For Sakaja it personal. He is an actuarist. He has his own deep mathematical formulae that competes with CRA. Most of senators are lawyers -who cannot add 1 plus 1 - but can talk or write a storm. Sakaja has a degree and probably postgrad in actuarial science - like Babu Owino - this is when he want to proof his mathematical prowess. For Murkomen it's personal - he has to prove the successor to their posts are incompetent. The rest their counties are losing or gaining - politics is local and nearly every senator wants to be a governor - and now that pro-Kenya team have the momentum - it's attracting more and more of the young guns.To deal with Sakaja - deal with his ego as Bsc Actuarial Science ego - use to be one of the elite degrees in our time
- with medicine, architecture, computer science like us - we felt we the top of the academic foodchain
- the idiot in the class would be a strong A-.
In fact Sakaja and CRA should meet - and come up with compromise formuale...the rest of the guys don't understand why it's 13% or 15% weight for variable XYZ.
Most of them just want to see the final figure...not the mathematical formuale...nearly every lawyer scores an E in basic maths. It all how the left and right hemisphere of the brain get wired.
Those who barely understand it like Linturi - are proposing a figure X to solve the win-win equation - that would mean battle every year.
What is required is the 3rd formulae that will last 4 or so years.
Only CRA (led by soft spoken lady) and Sakaja understand this.
CRA need a Cheserem who command respect...the poor lady with his phd is just not ready for the job.