be further from the truth.
First of all, it is embarrassing for the sitting President of the Republic of Kenya to resort to addressing a section of Kenyans in his mother tongue, excluding millions of other Kenyans from his purported “state of the nation address" at a time when our country is yearning for unity more than ever before. This act alone is in gross violation of Article 131 (1) (e) of the Constitution of Kenya that demands that the President shall be a symbol of national unity.
Secondly, it is shameful for a sitting president to lie to a Section of Kenyans through his native language, in the hope that other communities will never understand what he said.
For the record, it is NOT Uhuru Kenyatta who made me the Governor of Nairobi. I was validly elected by close to one million residents of Nairobi, garnering more votes that the President himself, and Governors are NOT Presidential appointees.
When I assumed office in 2017, I inherited a badly run down city that held an endemic culture of stealing public resources at the expense of services delivery, a culture that was initiated by the President’s half-sister Margaret  Kenyatta when she was the Mayor of Nairobi in 1970-1976.
It is from that time that public lands and utilities were stolen with wanton abandon, zoning laws and policies disregarded with impunity, and many other vices became the hallmark of the operations of City Hall.
Within a few days after assuming office, I cracked down on the cartels that had held Nairobi hostage for decades, sealed all the looting avenues by digitizing revenue collection, and Nairobians began to enjoy services once again without having to offer or pay a bribe.
It is the result of these stringent measures that International Agencies and Partners like the World Bank, UNEP, UNDP, DANIDA and many others regained confidence in Nairobi, and provided support that saw my administration build over 140km of roads in under two years, compared to less than 20km done by my predecessor in 5 years.
It is through these partnerships that my administration was able to construct three (3) new fire stations in Waithaka, Kangundo Road and Ruaraka in less than two years. Mark you, the last and only fire station in Nairobi on Tom Mboya Street was constructed in 1907!
All Nairobians and Kenyans at large know that the Pumwani Maternity Hospital was a dreaded death-trap by our expectant mothers. Within a year, I transformed the Hospital to a world-class facility that saw infant and maternal mortality rates decline, with more people seeking services from all our facilities.
For decades, our traders have had to endure deplorable facilities in the name of markets. In under two years, my administration was able to construct the Karandini, New Wakulima, Mwariro, Westlands and City Park ultra-modern markets with a combined capacity of hosting over 15,000 traders.
It goes without saying that I also inherited a City that was choking in stench from mounds of uncollected garbage from every corner of the City. Within a few, this was a thing of the past, and garbage was consistently collected regularly across the City  until the President took over that function through the Nairobi Metropolitan Cartel headed by Saddam Hussein. Today, Nairobians from every estate are complaining of the return of garbage mounds that stay months on end without being collected.
The list is long, and I a extremely proud of my achievements in the first two years, before the cartels from Statehouse and the President’s family hatched a scheme to disrupt my administration by endless summonses by their puppet EACC, culminating in my dramatic arrest on December 6th, 2019 over frivolous allegations.
Even nursery school going children know that this was pure political witch-hunt aimed at distracting me, especially when my administration was performing better than the National Government in all aspects. If you doubt that, you can get corroboration from reports by the EACC, the Controller of Budget, the Auditor General and other International Agencies between 2017 and 2019.
(Refer to the link at the end of this statement)
It is therefore ridiculous for the President to allude to failure of any administration, yet he has presided over the worst administration in the history of Kenya.
What the President will never tell Kenyans is that his selfish family agenda was the motivation behind my illegal and hurried removal from office. The Kenyatta family has set out on an elaborate plan to misuse Nairobi County resources to build infrastructure for their Northlands City project, hence the illegal demolitions and evictions we saw in Ruai Kariobangi and Korogocho in the guise of expanding the Nairobi's sewerage infrastructure.
The same President was however quick to mobilise resources and Senators to save Anne Waiguru after the Kirinyaga County Assembly had impeached her over corruption allegations. Ms. Waiguru who had earlier 'been given lighter duties' by President Uhuru Kenyatta is safely in office and untouchable as long as she can sing BBI.
Despite borrowing over 8 trillion shillings in the last 8 years, what does the President have to show apart from unprecedented unemployment, poverty and hopelessness in millions of Kenyans? The millions of jobs promised to our youth remain a mirage with the head of state now resorting to selling false hope in the name of Handshake and BBI.
In conclusion, I wish to urge the President to own up to Kenyans that he has been incompetent and incapable of running a country from the first day, and holding independent institutions at ransom while harassing and tormenting leaders who tell him the truth will not save him from the wrath of hungry and angry Kenyans.
Indeed Chief Justice (retired) David Maraga was not wrong when he suggested that the President should have been impeached by now.
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