Author Topic: MANGUFULI IS THE MAN OF THE YEAR  (Read 3229 times)

Offline KenyanPlato

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« on: December 24, 2020, 12:52:50 AM »
he defied the norms and kept his economy open. I wonder How TZ economy is doing. I know it has been hampered due to tourism but he may be able to replace the lost revenue with Mining.

He just needs to be more diplomatic with Kenya and take over the agriculture market in kenya

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« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2020, 12:51:06 PM »
He is a reckless crackpot at a bare minimum.  This is strictly about his behavior regardless of the TZ situation which can be chalked to pure luck.  They may not be so lucky next time.
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Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2020, 01:02:51 PM »
Does TZ get special treats from China for the socialist model? All Magufuli has adopted is the equally knockout democracy - my way or the highway - I won't be surprised if CCM annoints him into an emperor like CCP has done for Xi Jinping.

Pundits' benevolent dictator. "Dr" Magufuli views and mottos - efficiency, discipline, end justifies the means - have a stark semblance to Ruto.
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Offline RV Pundit

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« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2020, 01:20:01 PM »
Magufuli is a not bad except he should be careful with international politics.Without FDI Tanzania is going nowhere. BIG DIFFERNCE WITH KAGAME, MUSEVENI AND ZENAWI..they are not demagogues.Nobody will invest or visit a country led by unhinged demagogue... so all his hardwork will amount to nothing like moi hardwork did.You can see economic data even when they openly cook is worse than kikwete .Somebody who can defy WHO is not someone people outside Tanzania will trust...he is capable of anything like Idi Amin

Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2020, 02:49:30 PM »
I see. But the CCM entrenched party with noteworthy internal democracy- unlike say NRM or Kagame RPF - render itself easy to China socialist party-state. I think if CCM is bankable institution- they should rein him in on foreign policy. Otherwise TZ is headed to tight corner as the despot refuse to retire. The 85% rigging from PORT to MPs to municipal to Zanzibar - indicate future shenanigans like PORT-for-life.
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Offline gout

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« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2020, 10:26:08 AM »
TZ will do fine. They have not borrowed covid monies and people have money in their pockets unlike us who are suffering double jeopardy.

Heck Tanzanians are our tourist source now.

Statitics show TZ is doing better than Kenya in FDI terms. With minerals and infrastructure you will get FDI which further exposes the fraud in ease of doing business blah de bleh. The TZ economy is expanding while we are contracting and still we claim we are the tallest dwarf.,15%2C7%20billion%20in%202019.

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Offline RV Pundit

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« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2020, 11:51:13 AM »
Under Kikwete Tanzania was growing at 7% - under Magufuli it is growing at 3% (IMF/WB)- cooked to 6-7%.
Getting accurate FDI figures is hard - UNCTAD of Mukhisa kituyi - has theirs - and while others show Magufuli has scared foreign investor with his unpredictability.

For example

EAC’s Trade and Investment Report (2019) shows that FDIs into the region surged to $11.5 billion in 2019 from $5.7 billion in 2018, with all East African Community countries except Tanzania posting increased inflows during the year. Inflows to Tanzania declined by 16 percent to $2.6 billion in 2019 from $3.1 billion.

TZ will do fine. They have not borrowed covid monies and people have money in their pockets unlike us who are suffering double jeopardy.

Heck Tanzanians are our tourist source now.

Statitics show TZ is doing better than Kenya in FDI terms. With minerals and infrastructure you will get FDI which further exposes the fraud in ease of doing business blah de bleh. The TZ economy is expanding while we are contracting and still we claim we are the tallest dwarf.,15%2C7%20billion%20in%202019.

Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2020, 01:05:07 AM »
I wonder what antidote Pundit has for international mineral thugs that are entrenched everywhere - that Magufuli has evicted. That partly is the "FDI" that has shrunk.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2020, 09:36:15 AM »
International contacts however lopsided need to be re-negotiated chini ya maji so you don't scare investors. You wake up and give 4B dollar bill to one company - leading to it collapse - in international markets - and you're going to see 1) capital flight 2) no fdi going forward. This is why kenya paid anglo-leasing despite those companies delivering nothing.

Development is investment - it has to come from private, public and individuals.FDI is very important - and is what made China and others what it is.
As long as Magufuli is seen as mercurial unpredictable unhinged bully - I don't see how Tanzania can develop - as foreign investors will not risk their money. He will struggle to get stuff done and will become an ultimate dictator because despite all his hardwork - he won't be loved as poverty won't reduce.

How much public investment can you do with your own funds? Tanzania total budget is half kenya - meaning it's entire development budget would be minimal.

Hardwork without brains is MOI and Magufuli.  Hardwork with intellect is Meles, Kagame, Museveni and Dr Ruto (definitely).

Intellect without hardwork is Kibaki and Uhuru. Put the country on auto-pilot and go to the statehouse bar and drink yourself silly kind of - will result in the average growth we have seen.

What we need is someone with brains of Kibaki (to understand global economic/fdi/ bla de bla) and the hardwork of Magufuli (to bring to fruition public investment by supervising projects to be delivered on time). Without the omni-presence akin to Moi - and the gift of chinese hardworking contractors - nothing much can get done in 3rd world public sector.

I wonder what antidote Pundit has for international mineral thugs that are entrenched everywhere - that Magufuli has evicted. That partly is the "FDI" that has shrunk.

Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2020, 03:22:32 PM »
I know you are keen to conflate things but Moi was nothing like Magufuli. He was harebrained fool like Ruto - especially in the free-for-all looting. I think you are very wrong to quickly grade Ruto with Kagame or Meles - all we have from few years of Ruto as co-PORK is mountain of debt and Guinness worthy looting. Development is happening in Jubilee 2 - just as it did in early NARC.

Anyway we have good chance of witnessing Ruto or Raila as PORK -  and it would be lots of first gloating then buyer's remorse under Ruto - as looting skyrocket to beat Nigeria.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2020, 03:36:13 PM »
Let start from basic premises. To succeed in life you need to use your hands (hardwork) and brains (to think). Moi definitely was not a thinker - he had limited education and therefore world view. But he was definitely a hardworker- he woke up at 5am, worked hard, managing the gov, until late, every day for 25yrs plus 10yrs as VP (Kenyatta was mostly cabbage then). How good Moi was - you need to compare Moi with his contemporaries in Africa - and you realize Moi (kenya) did extremely well - even during those bad years.

Let move to Kibaki. Kibaki definitely is very smart and brainy - but - due to health and age  - and alcohol - he really has no time for the grind that leadership requires - long meetings - long phone-calls - long follow ups - supervision - being everywhere all the time - and you can see that despite economic recovery of NARC - he became hated, seen as a loof and actually lost 2005 referendum - and rigged 2007 - and nearly killed kenya. Moi had kept Kenya together - but just 5yrs  - Kenya saw the worse violence and nearly civil war (the Army had to be called to quell violence).

Ruto did great in Jubilee 1.0. The data is out there. The evidence is all over. Jubilee improved from 50% to 55% in 2nd term. They won more seats in parliament and name it in 2017. They were so popular that Raila when given a chance to run again - decided to boycott.

It's reason Ruto is VERY POPULAR all over the country. People saw what he is capable of doing.

Exit Ruto and enter handshake - what are you seeing - Let me why handshake/BBI is so unpopular - the people can see the economic, political and social mess - from far.

2022 is Ruto election to lose. People know what Jubilee 1.0 did and they want more of it - more of roads, electricity, railways, tivets, development - and they want a leader that can unite the country - that can spread development fairly - and that is ever sober.

Raila time came and went. He is old, tired and people frankly don't want him anymore - in my estimation is now at 10 percent of national support.

Ruto is very exciting prospect - someone who is brilliant and a handworker - I can only compare him to Meles. The looting is just the AK47 - otherwise Ruto if he was interested in just amassing wealth to become super-rich like Gideon so he can play polo with Kings and queens - you won't see him donating the same money - and use it for political purpose. Ruto is serious contender mostly because of the same money he has looted - otherwise if he was another poor Joe - he would just be Prof Kivutha Kibwana type of candidate for PORK or Kalonzo.

Once Ruto has shot his way to Nairobi using KSHS and other weapones, like Meles, Museveni and Kagame did shoot their way to Adis or Kampala or Kigali - there will be no need to engage in more shooting (looting) - Ruto will now focus on getting his vision to fruition.

Why would president Ruto engage in more harambees post 2020 when he can roll out gov programs to fix those issues.

Any idiot in kenya politics knows 101 - You need MONEY - Kenyans want someone to contribute money to fix their immediate problems - no money - no support - but dish out money and you start getting very popular. Any idiot in Ethiopia or Uganda or Rwanda knows you need BIG GUNS.

I know you are keen to conflate things but Moi was nothing like Magufuli. He was harebrained fool like Ruto - especially in the free-for-all looting. I think you are very wrong to quick grade Ruto with Kagame or Meles - all we have from few years of Ruto as co-PORK is mountain of debt and Guinness worthy looting. Development is happening in Jubilee 2 - just as it deed in early NARC.

Anyway we have good chance of witnessing Ruto or Raila as PORK -  and it would be lots of first gloating then buyer's remorse under Ruto - as looting skyrocket to beat Nigeria.

Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2020, 03:49:51 PM »
I guess you can quickly throw in Kibaki political incompetence and PEV - to mask the details. Early NARC, NARA and Jubilee 2 (Raila) - is better than Jubilee 1 (Ruto). Raila is very smart and has Ruto cornered - only small covid refuge has helped Ruto sell grievances about hustler vs dynasty - pretending you are broke due to Handshake or BBI - while obviously it covid worldwide. Too bad covid disaster is unbankable and about to bail on him.

Ruto is very popular countrywide... :-\ more like the snake oil salesman has hawked grievances everywhere - and used loot to endear himself. Even Bobi Wine is milking covid but Ruto is not as lucky with whole 2 years to go.

Let start from basic premises. To succeed in life you need to use your hands (hardwork) and brains (to think). Moi definitely was not a thinker - he had limited education and therefore world view. But he was definitely a hardworker- he woke up at 5am, worked hard, managing the gov, until late, every day for 25yrs plus 10yrs as VP (Kenyatta was mostly cabbage then). How good Moi was - you need to compare Moi with his contemporaries in Africa - and you realize Moi (kenya) did extremely well - even during those bad years.

Let move to Kibaki. Kibaki definitely is very smart and brainy - but - due to health and age  - and alcohol - he really has no time for the grind that leadership requires - long meetings - long phone-calls - long follows - supervision - being everywhere all the time - and you can see that despite economic recovery of NARC - he became hated, seen as a loof and actually lost 2005 referendum - and rigged 2007 - and nearly killed kenya. Moi had kept Kenya together - but just 5yrs  - Kenya saw the worse violence and nearly civil war (the Army had to be called to quell violence).

Ruto did great in Jubilee 1.0. The data is out there. The evidence is all over. Jubilee improved from 50% to 55% in 2nd term. They won more seats in parliament and name it in 2017. They were so popular that Raila when given a chance to run again - decided to boycott.

It's reason Ruto is VERY POPULAR all over the country. People saw what he is capable of doing.

Exit Ruto and enter handshake - what are you seeing - Let me why handshake/BBI is so unpopular - the people can see the economic, political and social mess - from far.

2022 is Ruto election to lose. People know what Jubilee 1.0 did and they want more of it - more of roads, electricity, railways, tivets, development - and they want a leader that can unite the country - that can spread development fairly - and that is ever sober.

Raila time came and went. He is old, tired and people frankly don't want him anymore - in my estimation is now at 10 percent of national support
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Offline Nefertiti

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« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2020, 03:53:42 PM »
Pundit without covid disruption of BBI - Ruto would be dead&buried by now. But covid is passing wind - and BBI will soon reign supreme.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels