Don't always read first and fast - sometimes read slowly. Going by your reasoning - Duale - as Majority Leader of parliament is PM - and we are as good as parliamentary.
Parliamentary system - PM is head of Gov - President head of state.
Now here is ODM proposal - The president, according to ODM’s proposal, shall appoint and may dismiss the Cabinet, including the PM, deputy prime ministers and ministers.
The Star further helps you...
In a parliamentary system that Raila and the party had advocated, the party with the majority seats in Parliament would form a government to be headed by prime minister with executive powers.
REB - strengthen the law -
- not the constitution?
Anyway star also helps you...
When making its presentation to the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) taskforce yesterday, it became clear that the party had dumped its quest for a parliamentary system and the creation of a three-tier system of government, which its leader Raila Odinga had rooted for to improve governance.
So excited this BBI must be really bothering you...
I did read that and always read first... these are just motions. Everyone wants this and that - including governors who still want regional - ODM, Wiper and most parties want a PM appointed from the largest party/coalition (so not upto PORK really) - and who can only be fired by 2/3 MPs. PM appoints and runs cabinet and cannot be fired by PORK after "appointment" - so in short he runs the show while accountable to parliament. That is parliamentary 101. Even in UK the Queen "appoints" PM.
“As soon as possible, and in any case within 14 days after assuming office, the president shall appoint an MP from a political party having a majority of members in the National Assembly or, if no political party has a majority, who appears to have the support of the majority of the Members of Parliament, to be prime minister of the republic,” Mbadi said.
I told you already 3rd tier would be dropped for REBs - economic blocks.
Regional blocs
Yesterday, instead of calling for the creation of another tier of government as had been proposed by Raila, ODM told the BBI taskforce that regional economic blocs should be strengthened.