But she was a genius? Where can I see her stuff?
No where. Her brilliance is in academic journals or records in UON or Canada. She was a soil science expert. Her dad was a brilliant colonial administrator retired with 3 pensions. Most her siblings are graduates or hold science diplomas.
Her elder brother was so brilliant. He was a rogue student. He would only attend class for 6 weeks in high school but still emerge top student. He got so bored with school he quit in form 2 and came back for half year to do ksce and passed. He then Went into hustling and used to work as finance consultant, surveryor, tax expert and all manner of gigs. If you asked him to get you anything from government office he would just walk in and 15 mins he would produce it. He actually was campaign manager for clement gachanja.
At one point moi appointed him as director to run a gok department
He was the most senior bachelor in the village and at 48 years women got tired of him rejecting their daughters and got one senior spinister to move go his house.
I used to talk to him often and he would share his ideas. We called him broker coz he could get you to any personality in Kenya. His brilliance was legendary. No degrees or titles but a genius with brilliant mind.
Stocko inherited her dad's genes. Her dad was an old colonial administrator. He was the village subchief during and after colonial administration. He was polygamous.
One of Stocko step bros is senior climate scientist.