I never understand Kikuyus when they praise themselves for being the better kabila, yet they do not even feel safe in their own homes. Most Kikuyus I lived with in Nairobi, now in pension have stuck in town. The women hardly go to shags and the men only make daytime trips to their farms or homes in the rural area. Nobody dares spend the night in Muranga or Nyeri. If they do, then in the town.
Why do Kikuyus even have problems admitting that they have a big security issue?
I remember at one occasion my brother inlaw had a breakdown in the evening with his Toyota Prado in Western. We had a big problem getting even a watchman to take care of the car at night. There were none in sight. Cause they are not needed we were told. So the car ended up being abandoned on the roadside. Early the next morning, the car was intact. Imagine had this happened in kikuyuland.
Interesting, speak on it. Who was those attacking? Mungikis?!
I have never felt unsafe and insecure anywhere in Kenya even in Turkana and NEP as I was when in Centro. It is crazy, terror permeates the air. Bodies the first two nights I spent there. First one was found inside a water tank. Second was hacked badly. There is a code of silence, people speak in hushed tones, no one dares raise their head.