Author Topic: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition  (Read 3844 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« on: November 09, 2020, 04:53:17 PM »
Raila seriously believe this BBI is anything but wheel spinning. In the offing BBI 3.0 to fix BBI 2.0 which fixed BBI 1.0. Meanwhile constitution remained untouched...and 2022 is approaching

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2020, 05:18:29 PM »
 If they don't change the constitution it will suit Raila better, he will have full powers of the imperial presidency. Careful what you wish for Pundit, Raila is 100% guaranteed to be the next PORK. Ruto will be made to cough all his ill gotten loot, hustler will quickly lose his shine.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2020, 06:17:35 PM »
Dream on. It's all for free.

You think people who've blocked Raila for 40yrs will turn around and accept him. Mafala kweli.

Ruto has no problem with Raila. Just like I also don't. It barely 10yrs when we supported ODM.

Ruto is the only one to have campaigned vigorously for Raila and got himself to ICC. Ruto only issue with Raila lack of strategic and tactical mindset required to win PORK.

Worry ABOUT PEOPLE WHO HAVE never supported Raila - and have previously sworn never to let Raila rule even when he won.

Those are the allies you are in bed with. Ruto is just laughing at your naivety.

Ruto doesn't support Raila because Raila is an idiot. That is all. Beyond that he doesn't mind Jakom.

Now the people who fear Jakom most  - have more stolen wealth than Ruto - and fear a vengful Raila working to- "cough all his ill gotten loot, hustler will quickly lose his shine".

Ruto contributed a fortune to ODM - fundraised millions and worked so hard - but Raila is just a mule. Even after warriors had nailed Kibaki to the ground and Ruto had given him minimum 10 - he got himself into a chopper and got RAPED TWICE..who does that. You win, you get rigged and then you signed off all that - many dead people - for developmental ministries - with ZERO POWER.

Raila presidency can only happen in Viusasa. Only an idiot like Kalonzo and maDVD would back  him twice :)  - the guy is incapable of winning.

If they don't change the constitution it will suit Raila better, he will have full powers of the imperial presidency. Careful what you wish for Pundit, Raila is 100% guaranteed to be the next PORK. Ruto will be made to cough all his ill gotten loot, hustler will quickly lose his shine.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2020, 07:18:23 PM »
Your boy is being taken to cleaners. They will sneak in changes to rope in everyone - senate, disabled, etc - but not give Mobutu a whiff to save face and shed skin as a viper. He will be cornered into No alone with Kalenjin and one or two Duale. They are working to net governors, senators and pastoralists while isolating Duales and Murkomens - URP crew.

Mobutu need to continue with his hustler thing... dish out wheelbarrows at Karen or townhalls. Lockdown is bad for him.

Are No tee shirts out?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2020, 07:29:10 PM »
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2020, 07:42:51 PM »
What intellectual input do you add to what you see is what you get :)
Honestly moron.
What is there to discuss here?

If BBI will satisfy everyone - no problem - Ruto will be more than happy to support it.

Obviously we know that is impossible. For everyone to win; everyone must lose something.when pastoralist gain; somebody loses (GEMA)

And Raila is be sent once again on a wild goose chase.

Now all these recommendations - need another BBI committee - or how will Raila receive them :)

Soon we will have BBI 3.0 to satify everyone who is not happy with BBI 1.0 - which is about EVERYONE :).

Uhuru will suggest another six months :). By time BBI is coming around - Chebukati will be handing the winner certificate to Dr Ruto

Squaring circles. Not possible.

Your boy is being taken to cleaners. They will sneak in changes to rope in everyone - senate, disabled, etc - but not give Mobutu a whiff to save face and shed skin as a viper. He will be cornered into No alone with Kalenjin and one or two Duale. They are working to net governors, senators and pastoralists while isolating Duales and Murkomens - URP crew.

Mobutu need to continue with his hustler thing... dish out wheelbarrows at Karen or townhalls. Lockdown is bad for him.

Are No tee shirts out?

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #6 on: November 09, 2020, 07:48:55 PM »
Raila seriously believe this BBI is anything but wheel spinning. In the offing BBI 3.0 to fix BBI 2.0 which fixed BBI 1.0. Meanwhile constitution remained untouched...and 2022 is approaching

The way its going just akin to 2010 constituion BBI will be hijacked by Ruto  .
When I was telling Robina that BBI was very unpopular she still thought Im playing a game. Seems the memo has reached Raila and maybe he is in the process of changing tack of using BBI as tool to 2022 General elections.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2020, 07:51:10 PM »
If they don't change the constitution it will suit Raila better, he will have full powers of the imperial presidency. Careful what you wish for Pundit, Raila is 100% guaranteed to be the next PORK. Ruto will be made to cough all his ill gotten loot, hustler will quickly lose his shine.

