Anything these Uhuru/Raila clowns comes up with end up in favour of Ruto. And that's extremely dangerous for Ruto. If you get what i mean. Because within that group there people with pathological dislike of Ruto, others fear him to the extreme and others think he will confiscate their property ie land.
Add Kibicho and Jezebel who are now behind the scene muscles enforcing anti-Ruto schemes. These two actually know that should Ruto take power then they would have to self exile...
And yes, right now BBI 2.0 is just politics but its what is almost being formalised.
@KenyanPlato, Yes there is people trying their damnest to get Ruto resign or find way to "sack him..." But he shouldn't make it easier for them. He should stay put as Principal Assistant to the President. Otherwise if he resigns then it will be much easier to start dragging him to courts and other harassment tactics. I don't think Ruto is that bad a strategist to just quit. And Central votes ni zake (majority) so long as Uhuru is selling Parliamentary and Raila two clearly unacceptable proposition.
Ruto will not oppose a referendum that will bring a parliamentary system.He will also not oppose the BBI one with a weak PM in a presidential system.What else will you use to drive the wedge..mau forest?