Growing up each family in my village had an average 6 kids. My family was 7 kids; we are currently five, two of my brothers died. One was killed in india and another died at age 3 years. Anyway I just looked at the census and the village population reported is 6K. However due to migration the actual natives population should be at around 18,000.
One thing is apparent the only young people left in my village are those unambitious and illiterate lot. Anyone who could get out left. there newbies from Nairobi who have bought land there but they do not live there, they are actually parents with kids abroad who buy them land and build mansions that stay empty with only workers
My own shopping center hasn't expanded since my dad built 16 roomed shopping center in 1970. He was drinking there and one day some moron gave him the idea he could build Hotel, butchery, and a bar with lodgings. the bar, butcher and tea cafe have been thriving but lodging never got occupied even a day and they became shelters for village homeless drunkards. We had to lock stocko's uncle there one time after he had been camping in the room for months. We locked him a whole day and then released him and he was the talk of the village on how he was in Kandurumu (CELL) for being a delinquent. I digress
anyway here is a picture of my village shopping center
Love this place it is cold and misty in the morning by afternoon it hits perfect 70 degrees.. We are in climate transition zone. My area we grow tea, 5 kms down the line they grow coffee, 4 kms south they cant grow tea or coffee and rely on fruits (plums, apples, pears and horticulture farming).. very dynamic weather system.