So they said in 2010 thinking Raila will win 2012 elections . When results statted trickling in they cried foul.
Its next to impossible in all manner of calculations for Ruto to be beaten in 2022 elections especially of Raila runs

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #8 on: November 09, 2020, 07:52:08 PM »
Raila is desperate and naive. He genuinely believe Uhuru is committed to a referendum soon. So he is busy trying to iron out the difference. The problem everyone has issues with BBI 2.0.Constitution cannot be amended easily during peace time.

I don't know of any group outside Luo Nyanza that is happy with BBI 2.0 - everyone has given a condition - and it's back to square one.

This time round they should do  a BOMAS kind of thing - have national delegate conference - a 3 month talk shop.

The way its going just akin to 2010 constituion BBI will be hijacked by Ruto  .
When I was telling Robina that BBI was very unpopular she still thought Im playing a game. Seems the memo has reached Raila and maybe he is in the process of changing tack of using BBI as tool to 2022 General elections.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2020, 07:52:59 PM »
Yes as long as Raila is running - Ruto sleep walk to PORK. GEMA will just vote against Raila. Ruto has to be very careful not to extinguish Raila before 2022 - he need him as his main opponent. Otherwise Raila if he sense he has no shot - will become a King-Maker - and spoil it - like he did for Uhuru in 2022. Matiangi, Kalonzo and MaDVD are angling for such a possibility - where both Uhuru and Raila back them to beat Ruto.

So Raila need support - even if it means RUto loaning some team members to him. Ruto will not know how to handle a Kalonzo or maDVD or Matiangi candidacy - he has primed his machine for Raila.

especially of Raila runs

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2020, 07:53:12 PM »
Your boy is being taken to cleaners. They will sneak in changes to rope in everyone - senate, disabled, etc - but not give Mobutu a whiff to save face and shed skin as a viper. He will be cornered into No alone with Kalenjin and one or two Duale. They are working to net governors, senators and pastoralists while isolating Duales and Murkomens - URP crew.

Mobutu need to continue with his hustler thing... dish out wheelbarrows at Karen or townhalls. Lockdown is bad for him.

Are No tee shirts out?

Another wrong prediction , we are now used to

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2020, 08:32:10 PM »
When you get that BBI is Raila manifesto it will all make sense. These disquiet and small noises and negotiations - are mark-timing so it become 2022 referendum-election. In meantime noone remember hustler as they position for BBI goodies. It all about running away ball. Holding referendum before 2022 would be just stupid cause everyone would have big pie. Now it Baba-Yes vs No-Mobutu.

What intellectual input do you add to what you see is what you get :)
Honestly moron.
What is there to discuss here?

If BBI will satisfy everyone - no problem - Ruto will be more than happy to support it.

Obviously we know that is impossible. For everyone to win; everyone must lose something.when pastoralist gain; somebody loses (GEMA)

And Raila is be sent once again on a wild goose chase.

Now all these recommendations - need another BBI committee - or how will Raila receive them :)

Soon we will have BBI 3.0 to satify everyone who is not happy with BBI 1.0 - which is about EVERYONE :).

Uhuru will suggest another six months :). By time BBI is coming around - Chebukati will be handing the winner certificate to Dr Ruto

Squaring circles. Not possible.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #12 on: November 09, 2020, 08:38:20 PM »
Raila seriously believe this BBI is anything but wheel spinning. In the offing BBI 3.0 to fix BBI 2.0 which fixed BBI 1.0. Meanwhile constitution remained untouched...and 2022 is approaching

The way its going just akin to 2010 constituion BBI will be hijacked by Ruto  .
When I was telling Robina that BBI was very unpopular she still thought Im playing a game. Seems the memo has reached Raila and maybe he is in the process of changing tack of using BBI as tool to 2022 General elections.

BBI has been 2022 manifesto since GEMA rejected parliamentary. Once ODM accepted hybrid with ceremonial PM it was obviously going to be used as manifesto. You can tell this from how long they take to release versions - between BBI 1 and 2 it has taken a year - Uhuru and Raila control the taskforce so it was a deliberate delay.

Mobutu and his 40 thieves know this and say as much - only a few songbirds like you and Pundit here seem clueless.

Of course this sophisticated James Bond series cannot be just to fool old Baba - he is not that powerful. Maandamano would not help him now so it no-brainer who is being shafted.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2020, 09:32:22 PM »
BBI versus Hustler Nation. Match made in heaven. Bring it on. You'll discover you cannot sell lies to kenya. BBI will spin and spin..but everyone pretty know Uhuru is playing games here..except Odinga.
When you get that BBI is Raila manifesto it will all make sense. These disquiet and small noises and negotiations - are mark-timing so it become 2022 referendum-election. In meantime noone remember hustler as they position for BBI goodies. It all about running away ball. Holding referendum before 2022 would be just stupid cause everyone would have big pie. Now it Baba-Yes vs No-Mobutu.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2020, 12:38:47 AM »
Ruto has no problem with Raila. Just like I also don't. It barely 10yrs when we supported ODM.

