Author Topic: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’  (Read 3671 times)

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2020, 10:08:33 PM »
How long has your fren been hustling?
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2020, 10:37:58 PM »
Ruto is hustling till now. Everything he has - he earned it. He inherited zero from his father. Raila inherited his father wealth and political support. Uhuru would be nothing without Kenyatta surname and money. Gideon moi the same. MaDVD in the same box. The rest can qualify to call themselves hustlers.

As long as 4 amigos (Uhuru, Raila, Gideon, maDVD) are united against Ruto - the Hustler Nation will resonate.

How long has your fren been hustling?

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2020, 12:38:22 AM »
Hustler Nation is really class warfare - it good strategy for cornered fellow. I see nothing wrong with that once Uhuru flushed MOU down the sewer. Raila BBI is tribal strategy - he is not really interested in powersharing. Neither of them is genuine it pure politics. Even the wheelbarrows or mchangos they use to label Mobutu a thief - Raila and Uhuru can equally dish money if they are desperate - I expect Raila to attempt to endear himself with covid recovery. Both are GoK budget one looted the other official channel.

Uhuru job is to lend Raila machinery - and place hurdles for Mobutu especially in Gema. BBI is probably biggest Handshake payoff - to lineup all Mdvds under Raila. The dishing out money to voters is dicey strategy. In Kibra after the dog beating - Mariga could not run to court despite clear evidence of violence - because videos of thousands of slumdwellers feasting at Karen were all over youtube. The handouts narrative denied Mobutu public sympathy and legal recourse. Same as Huduma Namba where Mobutu was on TV launching it in Eldoret as excellent program. I expect this to replay in Msambaweni - fierce battle of rallies, bribes, goons. Propaganda war is very hard to beat hardened Raila.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2020, 12:58:05 AM »
Premium tears is coming for anybody who is depending on Uhuru.
You make it sound like it's foregone conclusion that Uhuru supports Raila for 2022.
I wonder where you get all that :)
Uhuru himself has never hinted on that - but somehow you've convinced yourself that Uhuru is pulling all stops for Raila.

For us to have a meaningful (not your usual idiotic analysis) - try to analyze Raila move without Uhuru and without constitution being changed.

Otherwise you're engaged in wishful thinking. Not analysis. Not punditry.

It akin to BBI BBI will give us parliamentary - and I don't know what kind of idioitic hallucination your fancy - that you make it sound like post-facto :) Uhuru is going for Prime Minister and won't retire :) :) - crazy irrational thoughts.

That is very crazy.

Going forward, let me help you. When you are analyzing Raila-Ruto - use a BIG IF - when it come to Uhuru backing Raila - and then give us a scenario where UHURU DOESNT BACK HIM...where he back someone else or even make up with RUTO. Also use BIG IF - if any Uhuru support will matter - as retiring president.

Otherwise reading the same nonsense everyday where Raila is getting backed by Uhuru without any evidence is BS.

Hustler Nation is really class warfare - it good strategy for cornered fellow. I see nothing wrong with that once Uhuru flushed MOU down the sewer. Raila BBI is tribal strategy - he is not really interested in powersharing. Neither of them is genuine it pure politics. Even the wheelbarrows or mchangos they use to label Mobutu a thief - Raila and Uhuru can equally dish money if they are desperate - I expect Raila to attempt to endear himself with covid recovery. Both are GoK budget one looted the other official channel.

Uhuru job is to lend Raila machinery - and place hurdles for Mobutu especially in Gema. BBI is probably biggest Handshake payoff - to lineup all Mdvds under Raila. The dishing out money to voters is dicey strategy. In Kibra after the dog beating - Mariga could not run to court despite clear evidence of violence - because videos of thousands of slumdwellers feasting at Karen were all over youtube. The handouts narrative denied Mobutu public sympathy and legal recourse. Same as Huduma Namba where Mobutu was on TV launching it in Eldoret as excellent program. I expect this to replay in Msambaweni - fierce battle of rallies, bribes, goons. Propaganda war is very hard to beat hardened Raila.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2020, 01:28:21 AM »
You can say that again. Uhurutopia, Jezebel and they are playing Raila for 2 years. It took Jubilee purge and parliamentary rout to accept historic mean machine was long gone. Kibra was the most comical - where you posted Mariga photos with Uhuru here - right before cops literally were taking orders from Junet - as Barasas got manhandled.

Now you been telling us how Mobutu has taken Mijikenda. As reality check nears in Msambaweni - you are swiftly backtracking and telling us hustler nation only extend to Tana River pastoralists. Are the Kwale beach boys not poor hustlers? If there was a by-election in GEMA - you and Mobutu would change stripes like chameleon - to avoid busting the "ground" facade.

Short of a by-election only credible opinion polls can tell us the direction. Not twitter bots, rallies & slogans, London boutique polls, and definitely not your 65% nonsense here. Njamba warns me against arguing with baptized moron like you - atheist that worship Mobutu - facts or precedents don't matter if they don't back your faith.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2020, 01:30:47 AM »
All I see is Kibera and Msawbeni :) Relax we will get to Msawebweni soon. Others Raila has not been endorsed by Uhuru. Wait until it happens.
You can say that again. Uhurutopia, Jezebel and they are playing Raila for 2 years. It took Jubilee purge and parliamentary rout to accept historic mean machine was long gone. Kibra was the most comical where you posted Mariga photos with Uhuru here - right before cops literally were taking orders from Junet as Barasas got manhandled.

Now you been telling us how Mobutu has taken Mijikenda. As reality check nears in Msambaweni - you are swiftly backtracking and telling us hustler nation extend to Tana River pastoralists. Are the Kwale beach boys not poor hustlers? If there was a by-election in GEMA - you and Mobutu would change stripes like chameleon - to avoid busting the "ground" facade.

Short of a by-election only credible opinion polls can tell us the direction. Not twitter bots, rallies & slogans, London boutique polls, and definitely not your 65% nonsense here. Njamba warns me against arguing with baptized moron like you - atheist that worship Mobutu - facts or precedents don't matter if they don't back your faith.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2020, 01:35:53 AM »
Uhuru actions speak louder than his words. At least that better than your phantom numbers sijui ground. 65% only your other hero Kagame has pulled that by locking up his opponents :)  I hear Uhuru is livid about the "coup" - according to Njamba. Now you have even gone rogue on senile Kibaki.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2020, 01:39:30 AM »
Uhuru is going to become Executive PM; what else is new. Uhuru is lameduck. We are in 2021. Nobody cares about him. Not Ruto. If Moi went home - Uhuru ni nini - mlevi tu.

Uhuru should concentrate on his legacy alone. Otherwise people are in campaign mode. He was in campaign mode with Ruto from 2018 - kibaki didn't tell anybody to stop.

Uhuru is just wasting police time - because kenya is not going to be intimidated - court bail - and you're back like nothing happen - but even more popular.

Now imagine Raila is betting on a retiring Uhuru to nail PORK :)

As for figures - I don't throw them carelessly.

Uhuru actions speak louder than his words. At least that better than your phantom numbers sijui ground. 65% only your other hero Kagame has pulled that by locking up his opponents :)  I hear Uhuru is livid about the "coup" - according to Njamba. Now you have even gone rogue on senile Kibaki.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2020, 01:51:56 AM »
At some point Luhya were 40% in Kibra - Luo had migrated to Mathare and Kayole :) Even all MCA were supposed to be Luhya. Now this 65% hustler MOAS - is a magic number - old Omollo would call it witchcraft. Maybe stick to Mobutu has ground it at least vague and almost palatable.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2020, 01:59:26 AM »
Kibra kibra. Woman. That was not an election. Violence on the election date made nonsense of it. Move on. I have been doing MOASS when you were in diapers. If election are held today - Ruto wins by huge margin - with Raila distant 2nd. Even Patel knows that. Who else - Matiangi is DOA - Kalonzo is forgotten - and maDVD I heard was shouted down in Vihiga and told Ruto is the man.

Ruto is marrying GEMA and NOn-GEMA - unprecedented stuff. 2002 - kenyans were forced to pick btw two Kikuyus.

Now kenyans are united - both gema and non-gema - in hustler nation thing - and Ruto baring assassination is sleep walking to PORK.

At some point Luhya were 40% in Kibra - Luo had migrated to Mathare and Kayole :) Even all MCA were supposed to be Luhya. Now this 65% hustler MOAS - is a magic number - old Omollo would call it witchcraft. Maybe stick to Mobutu has ground it at least vague and almost palatable.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Ndii: I don’t mind working with Ruto to defeat ‘dynasties’
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2020, 02:11:16 AM »
Mobutu has been sleepwalking to PORK for a while now. patel and Ndii analyses are more evidence of that. By-elections matter because politics is perception - by-election performance is way better than spin and opinion polls. But I can understand why Kibra is sore subject - it run contra to ground and other genius moves.

Now of course dude in early 30s with 30year experience - that like Njamba doing politics at 5 - while the truth is he is about 60 with Omollo. Age mean nothing in digital era.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels