But this will be corrected once GEMA goes for DP position will be powerful, plan is to have lets say like PK be in a position to take pork after this kura. Gatheca is pulling too many strings on his succession but he is not God he cant guarantee anything past 2022,he has too much baggage, gideon, kalonzo, raira, oparanya etc that all want PORK. Unlike Ruto whos problem is just a running mate.
As it stands Ruto is still man to beat his base is solid both in rift and mt. Kenya, depending on whom gatheca toshas hustler could reap more, fallout will be great in gathecas side. Hustler is doing right saving his energy and resources he needs this in 2022 seriously, money wise he is sorted with about 100 Billion kenya shillings at his disposal he can mount one hell of a campaign compared to what ODM has had in the past of below 10 Billion shs.