Author Topic: Nowawahay and Njuri  (Read 15961 times)

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #40 on: June 21, 2020, 03:48:07 PM »
Rv pundit
Yours was stating what kalenjins plan was. I do not fault you it us your people collective decision.

Why cant warriors as Njuri stated march to state house. We in central will give them passage. It is primitive to attack a peasant in molo for no reason. When we wanted to remove moi and fought moi not kales, your people attacked unprovoked.

The kabila kama nowayah, gout, acid et al are wetting their pussies on the idea yhat kales will displace kikuyus. If you want to displace uhuru be my guest but stop targeting your political premature ejaculations on my people

Well said my brother. Teach these bloody thristy hounds some decency. We in central and eastern never attack innocent people. We protect them. Do you know central host zimbabwe refugees. They been in kiambu for 50 years. Uhuru finally gave them ids. Kikuyus are adventurers and seek opporunities all over. We love growth and do not understand boundaries. In my village the most loved hotel owner is a kamba. He neen in mu village since 80s. He is our brother. We have kisiis who are more kikuyu than local kids.  They live and even when some run away during elections they come back amazed that their friends were not touched

You should be ashamed of even calling yourself Kenyan.  You started an incitement thread and this if taken by authorities fyi might lead to get some jail time .
I have a simple question to you . would you mind answering why no war erupted in RV during the 2013 and 2017 elections  ?

They are really tempting fate knowing they can't fight. Provocation is the preserve of the strong not the weak.
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Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #41 on: June 21, 2020, 03:52:28 PM »
Nowa, wewe kabila gani? Nandi ama bukusu?

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #42 on: June 21, 2020, 03:53:25 PM »
So uhuru making political moves is provocation. Talk of kalenjins fragility

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #43 on: June 21, 2020, 05:12:10 PM »
So Uhuru has free pass to do whatever he wants but everyone else is not allowed to anything - just take it in and see the guy changing goal post the constitution; appointing only his people; just sit there. This is why US citizens don't want to lose their guns. And Kalenjin keep their arrows.

Uhuru and you are tempting fate. And this time round - you may be surprised Kikuyus will go for their own - to show Kalenjin they are not in this.

Ask any IDP. Don't ever trust of any of our corrupt policemen. Kibaki had to call the army. And if the army had split - he would have taken the first chartered flight out.

Don't think out corrupt tribal police will come to your rescue. Maybe the army for a few days before they split.

You allow Murathe and other drunkards to drive you to a ditch - with brain-headed idea like Gideon Moi. Gideon Moi  cannot even address anybody in Kalenjin.

So uhuru making political moves is provocation. Talk of kalenjins fragility

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #44 on: June 21, 2020, 06:26:48 PM »
Who is preventing ruto from calling a parallel pg and challenge uhuru. Kales peadants should vote and leave the rest to leaders to sort out. Politics is a contact sport, ruto needs to contact uhuru or just surrender to uhuru.

I like raila current stunt. He is dealing with his peers and letting his voters earn in peace.

We need to get to a point where the voter is not harmed.  I would never attack a kale nor would ask my supporters to do the same.ruto has had kikuyus vote for him 3 times 2000, 2013 and 2017..he needs to relax and let voters decide

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #45 on: June 21, 2020, 06:40:07 PM »
Now go back and read the first post you made here. You're trying to inflame ethnic wars. Has Ruto or anyone in RV incited anybody. NOPE. You started with baseless rumours. The idea we know - you're dyed in the wool railast. Stop it. These are your own people.
Who is preventing ruto from calling a parallel pg and challenge uhuru. Kales peadants should vote and leave the rest to leaders to sort out. Politics is a contact sport, ruto needs to contact uhuru or just surrender to uhuru.

I like raila current stunt. He is dealing with his peers and letting his voters earn in peace.

We need to get to a point where the voter is not harmed.  I would never attack a kale nor would ask my supporters to do the same.ruto has had kikuyus vote for him 3 times 2000, 2013 and 2017..he needs to relax and let voters decide

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #46 on: June 21, 2020, 07:55:34 PM »
There is clear understanding that if kikuyu voters do not vote for ruto they will be displaced from rv. Your statement here has confirmed that much, my friends in molo have confirmed that is the sentiment on the ground. My warning is to other to be aware that any choice by central voters my resort in war.

Offline Arcadian_Dreamer

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #47 on: June 21, 2020, 08:50:03 PM »
So Uhuru has free pass to do whatever he wants but everyone else is not allowed to anything - just take it in and see the guy changing goal post the constitution; appointing only his people; just sit there. This is why US citizens don't want to lose their guns. And Kalenjin keep their arrows.

Uhuru and you are tempting fate. And this time round - you may be surprised Kikuyus will go for their own - to show Kalenjin they are not in this.

Ask any IDP. Don't ever trust of any of our corrupt policemen. Kibaki had to call the army. And if the army had split - he would have taken the first chartered flight out.

Don't think out corrupt tribal police will come to your rescue. Maybe the army for a few days before they split.

You allow Murathe and other drunkards to drive you to a ditch - with brain-headed idea like Gideon Moi. Gideon Moi  cannot even address anybody in Kalenjin.

So uhuru making political moves is provocation. Talk of kalenjins fragility

He is trying to gaslight us, Pundit  :D

We are too smart for that. We can easily see through his intentions.

Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, The best would be never to have been born at all.

Offline KenyanPlato

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2020, 09:31:48 PM »
So you are a Kale too? We need you guys to let voters be. they vote they go home and let leaders short themselves out in Nairobi

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #49 on: June 22, 2020, 08:20:00 AM »
However, former Nyayo-era State House comptroller Franklin Bett told the Star Ruto’s open defiance is dangerous and amounts to an open declaration of war against his boss.

“You may need to be careful when confronting a man in power. It's not easy to fight the state two years to a general election and win,” Bett said.

He warned the no-holds-barred war has the potential to "degenerate into tribal skirmishes" if political temperatures continue to rise.

“The war will play out very badly. My only worry is it can degenerate into tribal skirmishes,” he said.

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2020, 08:46:03 AM »
Whatever the outcome between wanjohi and Ruto innocent people can NEVER be collateral, if for a moment it appears that kikuyu in rift Valley will be targeted then Meru support will naturally evaporate, we wont be complicit in murder of innocent men, women and children. Nor any destruction to property. If really kalenjins feel aggrieved then attacking the elites in Nairobi would be a worthy cause, this talk of killing kikuyus will make merus bolt out of supporting Ruto. Its UNACCEPTABLE! And honestly its making me sick

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #51 on: June 22, 2020, 08:53:50 AM »
It's is Wanjohi and GEMA elite call. They play dirty. Kalenjin will play dirty. Kalenjin will not attack now because it's not going to help their cause but they will attack when all hope is lost.

The choice is clear Njuri - Raila or Ruto - or well an even bigger war if you were to align Ruto and Raila by playing both.

Wanjohi has to sober up and realize he is driving the country down a civil war with no winner;

Already he has expelled 50K Kalenjin and denied them even IDP camps in Narok just to get at Ruto (many believe)  - and here we are telling Kalenjin not to attack small man but go to Nairobi and attack Uhuru in his well-protected fortress.

Whatever the outcome between wanjohi and Ruto innocent people can NEVER be collateral, if for a moment it appears that kikuyu in rift Valley will be targeted then Meru support will naturally evaporate, we wont be complicit in murder of innocent men, women and children. Nor any destruction to property. If really kalenjins feel aggrieved then attacking the elites in Nairobi would be a worthy cause, this talk of killing kikuyus will make merus bolt out of supporting Ruto. Its UNACCEPTABLE! And honestly its making me sick

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #52 on: June 22, 2020, 08:57:14 AM »
It's is Wanjohi and GEMA elite call. They play dirty. Kalenjin will play dirty. Kalenjin will not attack now because it's not going to help their cause but they will attack when all hope is lost.

The choice is clear Njuri - Raila or Ruto - or well an even bigger war if you were to align Ruto and Raila by playing both.

Wanjohi has to sober up and realize he is driving the country down a civil war with no winner;

Whatever the outcome between wanjohi and Ruto innocent people can NEVER be collateral, if for a moment it appears that kikuyu in rift Valley will be targeted then Meru support will naturally evaporate, we wont be complicit in murder of innocent men, women and children. Nor any destruction to property. If really kalenjins feel aggrieved then attacking the elites in Nairobi would be a worthy cause, this talk of killing kikuyus will make merus bolt out of supporting Ruto. Its UNACCEPTABLE! And honestly its making me sick
Why can't you attack the elites?why ?

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #53 on: June 22, 2020, 08:59:36 AM »
I am not part of the attackers. I am just a political analyst.

Uhuru expelled 60,000 Kipsigis from Narok just to get (appears now) at Ruto. Ruto told Kalenjin they are after me - relax - I will find you small land to put up IDP camps. The guy who expelled them and denied them even a place to set up IDP camps was promoted to Rift Valley PC. The same Natembeya and gov seem to be playing a partisan role in shielding Maasai as they attack Kipsigis.

Natembeya now straddles RV - thinking he can stop the warriors - when they finally erupt in all corners of kalenjin land - he will be nowhere in the scene:) It's dangerous recklessness that will affect many millions.

Remember I told you a long time ago the 60K IDPS would form the next army to fight GEMA. They have nothing to lose.

Wanjohi is building a war slowly and slowly - and when the volcano erupts - you act ignorant - yet seismological waves can be detected now.

Wanjohi has to be restrained, told to sober up, prepare to hand over power, and GO HOME. All these little games he is playing will come to haunt him - and instead of retiring -  he will lose everything. I think he has had 3 yrs of blissful no opposition but now it appears he is about to get as much as he gives.

It appears he is ready to go tribal - run back to GEMA and appeal to tribal emotions - and then hope everyone will just play cool.

The only thing now stopping the descent is GEMA people and some of it's leaders who seem to have put the brakes in. Wanjohi is totally drunk listening to Atwolis and Murathes.

Why can't you attack the elites?why ?

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #54 on: June 22, 2020, 09:24:17 AM »
You guys are taking the bait he wants to paint you violent, anyway should you wish to continue remember its not all kalenjin, it will be just nandis fighting, kipsigis have been sedated by Rutto and others,marakwets pokots tugen don't have a reason to fight. The addict bhang smoker will simply unleash KDF on your sorry soot asses, it will be terrible all other kabilas will be against you. Ruto has an opportunity to rise above this and become a stateman and Condemn your thinking, while you will be safe in Nairobi your kin will be running all over lives totally ruined. You expect KDF to split? You joking, only Nandi would and in thta event they would be ran over easily and subdued. You will never win

Offline Njuri Ncheke

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #55 on: June 22, 2020, 09:33:10 AM »
Actually you even ruined my breakfast on Monday mornings twice a month, I slaughter a dorper sheep and distribute meat to my loved ones, then make breakfast of mutton with soup mixed with lemon and pilipili and eat it with chapati or injera. I lost appetite because of this nonsense you spewing. Honestly if holding poor, innocent people hostage with threats of death and displacement is your cup of tea then you need counseling and mental recalibration.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #56 on: June 22, 2020, 09:33:42 AM »
Why are you personalizing it. You have a problem dealing with facts? Let me further help you - 99% of Kalenjin are behind Ruto. Ruto is only a Nandi in the name - he is a kipsigis. He has the support of all Kalenjins from Uganda to Tanzania trust me. Like I told you don't expect Ruto or Kalenjin to play dirty now; but eventually they will or mighty; depend on how far Wanjohi pushes.
You guys are taking the bait he wants to paint you violent, anyway should you wish to continue remember its not all kalenjin, it will be just nandis fighting, kipsigis have been sedated by Rutto and others,marakwets pokots tugen don't have a reason to fight. The addict bhang smoker will simply unleash KDF on your sorry soot asses, it will be terrible all other kabilas will be against you. Ruto has an opportunity to rise above this and become a stateman and Condemn your thinking, while you will be safe in Nairobi your kin will be running all over lives totally ruined. You expect KDF to split? You joking, only Nandi would and in thta event they would be ran over easily and subdued. You will never win

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #57 on: June 22, 2020, 09:36:59 AM »
Sorry, but Kenya is still a jungle out there. Concentrate on arrow wars in Igembe with Boranas. And don't personalize. I will be a big loser too. I don't even know where I will go - If stay in Mavoko - Kikuyus like you may attack me - if I go to Kalenjin - they may attack my wife. So honestly I will go to Uganda.

I am not the cause of this; Wanjohi is the main cause. Get that through Oblangata Medulla.

When Franklin Bett said the same - I don't see your indignation
He warned the no-holds-barred war has the potential to "degenerate into tribal skirmishes" if political temperatures continue to rise.

“The war will play out very badly. My only worry is it can degenerate into tribal skirmishes,” he said.

Actually you even ruined my breakfast on Monday mornings twice a month, I slaughter a dorper sheep and distribute meat to my loved ones, then make breakfast of mutton with soup mixed with lemon and pilipili and eat it with chapati or injera. I lost appetite because of this nonsense you spewing. Honestly if holding poor people hostage with threats of death and displacement is your cup of tea then you meed counseling and mental recalibration.

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2023, 11:30:46 AM »

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Nowawahay and Njuri
« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2023, 12:11:29 PM »
Moron predicting war and advocating for war are very distinct...did you study English to high school level