I still think Uhuru will go home. I am not convinced otherwise. We will see soon. I don't think Uhuru can become Duale...in Raila gov...and get kicked out in record time like Duale. That is just nonsense. Neither is anybody looking forward to become DPORK. DPORK in Jubilee 1.0 was great - now it's just VP - to smile and welcome the president. Ruto is luckily he still has vestiges in all corners of gov from Jubilee 1.0
All those BBI positions everyone knows are nonsense. The only position in Kenya is PORK. And that is what Uhuru is telling you through actions.
But here you're waiting to count the number of flower girls who will created by BBI - ostensibly to escort Raila. NAIVETY 101.
Parliamentary is also BS. PM=PORK. Same powerful office.
What tickles my titties is horizontal power transfer - not just money like those idiots are asking - but money and power - devolve education, roads (kerra, kura) and then leave the president to in charge of truly national functions. That is only way to make PORK ceremonial - by making him in charge of national functions - immigration, defence, foreign affairs and inter-county issues like national highways, ports etc. Also iron out the nonsense about Senate and DCI charging governors..and turning them into glorified DCs. Protect devolution.
That is only true power-sharing.
Yes. There has been tangible progress. How are you doing in Uhurutopia? Any sign of Uhuru booking Hawaii vacation - to leave Mobutu in charge
I see all Kihikas and Duales are faithfully attending their own funerals.