Moses Kuria is a windsock. You cannot kill somebody and be around to discover his car. ODM and NASA are just a bunch of morons - the worst I have seen - because they all donated their brains to Raila. Kuria has NOTHING to do with the death of Msando. Msando like Jacob Juma was killed by Professional hitmen with connections with gov. Yes during Msando's death a few people had been kidnapped and killed in that forest...but fact that gov has never found the killers...means the gov killed them (NIS, CID, Harambee hse, Statehouse)
As for Ruto - Ruto overcalculated. The war he has faced stems right from Jubilee nomination when oversaw a rout of most of GEMA MPs, governors and Senators. They have never forgiven him. First, they loudly complained to Uhuru - and they went as far as forming independent jubilee thing for independent candidates. They all got floored by Wananchi save for 1 or 2 in the real election. Only Waria and Wambora survived that nomination rout.
Murathe was supposed to work with Tuju to run nomination. They failed. I guess they had eaten money from existing MPs and governors...and never really intended to run a nomination. They were busy selling Smart Cards and other bone-headed ideas...that was supposed to be used in Nomination.
There is a lot of conspiracy but facts are stubborn. Tuju and Murathe sc.rewed up Jubilee nomination so much -in my area - by 2pm - there were no papers. Before that Chirchir had run very "good" URP elections and folks all over the country were amazed. Nomination are not supposed to be that great - but at least deliver ballots papers and plastic bags

Uhuru gave Ruto the assignment to fix the mess. He goes to Pangani and sleeps there. He orders the idiots Tuju and Murathe to go home.
Now as you see in Jubilee - the genesis is that - Murathe/Tuju merging with GEMA losers - to spread rumors about Ruto overshadowing Uhuru and having nefarious schemes.
The reality - in GEMA - Murathe and Tuju nominations were a semblance of success in central - and when the repeat was ordered (Ruto) - the verdict was the same- when Chebukati did his thing - the same results.
But the losers always want to blame someone. So they started their little conspiracy and bitterness...and told Uhuru that Ruto was a dangerous man who had invaded his bedroom.
But they will fail. These are well-known drunkards who cannot run a kiosk. Just like Raila.
So basically this is an alliance of Jubilee and NASA..all bitter with Ruto. Instead of finding out what they did wrong to Wananchi..they have turned their bitterness to Ruto.
Seems only Kiambu former Governor learned the lesson from Wananchi...the rest is still out there blaming all the misfortune of Ruto.
The problem is not Ruto. The problem is their own people. Ruto if there is anything he knows Kalenjin for example hated Moi for influencing local elections. Ruto has seen many of his friends lose nominations. He has seen many of his enemies win - look now at least a dozen don't like Ruto but won- like my friend Alfred Keter.Ruto won Kalenjin support and confidence - 7 sub-tribes by staying the fuc.k out of the nomination and local issues. Raila basically interferes like Mois.
Now the beauty in this fight - GEMA people know the issues - they know the losers are bitter - for being kicked out by them - NOT RUTO.
The beauty - Ruto will do to GEMA what he did to Kalenjin - he will replace the dynasties with power of the people. 20 yr old GEMA kids will become governors. Nobody will care whom their mother or father is. 90 yr old will win on merit. Nobody will care who you are....but the wanjiku will rule.
I think the Ruto's connection to Msando's death comes from his connection to Moses Kuria and the way Kuria acted when Msando was missing. But think about it, Ouru's second term was more important to Ruto than even Ouru himself. Had the elections not been stolen in 2017 as it was in 2013, Ruto's obssessive dream of PORKhood would be dead. He was the biggest beneficiary of the stolen presidency from RAO thats why he see's RAO's shadows everywhere. Ruto had played a good game until he went too far going into Ouru's bedroom and trying to make Ouru a lame duck presient on his first day of his 2nd term. He fucked this up big time all by himself and he has no one to blema-Karma is a bitch. If he were a luo, it would have been understable- Ujaluo. How do you explain this kind of behavior from a kalenjin who are stereotyped for knowing how to lie low as an envelop like Moi did. I think Ruto hanged out with luos too much during his ODM days.
I can understand Juma. He had beef with Ruto. But Msando - would have to be Uhuru's. It was his election to lose.
After the way Ruto brutally had Juma and Msando murdered, it would be sweet revenge to their families.