Author Topic: Cabinet Secretaries Have No Time For Parliament  (Read 3198 times)

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Cabinet Secretaries Have No Time For Parliament
« on: October 02, 2014, 01:39:19 AM »
They are big shots.  They will not be caught answering questions about insecurity.  Cattle dips.  Dispensaries.  Murram roads.  Polytechnics.  Pensioners.

It would appear that Parliament should look for someone else with time to discuss those issues with.
The confidential correspondence seen by The Standard reveals that the Executive was uneasy with the idea of having the CSs appear before MPs in person to answer mundane queries about insecurity, a cattle dip, a dispensary, a murram road, a polytechnic or even a pensioner in their respective constituencies.
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Re: Cabinet Secretaries Have No Time For Parliament
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2014, 04:09:14 AM »
Why would a CS be answering questions concerning a particular cattle dip? Why are we even talking about dips in 2014?

These mundane matters have surely all devolved to the local government. The County Assembly should haul the local executive in charge to answer these questions.

I find it shocking that insecurity is classed as mundane. Since when? How did that happen? It almost always involves the loss of life. That is a National issue and National MPs have done nothing about holding to account  the people in charge. Westgate receieved the mother of all free charges. And Lamu was ODM- so that's ok!

having the CSs appear before MPs in person to answer mundane queries about insecurity, a cattle dip, a dispensary, a murram road, a polytechnic or even a pensioner in their respective constituencies.
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Re: Cabinet Secretaries Have No Time For Parliament
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 04:35:08 AM »
Me I think they should be able to answer any question, even stupid ones, relating to their portfolio.  A functionary can do it.  But the buck stops with the secretary.

A health secretary should be able to explain why a dispensary is lacking drugs.  Agriculture secretary should be in a position to explain why a certain dip has not received chemicals. 

If not, they should promise a status report.  It's their job.  It's not a reward or a title of prestige.

As long as there is a process.  Perhaps one would require them to appear before the committees a certain number of times every year.
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Re: Cabinet Secretaries Have No Time For Parliament
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2014, 05:04:37 AM »
The stock answer is always when funds become available, its not in the budget, we are not aware the dispensary exists ad infinitum

That's why these services were devolved. It shouldnt be in their portfolio but they won't let go because there's money involved. The CS should be driving policy.

Its should be up to the County Government to ensure local services meet expected standards. Why should the County Government pay Doctors and Nurses but not manage the service they provide. The County Govt can draw on Kemsa for drugs. Or they can shop elsewhere if the pricing is better.  Otherwise devolution will end up being nothing but the Central Govt outsourcing payroll.

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Re: Cabinet Secretaries Have No Time For Parliament
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2014, 07:40:38 AM »
Talk of Jubilee headless chicken being legally advised by Prof Muigai who has become an embarrassment to everyone.

They are two levels of gov. They are two levels of parliament. They are 17 functions devolved. They are 35 functions within national gov.

National assembly including DUALE should keep off 17 devolved functions (cattle dip), leave governors and MCA to deal with those issues.

National assembly should oversight National Gov on the 35 National functions.  And one way would be through CS answering questions from kenya through their rep. Such questions should only relate to what they're in charge of...for example vet policy instead of cattle dip.

The senate should step in to deal with overlaps btw National Gov and County Gov.