Author Topic: Mwafrika mtu bure ghabisa. Malawi new president appoint relatives and friends  (Read 3513 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Malawi President Chakwera has appointed his friend Sidik Mia as minister for transport while his wife Abida Mia is deputy minister for lands. Kenny Kandodo is the new labour minister while his sister Khumbize Kandodo is the health minister. 70% of the cabinet is from his region

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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No grace period even, straight to nepotism and tribal appointments.

Just goes to show African states are rotting corpses left over from colonialism and not real nation states. There is no sense of shared identity or destiny. Just a hodge-podge of ethnic groups in deadly competition for resources and power. The real locus of one's loyalty is the tribe. Surprised the so called watalamu don't talk about this crucial topic, instead they fixate on useless corruption and other meaningless manenos which are mere symptoms of a bad system. Corruption, nepotism, and police brutality are the automatic byproducts of the artificial colonial legacy states we were bequeathed by the colonists.

The Swiss canton system with its high degree of autonomy would be perfect for African states with their large ethnic diversities. But goodwill and common sense are not mwafrika traits.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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No grace period even, straight to nepotism and tribal appointments.

Just goes to show African states are rotting corpses left over from colonialism and not real nation states. There is no sense of shared identity or destiny. Just a hodge-podge of ethnic groups in deadly competition for resources and power. The real locus of one's loyalty is the tribe. Surprised the so called watalamu don't talk about this crucial topic, instead they fixate on useless corruption and other meaningless manenos which are mere symptoms of a bad system. Corruption, nepotism, and police brutality are the automatic byproducts of the artificial colonial legacy states we were bequeathed by the colonists.

The Swiss canton system with its high degree of autonomy would be perfect for African states with their large ethnic diversities. But goodwill and common sense are not mwafrika traits.

The African can excel wildly, as an individual.  But for some reason he has failed to translate this to the group.  I think it's because Africans have an extreme capitalist mindset.  A scorched earth view of the stakes.  You eat or be eaten.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline RV Pundit

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It takes years to build a Nation. sorry make that centuries. But I agree on embracing our ethnic difference and trying something like swiss. We can do that with federalism and we continue with project building the nation. That project will be reality maybe 300yrs from now when majority of Kenyans will be urban and speaking sheng.

So nation building is a long term project.


No grace period even, straight to nepotism and tribal appointments.

Just goes to show African states are rotting corpses left over from colonialism and not real nation states. There is no sense of shared identity or destiny. Just a hodge-podge of ethnic groups in deadly competition for resources and power. The real locus of one's loyalty is the tribe. Surprised the so called watalamu don't talk about this crucial topic, instead they fixate on useless corruption and other meaningless manenos which are mere symptoms of a bad system. Corruption, nepotism, and police brutality are the automatic byproducts of the artificial colonial legacy states we were bequeathed by the colonists.

The Swiss canton system with its high degree of autonomy would be perfect for African states with their large ethnic diversities. But goodwill and common sense are not mwafrika traits.

Offline gout

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The army could take over- What a let down?  These misleaders always fuck up massive goodwill to transform mwafrika societies.
Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one ~ Thomas Paine

Offline Nefertiti

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Reminds one of Kibaki.
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Offline KenyanPlato

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Really not even Obama or xi type of leadership can rescue malawi. It is a desolate poor place. With global warming only God will save most of the Malawians on the dry part of the country. Malawi poverty is legendary. The mlk sounding pimp won't save the country. He will spend his years chasing the curse of being a poor nation

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Really not even Obama or xi type of leadership can rescue malawi. It is a desolate poor place. With global warming only God will save most of the Malawians on the dry part of the country. Malawi poverty is legendary. The mlk sounding pimp won't save the country. He will spend his years chasing the curse of being a poor nation

How did they survive before the modern era? Poverty is a poorly defined term coined by Western economists to persuade humanity that if you don't have the trappings of Western consumer culture you are some how deficient..I'm sure Malawians can live comfortably like their ancestors in harmony with nature in human scale society. Typical Afropean falling for Bazungu okie doke. Wake up sheeple.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Really not even Obama or xi type of leadership can rescue malawi. It is a desolate poor place. With global warming only God will save most of the Malawians on the dry part of the country. Malawi poverty is legendary. The mlk sounding pimp won't save the country. He will spend his years chasing the curse of being a poor nation

How did they survive before the modern era? Poverty is a poorly defined term coined by Western economists to persuade humanity that if you don't have the trappings of Western consumer culture you are some how deficient..I'm sure Malawians can live comfortably like their ancestors in harmony with nature in human scale society. Typical Afropean falling for Bazungu okie doke. Wake up sheeple.

They never survived if it was before they would have migrated up east. That place is hell and it going to be hell between now and 2030. There is a regions there of SADC countries and other in Sahel that needs to migrate the fuck out.. The country is poor. It not even Turkana poor it beyond that

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with 50.7 percent of the population living below the poverty line and 25 percent living in extreme poverty. ... Out of the total rural population, 57.0 percent is poor compared to 17.0 percent of the urban population

These ones and Zambia ones will be cooked alive by the heat

Offline KenyanPlato

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My point is the Pimp can't do much but allow the elites to skim the morsels coming from Mlungu and hopefully give his region that bacon grease left over after cooking mnono bacon. You seen the Negro in US can cook a mean collard greens because during slavery the master only gave them poor rations. I watched someone show how they cook collared greens those mathafakas are hard and bitter like hell. So what AA do is throw everything to soften to mellow the bitter punch but the kitchen sink in the pots. One Beefy woman with jug handles all over  shared this cooking recipe

- Grease from Bacon. About half  sauce pan of it
- Ham hock or some piece of cheap pork meat
* a half cup of unrefined sugar
- Turkey neck or or chicken neck

- Vinegar

The tragedy is that even when hunger is no longer there your genes are programmed to fatten up just in case the hard times return. That why you see Nyeuthis here are still breaking the weight scales bulking up for a Winter to come that never comes..

The story of Malawi can replicated all over Africa. If Tinga comes to power.. He would have to let his people eat to find a way of escaping the crushing poverty in Nyanza. The widows selling  kamongo small worms would need to be brought up to earn an income of more that 1 dollar a day.. So i won't begrudge him if he appointed a cabinet all the his family and local people.. You got work with you have

Anyway as I always say we can blame our forefathers for being stupid enough to settle in some areas. The people in Turkana and those areas are just a resilient idiot gene that has been marking time in a desert for centuries.. Zinjathropas left these motherfuckers there and went all the way to Europe and Americas while the starved to death in the baking heat.. That kind of stupid is special

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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They never survived if it was before they would have migrated up east. That place is hell and it going to be hell between now and 2030. There is a regions there of SADC countries and other in Sahel that needs to migrate the fuck out.. The country is poor. It not even Turkana poor it beyond that

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world with 50.7 percent of the population living below the poverty line and 25 percent living in extreme poverty. ... Out of the total rural population, 57.0 percent is poor compared to 17.0 percent of the urban population

These ones and Zambia ones will be cooked alive by the heat

Malawi's poverty stats are not that much different from Kenya's. I feel depressed every time I come back home. Misery and poverty as far as the eye can see especially in urban areas. Malawi is not dry like the Sahel, Sadec countries problems stem from poor land management, there are enough rains and fertile soils to support prosperous farming communities. Sahel is a different case because of desertification, high birth rates, and Islamic extremism, their prospects are bleak. Europe will permanently close its borders in the next decade so they will be no escape there.
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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My point is the Pimp can't do much but allow the elites to skim the morsels coming from Mlungu and hopefully give his region that bacon grease left over after cooking mnono bacon. You seen the Negro in US can cook a mean collard greens because during slavery the master only gave them poor rations. I watched someone show how they cook collared greens those mathafakas are hard and bitter like hell. So what AA do is throw everything to soften to mellow the bitter punch but the kitchen sink in the pots. One Beefy woman with jug handles all over  shared this cooking recipe

- Grease from Bacon. About half  sauce pan of it
- Ham hock or some piece of cheap pork meat
* a half cup of unrefined sugar
- Turkey neck or or chicken neck

- Vinegar

The tragedy is that even when hunger is no longer there your genes are programmed to fatten up just in case the hard times return. That why you see Nyeuthis here are still breaking the weight scales bulking up for a Winter to come that never comes..

The story of Malawi can replicated all over Africa. If Tinga comes to power.. He would have to let his people eat to find a way of escaping the crushing poverty in Nyanza. The widows selling  kamongo small worms would need to be brought up to earn an income of more that 1 dollar a day.. So i won't begrudge him if he appointed a cabinet all the his family and local people.. You got work with you have

Anyway as I always say we can blame our forefathers for being stupid enough to settle in some areas. The people in Turkana and those areas are just a resilient idiot gene that has been marking time in a desert for centuries.. Zinjathropas left these motherfuckers there and went all the way to Europe and Americas while the starved to death in the baking heat.. That kind of stupid is special

What kills nyeuthis is poor diet, too much SUGAR and CARBS. They need to eat diets closer to their Western African heritage. I'm amazed at how ignorant they are of the perils of sugary drinks, I have a morbidly obese AA neighbor who can barely walk who regularly returns from his shopping trips with a supersized soda or shake. It is as if he wants to commit suicide by over eating. I skip breakfast and some days only eat one meal. Never ate sugar for years, my carb intake is low so I have never had weight issues.

Turkanas were actually doing fine before 50 years ago, they will tell you it was time of plenty. ukame na ukosefu wa maji zilianza tu 30 years go .Climate change and poor land management are to blame. Those herders in Turkana and Northern Kenya were actually much more healthier and physically robust than their counterparts in so called green zones of Kenya. We are learning our hunter gatherers ancestors diets were superiors to the settled farmers who came later. They and Turkanas had plenty of animal protein that give them an edge over those growing crops. 
Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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My point is the Pimp can't do much but allow the elites to skim the morsels coming from Mlungu and hopefully give his region that bacon grease left over after cooking mnono bacon. You seen the Negro in US can cook a mean collard greens because during slavery the master only gave them poor rations. I watched someone show how they cook collared greens those mathafakas are hard and bitter like hell. So what AA do is throw everything to soften to mellow the bitter punch but the kitchen sink in the pots. One Beefy woman with jug handles all over  shared this cooking recipe

- Grease from Bacon. About half  sauce pan of it
- Ham hock or some piece of cheap pork meat
* a half cup of unrefined sugar
- Turkey neck or or chicken neck

- Vinegar

The tragedy is that even when hunger is no longer there your genes are programmed to fatten up just in case the hard times return. That why you see Nyeuthis here are still breaking the weight scales bulking up for a Winter to come that never comes..

The story of Malawi can replicated all over Africa. If Tinga comes to power.. He would have to let his people eat to find a way of escaping the crushing poverty in Nyanza. The widows selling  kamongo small worms would need to be brought up to earn an income of more that 1 dollar a day.. So i won't begrudge him if he appointed a cabinet all the his family and local people.. You got work with you have

Anyway as I always say we can blame our forefathers for being stupid enough to settle in some areas. The people in Turkana and those areas are just a resilient idiot gene that has been marking time in a desert for centuries.. Zinjathropas left these motherfuckers there and went all the way to Europe and Americas while the starved to death in the baking heat.. That kind of stupid is special

What kills nyeuthis is poor diet, too much SUGAR and CARBS. They need to eat diets closer to their Western African heritage. I'm amazed at how ignorant they are of the perils of sugary drinks, I have a morbidly obese AA neighbor who can barely walk who regularly returns from his shopping trips with a supersized soda or shake. It is as if he wants to commit suicide by over eating. I skip breakfast and some days only eat one meal. Never ate sugar for years, my carb intake is low so I have never had weight issues.

Turkanas were actually doing fine before 50 years ago, they will tell you it was time of plenty. ukame na ukosefu wa maji zilianza tu 30 years go .Climate change and poor land management are to blame. Those herders in Turkana and Northern Kenya were actually much more healthier and physically robust than their counterparts in so called green zones of Kenya. We are learning our hunter gatherers ancestors diets were superiors to the settled farmers who came later. They and Turkanas had plenty of animal protein that give them an edge over those growing crops. 

My Igbo doktari mentioned something analogous. We should only eat like that if we are going to toil on the land all day.  I have cut back on rice, chapati, ugali, etc, mostly replaced by sweet and regular potatoes.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman

Offline Kim Jong-Un's Pajama Pants

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Turkanas were actually doing fine before 50 years ago, they will tell you it was time of plenty. ukame na ukosefu wa maji zilianza tu 30 years go .Climate change and poor land management are to blame. Those herders in Turkana and Northern Kenya were actually much more healthier and physically robust than their counterparts in so called green zones of Kenya. We are learning our hunter gatherers ancestors diets were superiors to the settled farmers who came later. They and Turkanas had plenty of animal protein that give them an edge over those growing crops. 

Not to suggest that they are genetically stupid(they are not), but do they really know what happened 50 years ago?  There is more than enough history that explains how people find themselves in one place or another to immediately assume there is something wrong with them.

The hunter gatherer diet was superior to that of ancient farmers.  By the time of Turkanas, farmers diets were superior because most farmers also kept domesticated livestock.
"I freed a thousand slaves.  I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."

Harriet Tubman