Author Topic: Robina Is A Clown-How She got it all wrong in Msambweni-Never Take Her Seriously  (Read 4030 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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TIFA poll - Boga 54% vs 29% Bader ... akin to kibra*1yc5n8v*_ga*UjN5QUJiZ1E5eUNQOXo3VjlPRVJrUWVuTUNyWXRPQ3JIeUZGakl6UDI3WE9TanV0MzRqWXZmNk5McnRFX0liWg..

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina Is A Clown - How She got it all wrong in Msambweni
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2021, 08:36:50 PM »
:) that is politics - to make the imminent win a BBI win. Tifa says Boga 54% vs 29% Feswali - not bad in hustler- infested Mvurya bedroom.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina Is A Clown - How She got it all wrong in Msambweni
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2021, 08:37:48 PM »
Do you know Ruto groupies have filed more cases against BBI than Trump has against Biden... 14+ and counting. A 2:1 loss in Diani is a very bad start for Ruto.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina Is A Clown - How She got it all wrong in Msambweni
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2021, 08:40:07 PM »

65% - where are these magic numbers? At least BBI is real as far as we can see in the news. Most current leaders align to BBI-Raila. But hustler or "ground" see to exist everywhere but where there is an actual contest  8) I wonder why. I told you there are by-elections in Ndindi bedroom Kiharu, Kahawa, Naivasha - Gema and hustler bedrock - where Ruto would be eager to shine. Instead he is only shining in distant Msambweni - by losing :)

Msambweni basically expose the hustler narrative - aka class as false - Kenya remain tribal down to the DNA.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina Is A Clown - How She got it all wrong in Msambweni
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2021, 08:43:51 PM »

GEMA we know the grind despite all the "ground" theories. That everyone has been intimidated but ground is with Mobutu. Please test the ground first in Msambweni - I already see the tail between the legs :) You have thud numbers everywhere.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina Is A Clown - How She got it all wrong in Msambweni
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2021, 08:45:33 PM »
:) Kwale is a swing county. The late Dori won by whisker in 2017. These are Mijikenda not Luo... 60% are dirt-poor so it should be hustler walkover. But in reality it just another horizon.

Governor - Jubilee
Senator - ODM
Woman rep - ODM
MPs - ODM 2, ANC 1, Jubilee 1

Why Msambweni :) - you're just desperate; Msambweni in ÓDM zone has you on the toes like Kibra. Meanwhile Jubilee zones are intact. Ruto is playing the ball in NASA half field..while Raila cannot penetrate Jubilee zone.
Let me ask: is hustler wave everywhere outside Luo or only in Gema? Is there hustler in Msambweni? That better test than Pundit vs Robina entrenched views.

Offline Nowayhaha

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If wishes were horses. Hustler SPIN will soon get real road test in Msambweni. It just smoke to me - but let see the outcome.

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First they said it won't be launched, now they are lying to themselves eti it will fail in referendum. Tulizeni kende. BBI itapita, mpende msipende !. The principals are waiting for an opportune time, they are not tone deaf. BBI will bury the hustle BS you are pushing, it will change Kenya as we know it. You wait for it.

BBI is so unpopular yet they cannot stop it in 24 counties 8) Hustler bloboon will poof in Msambweni long before BBI.

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Deadbeat spin. Did you see Mobutu at Chomba funeral yesterday? The wheelbarrow bravado and chest-thumping is gone.

Anyway talk is very cheap indeed. Mobutu need to guard URP as Nanoks and Duales back BBI. Instead of imaginary Gusii or Gema landslide magic - let see Msambweni road test first. Mijikenda with no Matiang’i or anti-Kalenjin complex - and dirt-poor - should be hustler walkover. Something like hustler dog Fasal Baider 60%, no?

Gusii gave Nyachae all their votes in 2002 - it was 4%. Huge boost for Matiangi :) . He is struggling to get that 4% - has to employ intimidation and all that.

The tinpot dictator is going nowhere! Even if backed by Uhuru - he will be rejected as a project. His bid if he ever gathers the courage is doomed from ab initio.

As for Ruto - Gusii is just one of his many pitstops - he is popular all over the country - and is way above 50% plus one required now.

Mobutu will not get even 2% in Gusii way things are going. Of course Uhuru is asking youth to reject those insulting their son, not physical protection.

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Msambweni will be a dog beating. Unless Mobutu and his dogs surrender.

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Robina and Pajero, its naive to think Ruto wont sponsor a candidate in Msambweni when he has Mvurya and Mwashetani hailing from same county.
Uhuru should come and campaign for ODM candidate and you will see the results

Uhuru utility to Raila start and end with Gema and machinery. Raila is tried & tested non-GEMA veteran - Ruto needs a party first otherwise wishy-washy Mvurya is not guaranteed to back him. Getting local briefcase to beat ODM entrenched network, then coalesce entire strip, survive Joho-Kingi-Mvurya-Jumwa dick contest - then hopefully back Ruto - sio mchezo. That a taller mountain to climb than Raila in Gema - at least Uhuru has live live cut Ruto to size and erected hurdles all over - but you don't know for sure what Mvurya or Kingi is planning. At least Raila has Joho, Samboja, et al still tagging along.

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BBI is unpopular is a myth - people are bargaining and posturing - dancing to Raila tune. Meantime noone remember hustler. More dry-run is coming in Mumias - and you will find Mobutu is MIA like Msambweni. It easy to spin until reality arrive. Hustler wave only exist in Tangatanga echo chamber not in real world.

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Sawa. So we just wait and see.

Unless he wants to go to ICC - his best bet is to make peace and retire.
Ruto sio mchezo. If Uhuru doesn't want to catch sleep - let him try.
He will also dip into his retirement kitty a lot more than just a few billions.

Kwanza awache pombe. Ruto prepared for this for long. He knows since MOi what it takes - sio Raila type and he aint taking the eye from the ball.
If it goes money - he has MONEY.
I think he has buried a fortune underground :) - that is impossible to be blocked like Raila type.
Ruto is determined to spend it all - and then once in - recoup it all in one day :)
If they want clean politics - they will get it.

And last resort..
Remember there are 2m arrows and many communities are going to end badly
So basically this better campaign - Ruto can go tribal - but this hustler nation is beyond tribe.

The Narc revolution only occurred because Moi was tired and felt safe with both Ouru and Kibaki. This country changed in 2007 when Kibaki stole the elections from RAO.  I can assure you without any fear of contradiction that Ouru will not hand power over to Ruto.  Ouru will not even let Ruto mount a credible campaign after his surrogate's went after Mama Ngina. Ruto has a problem of peaking too soon and projecting his intention in a way that gives his opponents time to adequately prepare.  I thought it was only us luos who had that problem, kumbe its a Nilotic people problem.  This "hustler nation" revolution is now in the Rader of the government and they are taking it very seriously. Its only going to accelerate the plans to finish Ruto.  Kenya is a tinder box for a populist movement because of poverty and any government worth its salt must put out such fires quickly.  Ruto will not be allowed to light this fire.

Kichwa if you leave it at this , it would be fine .
Its better for you to wait and see hard feelings but sometimes I feel sorry for you . You come out very desperate  trying by all means to vouch for Raila . I know how if feels to be on the losing side always . Was there after Maragas 2017  election ruling . Its one of the worst feelings , close to death if I may say . So yes I empathize with you , "sawa wait and see"  Elections ar just  1 and half years away .

We are waiting for 2 months Msambweni derby. People have been singing here about hustler wave. Soon as IEBC announced the date they are giving the topic a wide berth. By-election is as close a test of the ground as can be.

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Dear Noway I do not accuse you of bad punditry - I accuse you of journalism :)

This blog is for debate not reporting yesterday's events like grandpa's 40yo Sanyo.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nowayhaha

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If the so called Punditry is not credible and always wrong  based on previous predictions why should we believe you  ?

Dear Noway I do not accuse you of bad punditry - I accuse you of journalism :)

This blog is for debate not reporting yesterday's events like grandpa's 40yo Sanyo.

Offline Nefertiti

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Why should we believe listen to a journalist? we have CNN, youtube, kameme, etc for that. A journalist can only tell us about yesterday not tomorrow. They can only report events - "facts" - not their meaning or analysis

If the so called Punditry is not credible and always wrong  based on previous predictions why should we believe you  ?

Dear Noway I do not accuse you of bad punditry - I accuse you of journalism :)

This blog is for debate not reporting yesterday's events like grandpa's 40yo Sanyo.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nowayhaha

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Show me one thing you have ever predicted and it has come to pass ....

Why should we believe listen to a journalist? we have CNN, youtube, kameme, etc for that. A journalist can only tell us about yesterday not tomorrow. They can only report events - "facts" - not their meaning or analysis

If the so called Punditry is not credible and always wrong  based on previous predictions why should we believe you  ?

Dear Noway I do not accuse you of bad punditry - I accuse you of journalism :)

This blog is for debate not reporting yesterday's events like grandpa's 40yo Sanyo.

Offline Nefertiti

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a thread & 16 messages on Robina - am i bad news or what :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Show me one thing you have ever predicted and it has come to pass ....

She got Kibra and the entire course of Uhuruto fallout right when you guys were spinning "Uhuru and Ruto are playing Raila." :D

Besides Msambweni, what have you guys got right since 2017 elections?

Offline Nefertiti

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Show me one thing you have ever predicted and it has come to pass ....

She got Kibra and the entire course of Uhuruto fallout right when you guys were spinning "Uhuru and Ruto are playing Raila." :D

Besides Msambweni, what have you guys got right since 2017 elections?

Noway's moniker is only 3 months old. Zero reputation. He is a journalist - a reporter after the fact with no spine nor brains to hold opinion.

And no they did not get Diani right either. They were equally fooled by the fake TIFA poll that had ODM leading 2:1. Pundit's spin was that hustler would win by losing. The rest is smoke - they claim to have won Embakasi South and Ugenya simply because ODM lost.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels