Author Topic: Robina..Ruto is the new deal  (Read 7993 times)

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #20 on: September 11, 2020, 07:57:20 PM »
Short of a credible poll, byelections or actual elections - "Ruto has GEMA" is just a theory. The last election they voted Kibaki then Uhuru to a man so that is a better place to start. It actually better for Mutua to say he has Kamba than Ruto saying he has GEMA.

The same way I correct pundit is the same way I will correct you.
In regards to Gema, 3 counties Meru, Embu Tharaka Nithi are 100%  Ruto that even if in future there is a strong GEMA candidate they will never be united again like in 2007,2013 amd 2017.
Ruto also has support though not like Jubilees numbers in 2013/7 in Nyandarua,Kirinyaga , Nyeri,Laikipia,Nakuru and Muranga.
However there is a problem in Kiambu(RV always thinks its Muranga) there might be a voter apathy like what was experinced in 1997.
Half of Nairobi (half of it is Gema)  like in 2013 and 2017 will vote for Ruto

Now this is based on the true feeling on ground and not some elected mps or senators who 90%  will never make it back to the next parliament.

Based on what - your gut feeling? How does universal MP churn rate have to do with Ruto? Even Murkomen might not come back so that's a moot point. I know a few Kikuyu who hate Ruto like Satan but that means nothing since they are just individuals. Nothing objective or factual says Ruto or Raila is famous in Mt Kenya. The next prince is Uhuru stooge PK who is leaning Raila.

Yes there are some Kikuyus who hate Ruto but majority hate Raila with passion. The ones who hate Ruto will simply avoid the ballot, they did that with Kibaki in 1997 actually the reluctant when it came to the D Day they voted for SDP but  had no choice but to vote for Kibaki same thing can be said of the reluctant Kalenjins who voted for Uhuru in 2013 and 2017 RV Pundit is one of them.
.If yhe so called Prince is now loathed in Mt Kenya because of his association with Raila  now what about Raila himself

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2020, 08:25:33 PM »
I don't mind Uhuru if the choice is Raila. I guess the same way many in GEMA don't mind Ruto if the choice is Raila. I don't think Raila has the WISDOM. He is miguna kind of mercurial guy that I fear would drag the country down.
Yes there are some Kikuyus who hate Ruto but majority hate Raila with passion. The ones who hate Ruto will simply avoid the ballot, they did that with Kibaki in 1997 actually the reluctant when it came to the D Day they voted for SDP but  had no choice but to vote for Kibaki same thing can be said of the reluctant Kalenjins who voted for Uhuru in 2013 and 2017 RV Pundit is one of them.
.If yhe so called Prince is now loathed in Mt Kenya because of his association with Raila  now what about Raila himself

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2020, 08:31:03 PM »
Don't argue with my figures my friend.Nakuru last I checked was 50 something % kikuyu 30% something kalenjin. Kalenjin are in Njoro (50-50 the Mp is 50-50 now), Molo (kikuyu dominate), Kuresoi North (nearly zero - most evicted) , Kuresoi South (zero kikuyus), Rongai (Tugen) and Nakuru East (Gusii are many) in large numbers.  Nakuru west, Subukia, Bahati,Gilgil and Naivasha are dominated by Kikuyus - thoough they are gusii, luos and luhyas.
Nakuru is interesting - in 1992 - Kalenjin were 10% or so - and but last time I checked I think 2009 census - Kalenjin figures had risen to 37% - and Kikuyu were 57%. So if the trend was maintained - you can see - Kalenjin and Kikuyu will soon equal - if they are not already 50-50. Kalenjin from Bomet/Kericho/Baringo - are moving to Nakuru - the new lands in Mau in numbers.

I believe once Kalenjin have Nakuru - Kikuyus will now have peace - so it likely there will be peace soon. The nyandaruas, laikipias, Nairobis are really Maasai land and Maasai are so much a pale shadow they really have no ambition except to retain Narok - Kajiado soon will be viusasa.

Tranzoia I think is gone unless Mt elgon is added to Tranzoia.

You see what you have come with is Nakuru, which by itself snd the population there is s actually a Gema County. This deconstructs the theory you are pushing on violence .
If it comes to analysis  ,you get some right and others wrong. I will always correct you when you are wrong..

You are wrong and I will correct you
Below are 11 constituencies which make up Nakuru, apart from Kuresoi North and South and Rongai the rest are dominated by Kikuyus, kuresoi its self is shared between Kalenjin and Kikuyus

You know what happened is that post 2007 P.E.V. the Kikuyus who were eveicted in Kalenjin counties resettled in Nakuru hence the population boom which you noticed in 2009 census and 2013 elections.
If your memory serves you well you will remember retaliotory attacks against Kalenjin happened in Nakuru.
If violence was to happen yes Nakuru Kuresoi will be a hotspot but this will actually affect Kalenjins. So this theory you have been peddling wont pass.
2022 is not 2007.

Bahati Constituency,Gilgil Constituency,Kuresoi North ConstituencyKuresoi South Constituency,Molo Constituency,Naivasha Constituency,Nakuru Town East Constituency,Nakuru Town West constituency,Njoro Constituency,Rongai Constituency,Subukia Constituency

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2020, 08:36:29 PM »
If uhuru wanted PK to be his stooge - the Borana would not be the finance minister. He would be somewhere near there. PK need to be sold. But Pajero believe Uhuru will summon Kikuyus to Limuru conference and declare PK their candidate - and everyone will fall in line.

Uhuru people will be suprised is actually interested in looting and nothing more.

These are redherrings or decoys...Raila has swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Like Kibaki - Uhuru will quietly exit -and leave everyone to battle their problems. He cannot invest his loot or energy on anyone re-election.

And worse Uhuru find himself at ICC because only way to fight Ruto is to fight Kalenjin warriors - and for what? Hiyo itakuwa ni biddi yenu. Their files are still opened at ICC -

Based on what - your gut feeling? How does universal MP churn rate have to do with Ruto? Even Murkomen might not come back so that's a moot point. I know a few Kikuyu who hate Ruto like Satan but that means nothing since they are just individuals. Nothing objective or factual says Ruto or Raila is famous in Mt Kenya. The next prince is Uhuru stooge PK who is leaning Raila.

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2020, 09:22:36 PM »
Ruto does not have the gravitas to win outside government and he is slowly deteriorating into an agry worrior.  I have watched his speeches lately and he is more angrier than Miguna.  You cannot win a national office with that kind of anger unless you represent a majority. Only Kalenjins like pundit who feel some kind of Kalenjin entitlement to the presidency appreciate Ruto's anger.  The dude needs anger management classes. Even when he smiles, it looks like a threat.  There is nothing comforting or uniting about him.  Just imagine someone fondly known to the nation as "Baba" running against a Jamaa named "hustler". After Sonko failed miserably, a country cannot afford another Icarus like youth named "hustler". This country needs steady comforting hands at the tiler-Baba.

If uhuru wanted PK to be his stooge - the Borana would not be the finance minister. He would be somewhere near there. PK need to be sold. But Pajero believe Uhuru will summon Kikuyus to Limuru conference and declare PK their candidate - and everyone will fall in line.

Uhuru people will be suprised is actually interested in looting and nothing more.

These are redherrings or decoys...Raila has swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Like Kibaki - Uhuru will quietly exit -and leave everyone to battle their problems. He cannot invest his loot or energy on anyone re-election.

And worse Uhuru find himself at ICC because only way to fight Ruto is to fight Kalenjin warriors - and for what? Hiyo itakuwa ni biddi yenu. Their files are still opened at ICC -

Based on what - your gut feeling? How does universal MP churn rate have to do with Ruto? Even Murkomen might not come back so that's a moot point. I know a few Kikuyu who hate Ruto like Satan but that means nothing since they are just individuals. Nothing objective or factual says Ruto or Raila is famous in Mt Kenya. The next prince is Uhuru stooge PK who is leaning Raila.
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Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2020, 09:35:01 PM »

There you go again, your analysis are point on but you fet it wrong about blackmail will make Gema vote for Ruto.
So where in particular in RV will Kalenjin make GEMAs life dificult.?
Pundit is a warmonger beyond repair he believes in some super natural power of the warriors, their arrows duplicate mid air when fired Ramayan style and down even police helicopters  :D
Kikuyus are only ones that can resist and even defeat kalenjin in rift areas, with exceptions of other pastrolalist. Other kabilas like mbaluhya,don't have the military know how to do that and also timid, kisiis while able to stand ground are massively outnumbered and lack capacity to counter nkalenjini. Luos don't own any land so they wouldn't care. So Luhyas I say are the main collateral, Kikuyus wouldn't even feel much they will be properly ready.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2020, 10:29:02 PM »
Kenyans are angry, broke and they have found someone to punish all the dynasties - Ruto. The hustler movement Kichwa sio mchezo. It will start in GEMA - where the poor - will eventually rescue themselves from homeguard.

Ruto remember is a propagandist per excellence - he beats Baba in that. Ruto hustler narrative is selling. Raila anti-graft/BBI is so hollow it a joke :)

Baba is out - and the new sherrif in town is Ruto.

Ruto does not have the gravitas to win outside government and he is slowly deteriorating into an agry worrior.  I have watched his speeches lately and he is more angrier than Miguna.  You cannot win a national office with that kind of anger unless you represent a majority. Only Kalenjins like pundit who feel some kind of Kalenjin entitlement to the presidency appreciate Ruto's anger.  The dude needs anger management classes. Even when he smiles, it looks like a threat.  There is nothing comforting or uniting about him.  Just imagine someone fondly known to the nation as "Baba" running against a Jamaa named "hustler". After Sonko failed miserably, a country cannot afford another Icarus like youth named "hustler". This country needs steady comforting hands at the tiler-Baba.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2020, 10:32:06 PM »
Yes, you're actually right that Baluhyas would the main causalities but I think they are going with Ruto. If they were to start bad mouthing Ruto - then I would be worried - because they only ones living in fools paradise. Gusii and GEMA learnt from 2007 and will not be found nabbing again. They will start relocating long before trouble..unless of course it start abruptly - like someone trying to assassinate Ruto. Luos generally don't own land in rv-  just border disputes in Kisumu county btw them and Nandis/Kipsigis - and those won't excalate. The problem is Rwanda type settlement you see in parts of Nakuru, Kericho, Nandi, Uasin Gishu, Baringo and Tranzoia. Rwanda type settlement where tribes that don't like each other are living together in same villae - so when shit hit the fan - it's get pretty nasty very fast - and majority will attack the minority  - and overwhelm them.
Pundit is a warmonger beyond repair he believes in some super natural power of the warriors, their arrows duplicate mid air when fired Ramayan style and down even police helicopters  :D
Kikuyus are only ones that can resist and even defeat kalenjin in rift areas, with exceptions of other pastrolalist. Other kabilas like mbaluhya,don't have the military know how to do that and also timid, kisiis while able to stand ground are massively outnumbered and lack capacity to counter nkalenjini. Luos don't own any land so they wouldn't care. So Luhyas I say are the main collateral, Kikuyus wouldn't even feel much they will be properly ready.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #28 on: September 11, 2020, 11:19:27 PM »

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2020, 04:16:14 AM »
Don't argue with my figures my friend.Nakuru last I checked was 50 something % kikuyu 30% something kalenjin. Kalenjin are in Njoro (50-50 the Mp is 50-50 now), Molo (kikuyu dominate), Kuresoi North (nearly zero - most evicted) , Kuresoi South (zero kikuyus), Rongai (Tugen) and Nakuru East (Gusii are many) in large numbers.  Nakuru west, Subukia, Bahati,Gilgil and Naivasha are dominated by Kikuyus - thoough they are gusii, luos and luhyas.
Nakuru is interesting - in 1992 - Kalenjin were 10% or so - and but last time I checked I think 2009 census - Kalenjin figures had risen to 37% - and Kikuyu were 57%. So if the trend was maintained - you can see - Kalenjin and Kikuyu will soon equal - if they are not already 50-50. Kalenjin from Bomet/Kericho/Baringo - are moving to Nakuru - the new lands in Mau in numbers.

I believe once Kalenjin have Nakuru - Kikuyus will now have peace - so it likely there will be peace soon. The nyandaruas, laikipias, Nairobis are really Maasai land and Maasai are so much a pale shadow they really have no ambition except to retain Narok - Kajiado soon will be viusasa.

Tranzoia I think is gone unless Mt elgon is added to Tranzoia.

You see what you have come with is Nakuru, which by itself snd the population there is s actually a Gema County. This deconstructs the theory you are pushing on violence .
If it comes to analysis  ,you get some right and others wrong. I will always correct you when you are wrong..

You are wrong and I will correct you
Below are 11 constituencies which make up Nakuru, apart from Kuresoi North and South and Rongai the rest are dominated by Kikuyus, kuresoi its self is shared between Kalenjin and Kikuyus

You know what happened is that post 2007 P.E.V. the Kikuyus who were eveicted in Kalenjin counties resettled in Nakuru hence the population boom which you noticed in 2009 census and 2013 elections.
If your memory serves you well you will remember retaliotory attacks against Kalenjin happened in Nakuru.
If violence was to happen yes Nakuru Kuresoi will be a hotspot but this will actually affect Kalenjins. So this theory you have been peddling wont pass.
2022 is not 2007.

Bahati Constituency,Gilgil Constituency,Kuresoi North ConstituencyKuresoi South Constituency,Molo Constituency,Naivasha Constituency,Nakuru Town East Constituency,Nakuru Town West constituency,Njoro Constituency,Rongai Constituency,Subukia Constituency

Now that tou brought up Njoro sub county, the area Mp Charity Kathambi is a Meru  or Now Merus are Kalenjin?(with the support they give Ruto it is plausible) , furthermore it has 6 wards Kihingo, Mau-Narok, Mauche, Njoro, Lare and Nessuit. Of the 6 only Mauche and Nessuit are predominantly Kalenjin , the rest are Kikuyu. And Yes Mauche and Nessuit are volatile areas , was there in 2012 and could feel for the children there ,the best thing which happened for them was Uhuru and Ruto coming together.

RV pundit , you need to be sober in these conversations , accept the new reality . In 90s politicians used violence as a stategy to acquire power   the environment then was different .A good example is Kalenjin and Kikuyus would never ever be on the same side in 90s , now actually they are .

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2020, 06:22:57 AM »
You're desperate ..Meru married to kalenjin are struggling with reality.The tribal breakdown is out there look for it.Anyway Uhuru is the one to start the war..not me or you.The best way to avoid war is to hold credible referendum n elections...and for gema elite to at very least respect Ruto..because kalenjin will not like any disrespect when they dealing with uhuru treachery. Welcome to rift valley the war theatre and man up.

Offline Nowayhaha

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2020, 09:54:22 AM »
You're desperate ..Meru married to kalenjin are struggling with reality.The tribal breakdown is out there look for it.Anyway Uhuru is the one to start the war..not me or you.The best way to avoid war is to hold credible referendum n elections...and for gema elite to at very least respect Ruto..because kalenjin will not like any disrespect when they dealing with uhuru treachery. Welcome to rift valley the war theatre and man up.

You told me you are doing dispassionate punditry, If this includes turning a Meru into a Kalenjin well I give it to you. According to you when Laboso was married to a Luo she was a Kalenjin , but now Kathambi being married to a Kalenjin she is a Kalenjin, who is desperate now. Im just being factual with you. Some ehile ago I told you study Ruto and his close knit, there in you will see they have never entertained the idea of violence. Actually the guys talking of violence are ODM , same script they tried in 2013 which failed, Now that you purport to be a Ruto follower why are you advancing Raila and ODM propaganda?
For your information we have counties no longer Rift Valley , lets talk of county by county that way you will get a true picture

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2020, 10:51:21 AM »
PEV is a reality- we have years of proof folks. Reality doesn't care about our moral preferences. It is very likely there will be Kalenjin vs Kenya mayhem in 2022 - which will be last nail on Ruto coffin.
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Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2020, 12:04:14 PM »
Please help nowaya. Kalenjin are smart about it. They won't do it if it doesn't help Ruto. They will restraint themselves. But only if it helps Ruto win PORK - so we may not see pre-election - but a post-election lockdown.
PEV is a reality- we have years of proof folks. Reality doesn't care about our moral preferences. It is very likely there will be Kalenjin vs Kenya mayhem in 2022 - which will be last nail on Ruto coffin.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2020, 12:09:20 PM »
I already gave you tribal breakdown of RV - and all counties. Njoro/Molo/Rongai - kikuyus and Kalenjin live side by side - plus Gusii. That with Nakuru town - Uasin Gishu and Tranzoia are usual theatres - few kikuyus live inside Nandi and Kericho in Londiani and Emgwen. Some Kalenjin live in Maela in Naivasha - some lived in Subukia, Gilgil and Nyandarua but were completely kicked out - I think many did a land swap - with kikuyus.

As of 2009 - Kikuyu were majority in 10 RV const - some razor thin - but generally Laikipia East, Laikipia West, Naviasha, Gilgil, Bahati, Subukia, Nakuru East, Molo, NJoro and Rongai(51%). Kalenjin were majority in 40 const. That is out 76 RV const. That leave Turkana, Maasai and others with 20.

I don't know as of 2019 --- someone need to get Census Volume 2 with tribal breakdown.

Violece will happen if Uhuru wants. Raila will try to take advantage. But the CAUSE will be Uhuru. Raila is an opposition leader. Uhuru job is to facilitate a peaceful hand over of power. He is one that made a pact with Kalenjin. He is the one evicting Kalenjin - and allowing his minister to talk bad.

FOCUS ON UHURU - and for GEMAsake - FINISH HIM BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES IT - But they may include innocent people.

Speak up against Uhuru. Revolt against him. Let him know he is doin badly. Then he will listen. But if you allow him to use you - you'll suffer very much - and in RV for many years.

You told me you are doing dispassionate punditry, If this includes turning a Meru into a Kalenjin well I give it to you. According to you when Laboso was married to a Luo she was a Kalenjin , but now Kathambi being married to a Kalenjin she is a Kalenjin, who is desperate now. Im just being factual with you. Some ehile ago I told you study Ruto and his close knit, there in you will see they have never entertained the idea of violence. Actually the guys talking of violence are ODM , same script they tried in 2013 which failed, Now that you purport to be a Ruto follower why are you advancing Raila and ODM propaganda?
For your information we have counties no longer Rift Valley , lets talk of county by county that way you will get a true picture

Offline audacityofhope

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2020, 01:07:56 PM »
This seems to be already ending in tears for @RV Pundit.
Why are you telling us now what you were told in 2013? Everyone except your ilk could see how RAO had been treated badly by PNU .... had LPK also not made a pact with Kibaki? Your tin God had the choice in 2012 to remain with Raila in ODM but instead you guys carried your arse over with that silly slogan "50-50" "allowing yourselves to be used". I wish you could take your lamentation elsewhere. Previously other communities threw their lot countrywide with you when you had your skirmishes.That ujeuri you rewarded the rest of Kenyans with your selfish 50-50 means now you are on your own. Pambana na hali yako like the rest of the Kenyans have done since "you made your pact with Uhuru".

Quote from: RV Pundit
..... He is one that made a pact with Kalenjin. ...

Speak up against Uhuru. Revolt against him. Let him know he is doin badly. Then he will listen. But if you allow him to use you - you'll suffer very much - and in RV for many years.

You told me you are doing dispassionate punditry, If this includes turning a Meru into a Kalenjin well I give it to you. According to you when Laboso was married to a Luo she was a Kalenjin , but now Kathambi being married to a Kalenjin she is a Kalenjin, who is desperate now. Im just being factual with you. Some ehile ago I told you study Ruto and his close knit, there in you will see they have never entertained the idea of violence. Actually the guys talking of violence are ODM , same script they tried in 2013 which failed, Now that you purport to be a Ruto follower why are you advancing Raila and ODM propaganda?
For your information we have counties no longer Rift Valley , lets talk of county by county that way you will get a true picture

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2020, 01:12:28 PM »
Rv made a pact knowin they had insurance and hostage situation. Now Raila had no such leverage. This is why it's not been easy to divorce Ruto. Why you don't understand Omwami is beyond me. They knew Uhuru was singing a peace pact - and if he breaks - he will be declaring war. against his own people who kalenjin regards as "guest" - not native. Now Uhuru doesn't really care - because none of his relatives will be affected - they are rich - and now we have poor kikuyus who could find themselves in harm way.

It's them - and their own relatives to protect them from such politics of treachery.But Nowayaha is trying to escape reality and bury his head in the sand - and I am helping him understand - that we are in Africa.

Otherwise this was not a bad deal. First 5yrs was excellent. You were complaining daily here about two tribes. The last 3 years it has not been nice - although Ruto still is in gov with some of his cabinet and appointees - but it's quarrelsome nusu mkate kind of arrangment - not Jubilee 1.0.

So does Ruto regret - nope - he has made tonnes of money, has made changes to people lives and has been DPORK - now going 10yrs.

Is Ruto and RV unhappy now - absolutely - at minimum they had expected GEMA people would be hesistant but Uhuru would be willing. The opposite is happening.

This seems to be already ending in tears for @RV Pundit.
Why are you telling us what you were told in 2013? Everyone except your ilk could see how RAO was treated badly by PNU, had they not also made a pact with Kibaki? You tin God had the choice in 2012 to remain with Raila in ODM but instead you carried your arse over with that silly slogan "50-50" eyes wide open. I wish you could take your lamentation somewhere else. Previously other communities sympathized with you. That ujeuri of 50-50 means now you are on your own. Pambana na hali yako like the rest of the Kenyans have done since "you made your pact with Uhuru"

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2020, 01:37:51 AM »
Hahaha audacity- Pundit doesn't see 2022 is Kalenjin vs Kenya. Only Sudi, Ng'eno Kalenjin are insulting Mama Ngina. Maa, Luhya, even Duale are not bothered with Ruto problems. All I see is GEMA women picketing against Ruto in Nanyuki and Nyeri - even Gachagua condemned Sudi. Raila Luo and ODM of course are loudly condemning Kalenjin war drums. Why can't Ruto send Muthama or Khalwale or Omar - non Kalenjin - to insult Mama Ngina :)

It is not clear who Pundit wants to warn Uhuru against provoking Kalenjin? Kikuyus? Uhuru is only provocative by Kalenjin warmongering  standards. He is merely winding up his term to the rest of Kenya. That political debt you will see is impossible to collect - cause he was issued thud IOU.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2020, 03:18:30 AM »
Ruto has been effectively divorced.  He holds a shell DP and his party powers are soon to be diluted by three or four deputy party leaders.  Ruto is for all practical purposes in the opposition.  Ruto has never articulated a vision or a message which can capture the youth to abandon their tribal voting patterns.  How is a corrupt billionaire going to convince the youth that its him verses the dynasty. Ouru is the only son of a president who has ever been president.  The other three were sons of peasants like Ruto but stole like bandits just as Ruto has stolen.  Ruto is only loved by Kalenjins and some Mt. Kenya Raila haters.  As 2022 approaches the Kikuyu laity who drunk the kool aid are slowly rehabed and come 2022 they will be completely sober and back to Nyomba.

Rv made a pact knowin they had insurance and hostage situation. Now Raila had no such leverage. This is why it's not been easy to divorce Ruto. Why you don't understand Omwami is beyond me. They knew Uhuru was singing a peace pact - and if he breaks - he will be declaring war. against his own people who kalenjin regards as "guest" - not native. Now Uhuru doesn't really care - because none of his relatives will be affected - they are rich - and now we have poor kikuyus who could find themselves in harm way.

It's them - and their own relatives to protect them from such politics of treachery. But Nowayaha is trying to escape reality and bury his head in the sand - and I am helping him understand - that we are in Africa.

Otherwise this was not a bad deal. First 5yrs was excellent. You were complaining daily here about two tribes. The last 3 years it has not been nice - although Ruto still is in gov with some of his cabinet and appointees - but it's quarrelsome nusu mkate kind of arrangment - not Jubilee 1.0.

So does Ruto regret - nope - he has made tonnes of money, has made changes to people lives and has been DPORK - now going 10yrs.

Is Ruto and RV unhappy now - absolutely - at minimum they had expected GEMA people would be hesistant but Uhuru would be willing. The opposite is happening.

This seems to be already ending in tears for @RV Pundit.
Why are you telling us what you were told in 2013? Everyone except your ilk could see how RAO was treated badly by PNU, had they not also made a pact with Kibaki? You tin God had the choice in 2012 to remain with Raila in ODM but instead you carried your arse over with that silly slogan "50-50" eyes wide open. I wish you could take your lamentation somewhere else. Previously other communities sympathized with you. That ujeuri of 50-50 means now you are on your own. Pambana na hali yako like the rest of the Kenyans have done since "you made your pact with Uhuru"
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

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Re: Robina..Ruto is the new deal
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2020, 06:52:26 AM »
I already gave you tribal breakdown of RV - and all counties. Njoro/Molo/Rongai - kikuyus and Kalenjin live side by side - plus Gusii. That with Nakuru town - Uasin Gishu and Tranzoia are usual theatres - few kikuyus live inside Nandi and Kericho in Londiani and Emgwen. Some Kalenjin live in Maela in Naivasha - some lived in Subukia, Gilgil and Nyandarua but were completely kicked out - I think many did a land swap - with kikuyus.

As of 2009 - Kikuyu were majority in 10 RV const - some razor thin - but generally Laikipia East, Laikipia West, Naviasha, Gilgil, Bahati, Subukia, Nakuru East, Molo, NJoro and Rongai(51%). Kalenjin were majority in 40 const. That is out 76 RV const. That leave Turkana, Maasai and others with 20.

I don't know as of 2019 --- someone need to get Census Volume 2 with tribal breakdown.

Violece will happen if Uhuru wants. Raila will try to take advantage. But the CAUSE will be Uhuru. Raila is an opposition leader. Uhuru job is to facilitate a peaceful hand over of power. He is one that made a pact with Kalenjin. He is the one evicting Kalenjin - and allowing his minister to talk bad.

FOCUS ON UHURU - and for GEMAsake - FINISH HIM BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES IT - But they may include innocent people.

Speak up against Uhuru. Revolt against him. Let him know he is doin badly. Then he will listen. But if you allow him to use you - you'll suffer very much - and in RV for many years.

You told me you are doing dispassionate punditry, If this includes turning a Meru into a Kalenjin well I give it to you. According to you when Laboso was married to a Luo she was a Kalenjin , but now Kathambi being married to a Kalenjin she is a Kalenjin, who is desperate now. Im just being factual with you. Some ehile ago I told you study Ruto and his close knit, there in you will see they have never entertained the idea of violence. Actually the guys talking of violence are ODM , same script they tried in 2013 which failed, Now that you purport to be a Ruto follower why are you advancing Raila and ODM propaganda?
For your information we have counties no longer Rift Valley , lets talk of county by county that way you will get a true picture

RV , you need to step out of Rift valley Province mindset , we no longer have provinces . As you can see what is happening in parts of Nakuru  , Kalenjin are battling 3 fronts , First is the Mau forest front , second is the cattle rustling menace with Maa community and thirdly is between themselves  . Now thats what violence begets , it eats its own children

The Kikuyus in places like Londiani left and settled in Nakuru after P.E.V. as from 2008  , I am still tring to figure out why you thin we are still in 90 s

For example, in the town of Londiani in the Rift Valley, Kikuyu traders settled decades ago. In February, 2008, hundreds of Kalenjin raiders poured down from the nearby scruffy hills and burned a Kikuyu school. Kikuyus quickly took revenge, organizing into gangs armed with iron bars and table legs and hunting down Luos and Kalenjins in Kikuyu-dominated areas such as Nakuru, where Moses Muthoki now resides