Author Topic: Hustler Nation In Kitengela- At This Rate UhuRaila will Call For Another LockDow  (Read 4783 times)

Offline gout

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Away from the politics, these crowds are good precursor for opening up the country and the economy. The Mafya house racketeers are quite audacious and shameless that they continue holding these silly press conferences. Working for Mwafrika governments turns you into a real sheep no matter the education - too bad for like of Mwangangi and Rashid if Kagwe is not dropping some bones- all those conferences and then you are chased 10 years down the line by hungry anti corruption dogs over some petty oversight as Uhuru snores at Sukari City paradise.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline RV Pundit

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Kagwe is now a joke with his covid numbers. Open up. Nobody cares anymore. And stop those press conference. If anything just fax the numbers to media houses.
Away from the politics, these crowds are good precursor for opening up the country and the economy. The Mafya house racketeers are quite audacious and shameless that they continue holding these silly press conferences. Working for Mwafrika governments turns you into a real sheep no matter the education - too bad for like of Mwangangi and Rashid if Kagwe is not dropping some bones- all those conferences and then you are chased 10 years down the line by hungry anti corruption dogs over some petty oversight as Uhuru snores at Sukari City paradise.

Offline Nefertiti

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I don't fully buy covid19 is over in Kenya. Here it looks headed to new winter lockdown. Even Trump only holds small rallies at the hangar with social distance. Those hapless youth might cause fresh outbreak in Kenya.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels