This racism lenses like other single issue lenses reduce life and discourses into emotional cesspools.
Take the corona, mwafrika is confident that the thing won't get him thus no strategy yet it is going to impoverish hundreds of millions. compare with the bile on Trump is because he is seen as doing nothing-acting like our mwafrika shithole misleaders as millions get infected and economy sinks. Most mwafrika are still singing how gods love them and how these gods won't let corona devastate their lives even as they face house closures, loan defaults...even bleakier future.
Mwafrika despite being at the bottom acts and speaks as if he is having best quality of life thus the stagnation and deterioration. With internet we know what quality health care looks like but we will debate for days about a handbag than about why the suckers are headed to Dubai amidst corona which lead to a reboot of our healthcare. Yet on the same day Joho is being commended for doing very well in Mombasa's health sector.