Ruto is the only one to have campaigned vigorously for Raila and got himself to ICC. Ruto only issue with Raila lack of strategic and tactical mindset required to win PORK.

You are welcome to the big tent. We want what is best for the whole nation not just ethnic blocks. Ruto thought he was clever, junior developed a big ego, he needed to be humbled. Instead of being a faithful servant to Baba, he jumped the queue and went into government with mafisi without counsel, look what happened?
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2020, 01:23:14 AM »
yeah. even yes-no symbols will be 💵💰 vs wheelbarrow

BBI versus Hustler Nation. Match made in heaven. Bring it on. You'll discover you cannot sell lies to kenya. BBI will spin and spin..but everyone pretty know Uhuru is playing games here..except Odinga.
When you get that BBI is Raila manifesto it will all make sense. These disquiet and small noises and negotiations - are mark-timing so it become 2022 referendum-election. In meantime noone remember hustler as they position for BBI goodies. It all about running away ball. Holding referendum before 2022 would be just stupid cause everyone would have big pie. Now it Baba-Yes vs No-Mobutu.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2020, 03:18:13 AM »
Ruto has no time for underachievers and lazy bones. That is the fundamental difference btw him and Jakuon. Ruto is a restless go-getter. He just doesn't know how to sit still.
You are welcome to the big tent. We want what is best for the whole nation not just ethnic blocks. Ruto thought he was clever, junior developed a big ego, he needed to be humbled. Instead of being a faithful servant to Baba, he jumped the queue and went into government with mafisi without counsel, look what happened?

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2020, 07:03:39 AM »
Ruto has no time for underachievers and lazy bones. That is the fundamental difference btw him and Jakuon. Ruto is a restless go-getter. He just doesn't know how to sit still.

Looting public resources is not achievement, hello Arror & Kimwarer!

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2020, 10:32:19 AM »
1. At least you're getting it - Uhuru is backing Raila. There is no James Bond mystery at work. Uhuru is the kingmaker unless Raila and/or Mobutu emerge.

2. If Raila-Uhuru back Mdvd or Kalonzo or Matiang'i - Mobutu might have no option but to the same. He is practical and will depend on his chances. This is unlikely because BBI has 5 top slots and CS as MPs. Expect desperate Mdvds, Kalonzos and Manadagos to go for MP and claim to have CS deal. This funny - assume you are Nanok you cannot back Mobutu and run for MP cause it a big step-down. A katiba 2010 MP from governor is Uhuru or Mobutu running for governor. It only make sense if you have a short as CS.

3. The BBI strategy remains a big NARC lineup of Big 4 (minus Kalenjin). Plus 35%, women, youth, MCA goodies. To achieve this and deny Mobutu it must be a referendum-election combo. I laugh off your charge that BBI is s horizon- no it's a strategy.

Mobutu can oppose - and have only D/PORK lineup to be credible. Here it would be openly class vs tribe.
Or he can back it - a last minute surrender can be very risky as it means conceding that BBI solves hustler problems - and obviously the big opponent cannot be best implementor.

Yes as long as Raila is running - Ruto sleep walk to PORK. GEMA will just vote against Raila. Ruto has to be very careful not to extinguish Raila before 2022 - he need him as his main opponent. Otherwise Raila if he sense he has no shot - will become a King-Maker - and spoil it - like he did for Uhuru in 2022. Matiangi, Kalonzo and MaDVD are angling for such a possibility - where both Uhuru and Raila back them to beat Ruto.

So Raila need support - even if it means RUto loaning some team members to him. Ruto will not know how to handle a Kalonzo or maDVD or Matiangi candidacy - he has primed his machine for Raila.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: BBI 3.0 - Tom and Jerry edition
« Reply #19 on: November 10, 2020, 10:36:26 AM »
Ruto has no time for underachievers and lazy bones. That is the fundamental difference btw him and Jakuon. Ruto is a restless go-getter. He just doesn't know how to sit still.

Looting public resources is not achievement, hello Arror & Kimwarer!

 :D the main Mobutu "achievements" are such a yawn 🥱. Bakhtar Akasha was a billionaire at 30 - beheading folks and hawking poison. Pattni was billionaire in 20s selling fake gold from the Congo. PhD at 53... :o bloke has a PhD in wetlands - WATER CATCHMENTS - while overseeing the worst environmental destruction in the Mau invasion and looting Kimwarer-Aror money. It is more a phd in corruption.

There is nothing about Mobutu you can call an achievement. With Uhuru they have the dubious distinction of being the first sitting D/PORK to be charged with genocide and shame the entire black race.

♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels