Author Topic: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni  (Read 4306 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2020, 10:40:20 PM »
Kwani unakufa..Jubilee did not present a candidate...we will see if Ruto will use a proxy or sit it out. I think best strategy would be to have coast party - use this as spring board - let it be coast versus odm first. ODM is dying in coast - it doesn't need Ruto help.
Precisely,it's a test of popularity,it gives a picture of who is strong on the ground rather than  this narrative of ""we have the ground,,"".But again,Pundit will come up with all manner of excuses,hypothesis after being thrashed.PUNDITO come on,place your bet.who is winning this,ODM or Jubilee Nandi Asili??

Offline Pajero

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2020, 06:53:23 AM »
No one is dying pundito,go easy.So now it's about a coast party and not Mobutu sweeping over Coast.Which coast based party for you have in mind?or you think Mobutu should sponsor?.It's easier said than done,advise your Mobutu to look for his own party first .We like worthy competitors.Lets talk when Mobutu gets a party.Otherwise it's worthless engaging you.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2020, 07:38:06 AM »
Precisely,it's a test of popularity,it gives a picture of who is strong on the ground rather than  this narrative of ""we have the ground,,"".But again,Pundit will come up with all manner of excuses,hypothesis after being thrashed.PUNDITO come on,place your bet.who is winning this,ODM or Jubilee Nandi Asili??

Actually to be honest and based on previous history , By elections are not considered a measure of general elections  to the contrary thats why in Kenya there is a terminology called the by-election curse . Partly is because in many cases voters are not motivated to vote and the voter turnout is usually low
Having said that Jubilee in 2017 elections  bagged 2 out of 4 MCA positions in Msambweni Constituency  . So I dont see why you are certain ODM is going to win  . If it was in Luo Nyanza or areas where its predominantly Luo like Mombasa or Kibra then your suggestion would be credible .

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2020, 07:43:36 AM »
No one is dying pundito,go easy.So now it's about a coast party and not Mobutu sweeping over Coast.Which coast based party for you have in mind?or you think Mobutu should sponsor?.It's easier said than done,advise your Mobutu to look for his own party first .We like worthy competitors.Lets talk when Mobutu gets a party.Otherwise it's worthless engaging you.

About the coast party a few weeks ago , Omar Hassan and Jicho Pevu let the cat out of the bag , they suggested they might go that route in  2022 . Now with them being anti Raila Movement in Coast together with Mvurya and Mwashetani , this idea could be viable and might give ODM headache come by elections . Its just the beginning so all kind of political machinations will come out .

Remember that Mbadi was as recent as March during Doris funeral heckled when he tried mentioning Rutos  name . You guys might be in for a shock


Suba South MP John Mbadi was booed by mourners during the late Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori's funeral on March 9, 2020.

The ODM Party chairman was at the ceremony alongside several leaders from across the country led by Kwale Governor Salim Mvurya and his Kilifi counterpart, Amason Kingi as well as ODM secretary-general Edwin Sifuna and National Assembly majority leader Aden Duale to bid farewell to the late party member.

While addressing mourners, Mbadi waded into the controversial Ksh39 billion fake arms deal where he claimed that Deputy President William Ruto was involved together with former Sports Cabinet Secretary, Rashid Echesa.

Mourners carry the remains of former Msambweni MP the late Suleiman Dori who succumbed to leukemia
Mourners carry the remains of former Msambweni MP the late Suleiman Dori who succumbed to leukemia on March 9, 2020TWITTER
"It's such shame for the second-highest position in Kenya to hide criminals," he stated.

Mbadi's claim that Ruto's office was hosting criminals angered the grieving residents who heckled and shut him up and ordered him to stop mentioning the Deputy President's name.

In the incident that was caught on camera, a resident is seen surging forward to get the attention of Mbadi, who gives him an ear - apologizes using gestures and hands over the microphone.

ODM leaders had flocked at the venue to pay their last respects to the late Second-time Member of Parliament who was elected through the ODM ticket under the National Super Alliance (Nasa) coalition in 2017.

Governor Salim Mvurya stated that burial areas were not conducive places for politics condemning the act and advised his colleagues to practice politics at appropriate forums.

"We have come for burial, then let's concentrate on it," Mvurya advised.

Dori and his Kilifi counterpart Aisha Jumwa had at one time defied their party and defected to DP Ruto's camp.

This put him on a collision course with ODM and he was summoned by the National Executive Council for disrespecting the party. The legislator late apologized and was spared disciplinary action.

Offline Pajero

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2020, 11:49:34 AM »
If by elections are not are measure of poitical contests,what about booing???????? or your fake  narratives of `coast is gone?????? what are you basing on,funerals??weddings,beach parties,do you belive jicho pevu and omar can galvanized coast??? go to mathari mental for check up.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #25 on: September 24, 2020, 12:36:47 PM »
 :) Pajero you will hear how Raila ODM has shrunk from half parliament to 20% over 15 years. What you will not hear is how big is Mobutu party? Does it have members, candidates or any known position or ideology? Is it HQ Pangani or Ngong Road or Sugoi? You will find outside the theories and spin and hubris - Mobutu party is amorphous hustler movement - with no office - and not even registered. In Pwani it is unknown Jicho Pevu party. In Ukambani it non-existent Muthama party not even Chap Chap or Kibwana Muungano. In Western I think it FORD Kenya. :) In Central it Kiunjuri party no layman or Mama Mboga can even pronounce.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #26 on: September 24, 2020, 12:47:20 PM »
Pajero do you know Ruto runningmte Mwangi Kiunjuri's party by name? Off the cuff without googling :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #27 on: September 24, 2020, 01:03:14 PM »
ODM is dying - while Ruto hustler nation just need a certificate - it already has an ideology. ODM to embrace Uhuru has abandoned their ideology that was helping them in coast and other marginalized areas.

Fact is ODM in 2013 had 96 mps.

Now it has 62 mps.

:) Pajero you will hear how Raila ODM has shrunk from half parliament to 20% over 15 years. What you will not hear is how big is Mobutu party? Does it have members, candidates or any known position or ideology? Is it HQ Pangani or Ngong Road or Sugoi? You will find outside the theories and spin and hubris - Mobutu party is amorphous hustler movement - with no office - and not even registered. In Pwani it is unknown Jicho Pevu party. In Ukambani it non-existent Muthama party not even Chap Chap or Kibwana Muungano. In Western I think it FORD Kenya. :) In Central it Kiunjuri party no layman or Mama Mboga can even pronounce.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #28 on: September 24, 2020, 01:11:25 PM »
Look like Ruto will support an independent candidate

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #29 on: September 24, 2020, 01:45:07 PM »
If by elections are not are measure of poitical contests,what about booing???????? or your fake  narratives of `coast is gone?????? what are you basing on,funerals??weddings,beach parties,do you belive jicho pevu and omar can galvanized coast??? go to mathari mental for check up.

Pajero ,
Have you ever heard of the By-election curse In Kenya  ?
When I point out something its because there is a point of reference
In 2016 Will Mtengo defeated Charo in By elections but went to lose to Aisha Jumwa in the 2017 General Elections
In 2014 Steve Kariuki Won Mathare By elections but went to lose to Antony Aluoch  in the 2017 General Elections
In 2014 Anania Mwaboza  Won Kisauni By elections but went to lose to Joho in the 2007 General Elections

You will see for yourself Jicho Pevu, Omar, Mvurya , Mwashetani, Aisha Juma , Owen Baya ,Badi Twalib ,Paul Katana ,Ali Wario ,Tandaza ,Zawadi  Athman Shariff  are not working in isolation ( I know youve never heard half of these politicians ) Even Dori was Rutos supporter hence the commotion during his funeral

Actually Uhurus support of ODM in the byelections could work to the contrary - ODM might just lose the seat .

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2020, 01:51:51 PM »
:) Pajero you will hear how Raila ODM has shrunk from half parliament to 20% over 15 years. What you will not hear is how big is Mobutu party? Does it have members, candidates or any known position or ideology? Is it HQ Pangani or Ngong Road or Sugoi? You will find outside the theories and spin and hubris - Mobutu party is amorphous hustler movement - with no office - and not even registered. In Pwani it is unknown Jicho Pevu party. In Ukambani it non-existent Muthama party not even Chap Chap or Kibwana Muungano. In Western I think it FORD Kenya. :) In Central it Kiunjuri party no layman or Mama Mboga can even pronounce.

So how Big was TNA before 2012 , How Big was URP before 2012 , How big was Jubilee before 2016 - In both instances -2012  Uhuru was in KANU  and Ruto was in ODM but the two had a movement the anti ICC movement the Anti Raila Movement -It swept (TNA/URP) the elections in 2013 . Come 2016 The Jubilee movement was there even before a Jubilee party  , first it was the JAP the came in Jubilee - Jubilee movement swept the elections in  2017
Right now the movement is  Hustler Nation , come the right time it will coalesce to an alliance or a party and sweep  2022 elections .
Prior to  2013 elections we warned ODM - The Anti ICC movement will win elections you ignored , here again you are underating the hustler Nation Movement

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #31 on: September 24, 2020, 02:49:09 PM »
:) Pajero you will hear how Raila ODM has shrunk from half parliament to 20% over 15 years. What you will not hear is how big is Mobutu party? Does it have members, candidates or any known position or ideology? Is it HQ Pangani or Ngong Road or Sugoi? You will find outside the theories and spin and hubris - Mobutu party is amorphous hustler movement - with no office - and not even registered. In Pwani it is unknown Jicho Pevu party. In Ukambani it non-existent Muthama party not even Chap Chap or Kibwana Muungano. In Western I think it FORD Kenya. :) In Central it Kiunjuri party no layman or Mama Mboga can even pronounce.

So how Big was TNA before 2012 , How Big was URP before 2012 , How big was Jubilee before 2016 - In both instances -2012  Uhuru was in KANU  and Ruto was in ODM but the two had a movement the anti ICC movement the Anti Raila Movement -It swept (TNA/URP) the elections in 2013 . Come 2016 The Jubilee movement was there even before a Jubilee party  , first it was the JAP the came in Jubilee - Jubilee movement swept the elections in  2017
Right now the movement is  Hustler Nation , come the right time it will coalesce to an alliance or a party and sweep  2022 elections .
Prior to  2013 elections we warned ODM - The Anti ICC movement will win elections you ignored , here again you are underating the hustler Nation Movement

Hustler party is URP. Kalenjin-pastoralist coalition. 15%. The rest of the story we are testing in Msambweni after Ganda and Kibra.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: I was right after all,jubilee MIA in msambweni
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2020, 11:23:28 AM »
Deputy President William Ruto has indicated he is on his way out of

Jubilee as he assembles his own political machine to run for president in 2022.

A day after President Uhuru Kenyatta's confidants thwarted his spirited efforts to have Jubilee field a candidate in Msambweni, Kwale, a defiant Ruto has rolled up his sleeves for a political showdown.


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Raring for a duel with his boss President Uhuru and ODM chief Raila Odinga, Ruto has decided to support an independent candidate for the December by-election in Msambweni.


The move will complicate Raila's bid for an easy win in Msambweni, a seat his ODM party held until Suleiman Dori died in March.

Ruto's no-holds-barred approach to take on the two 'brothers' in the December 15 by-election suggests the DP is fed up with the ruling party.

Daringly, Ruto on Thursday presented Feisal Abdallah Bader, a former aide and Dori's relative, as his candidate in the by-election.

The move by Ruto to flex his political muscle sets the stage for an epic battle for control of the Coast, one of Raila's strongholds.

On Thursday, Ruto's allies warned Raila and his backers to prepare for a titanic fight in Msambweni, saying ODM's influence at the Coast region was waning.

“We are ready to pull out all the stops to ensure Team Feisal captures the seat by a landslide,” said Nyali MP Mohamed Ali, a key Ruto ally.

The DP on Thursday hosted Feisal alongside MPs Athman Shariff (Lamu East), Owen Baya (Kilifi North), Khatib Mwashetani (Lunga Lunga), Aisha Jumwa  (Malindi) and Ali.

The meeting at his Karen residence was seen as a bold display of rebellion by the DP's camp, hours after the President's men shocked him with Jubilee's withdrawal from the Msambweni race, clearing the field for Raila.

“Met an aspirant for Msambweni parliamentary seat Feisal Abdallah Bader in company of Coast MPs....” Ruto tweeted before he stormed Kajiado for grassroots meetings.

The DP is journeying across the country in a charm offensive to consolidate his backyards and penetrate new territory.

His presenting a parallel candidate for the by-election is one of many calculated manoeuvres, sending signals he could be plotting to exit Jubilee