You misunderstood me. I am not denying the carnage of the 1994 Hutu led genocide. I am just putting Njuri's rating of the Kiambaa massacre into perspective. People often overlook the fact that mini-genocides perpetrated by the RPF and allies continued in the DRC, even after the end of the one in Rwanda.
RPF used to cross into the DRC to take care of genocidaires not commit massacres, what was the point they already won and had millions of Hutu at their mercy in Rwanda proper if they wanted retribution. Kagame wanted to end the cycle of violence, so turned a blind eye to some perpetrators in the interest of of peace, remember the gacaca court system. Those early days after the genocide however remnants of the Habyarimana regime would routinely cross over the border and massacre civilians in Rwanda and in DRC against locals Tutsis/Banyamulenge civilians. I have followed the history of the great lakes during that period closely. It is an insult to bring up the RPF, a disciplined force that pacified Rwanda and Eastern Congo with Kiambaa massacre.
My recollection is a bit stale right now, but I'll try and recommend a few books on the subject after I am able to pay a physical visit of my local library.
Yours is the RPF official version of events.
"They came in and took out the genocidaires, brought reconciliation and peace." The reality is less flattering. Kagame wrought havoc to the tune of at least 200,000 dead Hutus deep inside in the DRC
after the fighting had stopped in Rwanda. This is not counting those slaughtered in Rwanda by the RPF during the genocide.