He just turned into a philosopher
Kiunjuri "philosophy" is essentially incoherent rants in deep Kikuyu accent. If only the gab could be adaptable in Swahili or English. Now it is more like a curse... dude can't address a non-Kikuyu gathering. His wahenga nonsense only excites in Nanyuki or Nyeri. Anywhere else he would be chased by disgusted folks. Besides flopping badly for governor - he is claimed to have delivered Mt Kenya West to Uhuru - that's as laughable nonsense as a reject like Tuju delivering Bondo to Raila.
The only fool who settled for running-mate before coalescing a base. Bure kabisa.
I saw demos in Laikipia over his sacking not sure if they were rented crowd.
I think he is dumb. He could have resigned but he opted to hang on till the end to play victim. Problem is he barked and gnarled angrily daring the president. Somehow he lost the small sympathy his sacking may have gotten him. He should have thanked Uhunye and walked away. It was the wrong time to share Kikuyu proverbs.
Something else crossed my mind. Moi is senile and it’s almost 20 years since he left yet we keep on seeing politicians falling over themselves trying to be nice to him. Why’s that? They know he is the key to a certain section of Kenya. What makes Tanga Tanga think that disrespecting Uhunye who is a prince while he is in power will endear them to the people he represents? Stupid as it is, Uhuru’s honor is an asset they will need in 2022 and beyond.
Kiunjuri and Tanga Tanga are not proper politicians - just a bunch of greenhorns planted by Ruto via mlolongo in April 2017. This hare-brained move is what has landed Ruto in hot sauce - they would have ignored the looting and maybe still endorsed him. But a backstabber like Ruto - he is lucky Kenyan democratic space has grown. Moi or Jomo would have eliminated the man without second thought.
Now, you don't need to be clever to see how silly the Kiunjuri strategy is. First, he can't face off with Uhuru howsoever. The imbalance is astounding. Second, Ruto is an outsider so throwing his lot with him is double tragedy. If say Uhuru was fighting with PK and Kiunjuri was backing the latter that would be almost sensible. Ruto has his own base so despite his own failings he remains a tribal king. Kiunjuri should be gunning for president directly or fiercely backing Uhuru 2.0. Now he is offering what - Uhuru vs Ruto?

Zero chance. Zero credibility.
Ruto is not smart, special, magical nor any of the flowery adjectives bounced about by his worshippers. Uhuru applied pedigree and good calculation first to land Kanu then Gema. Raila used trojan 1 & 2 to get cross-ethnic following. Ruto used mlolongo and thrifty graft to look past kalenjin. The genuine hard work of building Jubilee could have paid off but the backstabbing and long-nosed ukora got the better of him. Nothing new under the sun.