he year of picking winners. The year of change. The year humanity confronts it's own extinction due to Global Warming. The decade that breaks or makes our planet.
2020: Take these Predictions with a grain of salt. They are after months of studying what is going on. They reflect the knowledge that is out there at the moment. Most will be point on and you will see these unfold.
I see a world where the western civilization will finally realize due to it's untamed greed and recklessness they have killed the only planet habitable to Homo Sapiens. The zero Hour has finally started ticking. we are moving into uncharted territories. The human psyche knows something is wrong but only about 1% of people know what is ahead.
Africa will continue to be the poorest continent. Due to lack of increased productivity. Africa only holds 1.1% of global wealth. What Africa needs is to dig all the coal, crude oil and uranium and produce electricity for less that $0.04/KWH. Otherwise your leaders will continue walking naked in western capitals. Africa problem is not governance but lack of a robust economic system. Selling raw materials and food to Europe is indentured servitude
Asia will continue to be the place to be in terms of economic activity. However, an aging population in China and India will present challenges. The two countries will have 600 million people over age of 65 by 2030.
We are headed for 4th industrial revolution in Western Hemisphere via 5G technology and after this will be on our way to Singularity. Amazons type of companies will be norm not the exception.
Africa is still stuck in brick and mortar malls and dukas. Wake up and hack your way to the new system.
We are headed for a the most solitary social existence but the most connected. Your kids will chat online but will have no real friends. The only human touch they will get will be accidental.
For the poor nations billions will drown and starve to death by end of this decade. Australia type of calamities will be the norm. Asia will see the biggest Armageddon. Watch Indonesia and Bangladesh sink to the bottom of the sea.
Sahel region will be a furnace cooking people alive. Middle East will be a place where most will live 95 percent of their life indoors. Average temps will be 45 C year round. Yemen will just multiply. Syria will be the the most least talked about war because the embers of carnage will be all over the so called Middle East. Somali The nomads in these regions will just go nuts and terrorize the world for a longtime to come.
In West Africa most of these countries will be hell on earth. Nigeria has imploded. The North is ungovernable. The west is breaking away. There is no way to keep 300 million people well fed and cared for in a country will meager resources. The Altantic will warm up and rivers will dry and you haven't seen nothing yet. Lake chad is gone and with it livelihood of 300 million Africans. Who are now scaling the walls of Europe trying to get to the promised land
South Africa all 55 million inhabitants will either die or migrate. For Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola their only hope is to migrate to Europe or move up East to Congo Forest and great lakes regions
Right now Zambia, Malawi are on permanent aid food program . I believe Zambia has one in lifetime drought that will be the new norm.
As for East Africa Indian Ocean warm waters will drown and cook all life and those rain forests around you. Be prepared. The current floods are a dry run, It will be ugly
As for USA and UK they will remain the most powerful and draconian states. doing everything to maintain their own collapsing civilizations.The rest of Europe will just be Europe a place where Africa, Eastern Asia will meet to reshape the west civilization. It will be an alll out invasion from Africa and middle east. Europe is about to get darker and brown.
Happy New Year everyone and Happy New Decade. Live like this is your last decade because it may be it.
NOT all is doom and gloom. Life is beautiful. Enjoy it and do your part to save this planet