I think they play margin game - there are things that probably bring very little profit - and when the economy is in trouble - then you're left selling those kinds of useless things. Everyone is basically worried about the future and they are not spending like they normally would.
The cascading effect of CORONA is huge. We have basically lost 3 months - and we are uncertain of the future. It will be real tears, jobless, poverty and many businesses will go bankrupt. The banks are also not willing to lend in an environment of uncertainty - they rather park their cash in gov.
Uhuru has a big problem in his hand.
The modern economy is like a house of cards - everything has to work together - or the domino effect kicks in.
I know consumer spending has somewhat dipped so stock is slow moving, but this is more than that; even where stock is all sold suppliers have to wait. Food rarely expires in supermarkets. Stuff like fresh food and other fast moving goods are sold within days.
I think Rona is an excuse.
I visited Carrefour TRM a few days ago and I noticed an instance amount of cheap stock; toilet rolls. We are long past toilet roll panic buying so I can’t understand why they would stock so many shelves with toilet rolls.
It could be they are working hard to hide empty shelves