Author Topic: How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah  (Read 3209 times)

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How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah
« on: October 11, 2020, 12:21:50 PM »

Kenyans, please don't expect Uhuru and Deputy President William Ruto to kiss, hug and make peace anytime soon.

It's in their strategic and mutual interest to maintain the current state of war.

I don't think it's far fetched to speculate that they have signed off this together.

First, Uhuru doesn't have a lot to show for his presidency.

The economy has tanked. We have borrowed three trillion during his tenure.

Probably 80 per cent is stolen by members of his govt. Poverty has never been this bad in Kenya.

Corruption is at dizzy heights and those pulling the strings are very close to power.

With a zero score on the card, he can't face Kenyans.

So it makes sense for Uhuru to engage in trivial personality politics with a handshake with Raila or a superficial and controlled low-intensity conflict with his deputy.

It spares him the war with a very hungry and angry 50 million Kenyans.

Uhuru has changed the narrative at a very cheap cost.

The war between Uhuru and Ruto is more beneficial to the latter.

He like Uhuru has nothing to show for Jubilee's promises.

He like Uhuru knows that the country was looted by Jubilee.

He like Uhuru knows that they can't account for three trillion in loans.

So why is the war good for him? First, he has been made a victim and an outcast as Deputy President.

Ruto is loving this. Kenyans like a victim and an underdog.

The sympathy he is receiving and the enormous goodwill it generates for Ruto is priceless.

Second, he is a political new mtoto.

Uhuru, by kicking Ruto out of govt has given him a new political birth certificate.

It shows his date of birth as 1.1.2020. According to this certificate issued by Uhuru, Ruto has no political sin!

Third, Uhuru has told Kenyans that Jubilee is him and him alone.

By shielding Ruto from the thievery and wanton looting by Jubilee, again Uhuru took off so much baggage from Ruto.

Third, my beloved Jubilee is Kanu 2002. Who will take serious either a Jubilee 2022 candidate or one anointed by Jubilee?

Uhuru has made Ruto pick a new party with no Jubilee baggage.

Conclusion: Uhuru and Ruto are having the time of their lives.

Uhuru is neither being audited nor held to account for not delivering to Kenyans.

On one hand he builds hope for Raila. With a 2022 post dated cheque.

On the other by design or default he is laying the ground for Ruto Tano.

Ruto is shedding crocodile tears that Uhuru is hard on him and humiliate him at every turn.

That may be true. But he knows the benefits outweigh the costs.

Ahmednasir Abdullahi is a Constitutional Lawyer, Senior Counsel and Publisher of the Nairobi Law Monthly.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2020, 01:00:33 PM »
Grand mullah goes overboard but he has truths. Uhuru is behaving like a moody woman on periods because he hasn't accomplished anything no legacy so he wants to go down with Ruto. Hii hatutakubali.

Offline Fairandbalanced

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Re: How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2020, 01:45:04 PM »
A kikuyu or Kalenjin presidency is totally unacceptable to Kenyans and recipe for chaos. Trying to divorce Ruto from jubilee failure is taking Kenyans for fools, it’s not going to work. If you divorce Ruto from jubilee, mention anything that Ruto has done to qualify him to be president, YK92?, massive theft? Wherever Ruto is, theft and malfeasance follows. These hustler movement is nonsense without the country addressing corruption. Corruption has reduced Kenyan youth to the so called hustlers who can hardly put food on the table. Look at Mexico, a country endowed with plenty of resources yet when you visit border towns, the Mexico side is full of Kenyan type chaos. Of all the evil things in the world, corruption has to rank up there, it’s silent genocide.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2020, 03:03:06 PM »
A kikuyu or Kalenjin presidency is totally unacceptable to Kenyans and recipe for chaos. Trying to divorce Ruto from jubilee failure is taking Kenyans for fools, it’s not going to work. If you divorce Ruto from jubilee, mention anything that Ruto has done to qualify him to be president, YK92?, massive theft? Wherever Ruto is, theft and malfeasance follows. These hustler movement is nonsense without the country addressing corruption. Corruption has reduced Kenyan youth to the so called hustlers who can hardly put food on the table. Look at Mexico, a country endowed with plenty of resources yet when you visit border towns, the Mexico side is full of Kenyan type chaos. Of all the evil things in the world, corruption has to rank up there, it’s silent genocide.
After Uhuru's 10 years,now you see kikuyu kalenjin presidency "totally unacceptable" sorry Ruto will go another 10 after iyo Kenya can reprogram.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2020, 04:15:12 PM »
A kikuyu or Kalenjin presidency is totally unacceptable to Kenyans and recipe for chaos. Trying to divorce Ruto from jubilee failure is taking Kenyans for fools, it’s not going to work. If you divorce Ruto from jubilee, mention anything that Ruto has done to qualify him to be president, YK92?, massive theft? Wherever Ruto is, theft and malfeasance follows. These hustler movement is nonsense without the country addressing corruption. Corruption has reduced Kenyan youth to the so called hustlers who can hardly put food on the table. Look at Mexico, a country endowed with plenty of resources yet when you visit border towns, the Mexico side is full of Kenyan type chaos. Of all the evil things in the world, corruption has to rank up there, it’s silent genocide.
After Uhuru's 10 years,now you see kikuyu kalenjin presidency "totally unacceptable" sorry Ruto will go another 10 after iyo Kenya can reprogram.

 :D :D

Ameona Canaan sasa after Mt Kenya mafia has had its usual engorging session at the expense of other Kenyans, now he is pretending to be post tribal since his tribal chief has completed his term. He endorses toothless candidates from tribes he considers harmless. FB you are battling credibility war you can't win my fren. You appear very cynical. Your shrill uncouth personal attacks on the hustler only expose your naked tribalism and desperation.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: How Uhuru Has Helped Ruto become 2022s President -Grand Mullah
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2020, 04:31:55 PM »
The truck driver kweli...eti totally unacceptable. Kwani who will elect Ruto to become PORK if not kenyans.

As for Grand Mullah. I don't think it's was scripted that way.

What is scripted is Uhuru playing Raila. You need very small IQ to see how BBI has been tossed around with almost no end date. Orengo had told Raila to stick to June 2020...that is now out. Sept. Dec.

You can also tell from cabinet reshuffle that never really comes...Raila is only in gov in Luo kind of delusional. He has nothing in gov....just photo opps and maybe a motorcade. The best he has go so far is chairman of netball and film for his few people.

Uhuru is doing things for his self interest. His self interest is to see through his five years peaceful, to get some legacy projects, while profiteering from them.  The biggest risk to his project is not Ruto. His biggest threat is Raila. And as they say keep your enemies closer. Uhuru once he is done looting - will quietly exit the scene - and retire to great life ahead. He aint going to put his neck for anybody.

Ruto of course is smart and knows this. He knows politics for what it is. And is has therefore gone ahead to start his own political life.

Raila as always is a fool - Moi played him like an idiot - Kibaki the same - and now Uhuru.

It so obvious but he is not seeing. Something wrong with Luos.