Uhuru struggling to finger the tangible carrots: apart from energy (nuclear reactors), security (AK47 & weapons) - and maybe vodka. Not sure what else Russia has to offer Africa. In primary school we installed Kaspersky - in computer class.
Russia is doing exceptionally well in developing agriculture during Putin era. I think they are the top world exporter of wheat as of now.
No one knows how to beat western sanctions than Russia by staging austerity and developing weapon and oil industry and now big amassing gold chests while waiting for fiat collapse.
Russia and Putin are doing well for themselves, making the best of a bad situation. In fact the sanctions are nothing but a rallying cry. The way he has pulled the Syria upset and now this - rather than being crashed... is almost astonishing.
The "mixed" semi-market economy - with a gazillion of unexploited natural resources - makes Russia immune to external pressures. Too much wiggle room. Agriculture, mining, forestry are barely exploited. I don't agree they are a quite developed country - more like emerging - despite the lower high income status and HDI. The big nominal-to-PPP ratio says alot. Stuff is cheap over there.
For all that I see the Africa Summit as little beyond a PR stunt. Russia can't beat India or Turkey - let alone China or Japan - in Africa. They are not big on exports or anything but gas and weapons.