Author Topic: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?  (Read 11821 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2019, 03:06:29 PM »
I can never be in trouble with someone like you whose punditry - political, economic, legal - is way below bar. I  have long online track record that speaks for itself. You saw it last election - and you'll see it soon. The problem you think everything revolves around Ruto or Raila or Uhuru. You just have a weak fickle mind.

Learn to be objective.

As for this straight forward case..this one is open and shut case. The prominence of Jomo Kenyatta portrait (a carving) on every one of our notes is an attempt by Uhuru & CBK to continue with status quo - an expensive illegality. Remember we also renamed with Kenyatta day - to MASHUJAA day in the same katiba.

Or who do you think that article that forbade any portrait on notes was targeted on 2010?  Rv Pundit or any random person had not made to the notes.

The constitution and Kenyans that you need to respect do not want any idolization of anybody.

Pundit is in trouble with my fishing him out of the pond - his ideological echo chamber - about Jubilee and Ruto's voodoo growth, white elephants, trains in the wrong places and weetabix factories. But seriously it's not that this issue is "beneath me" - that's our Pundit and his hubris - I actually see the state winning this one. Good chance of that. If it were a cut&dry no-brainer as some suppose the justices would not be touring the site.

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2019, 04:33:44 PM »
99% of mt. Kenyans want Kenyatta portrait on all denomination.

We should probably devolve currency and let kenyatta currency circulate in mt.kenya.

Other counties can also choose what they like.

This is the good thing about devolution

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2019, 04:47:06 PM »
They voted with 99% for the new constitution. There are things that cannot work in devoluiton. Maybe you need mt kenya need to secede and form a lesoth or swaziland like country in Kenya.
99% of mt. Kenyans want Kenyatta portrait on all denomination.

We should probably devolve currency and let kenyatta currency circulate in mt.kenya.

Other counties can also choose what they like.

This is the good thing about devolution

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2019, 05:08:25 PM »
Arap Pundit - Mashujaa Day was so named by Moi in his sunset days. He at the same time scrapped Moi Day. Katiba 2010 - a whole 8 years later - was after the fact. Get your facts straight.

This case is as "open and shut" as the Waititu case - we are still waiting for some bench or Appeal to save you. There is nothing brilliant or special about your argument.

Objective :) - this is comical coming from the self-declared "dispassionate pundit" - with huge blinkers worse than the proverbial elephant in the room. An objective spectator with a horse... you're more of a cheerleader. Your gigantic blinkers are the elephant on this board  :)

The AG and GoK lawyers have made my argument in court - I also point out precedents of Commonwealth practice of currency.. What exactly do you consider objectives? You of course agree with the tantrums-prone and incidental Omtata - an activist and attention seeker - after you converted on the Road to Damascus.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2019, 05:28:39 PM »
Did anyone else notice the terrible metamorphosis? Ugly as the last scene in The Body Snatchers. At last, our dear truly the legally promiscuous, impunity-loving, long-standing Machiavellian RV Pundit has been turned! Once he came face to face with the abuse of state power and the reality of victimhood. With his unscrupulous hero on the receiving rear, he has been cajoled, he has been jagulated - nay, he has been reprogrammed - into a rights activist. :) Although the 4th grade grammar and half-baked logic are unmistakable - it took me a while to decide his account had not been hacked by Kichwa or bitmask.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline vooke

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2019, 06:33:05 PM »
I am with you both but...

1. A statue is not a portrait - the letter done
2. Jomo Kenyatta is the Founding Father of the nation Kenya.  There are precedents all over the world where the "founding fathers" and other patriots are mummified on the currencies, postal stamps, etc. The US, the UK, France, etc - George Washington, Queen Victoria, Charles de Gaulle - these historical figures are presently on their national currencies. The spirit done.

Splitting hairs

Let me be clear - I oppose the inclusion of Jomo on the currency in any form.

Now, to the objective argument - the letter of the law is splitting of hairs quite fundamentally. So yes Trump's statue is not Trump's portrait. The AG actually argued to that.

About the spirit, it is easy to see how a "founding father" is a national symbol - the portrait itself is in fact witness for the CBK and the state. So you see Omtata the litigant is helping the respondent. 8)

Then the courts are fond of quoting precedents particularly from the Commonwealth; - well, the patron - UK - has portraits of dead monarchs all over her currency.

Then again we recently in 2010 went pure presidential and borrowed heavily from the US model; - the US has her founding fathers and various heroes on her currency.

@Kadame - I was hoping to hear your legal argument? Obviously noone here wants Jomo on the portrait but the court will use law and arguments not subjective feelings.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2019, 06:51:17 PM »

The AG and GoK lawyers have made my argument in court - I also point out precedents of Commonwealth practice of currency.. What exactly do you consider objectives? You of course agree with the tantrums-prone and incidental Omtata - an activist and attention seeker - after you converted on the Road to Damascus.

Ms Robina,
From your article.
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #27 on: August 19, 2019, 07:54:50 PM »
Arap Pundit - Mashujaa Day was so named by Moi in his sunset days. He at the same time scrapped Moi Day. Katiba 2010 - a whole 8 years later - was after the fact. Get your facts straight.

This case is as "open and shut" as the Waititu case - we are still waiting for some bench or Appeal to save you. There is nothing brilliant or special about your argument.

Objective :) - this is comical coming from the self-declared "dispassionate pundit" - with huge blinkers worse than the proverbial elephant in the room. An objective spectator with a horse... you're more of a cheerleader. Your gigantic blinkers are the elephant on this board  :)

The AG and GoK lawyers have made my argument in court - I also point out precedents of Commonwealth practice of currency.. What exactly do you consider objectives? You of course agree with the tantrums-prone and incidental Omtata - an activist and attention seeker - after you converted on the Road to Damascus.
Moi changed Kenyatta day to mashujaa day in you idiotic mind

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2019, 07:57:38 PM »
Did anyone else notice the terrible metamorphosis? Ugly as the last scene in The Body Snatchers. At last, our dear truly the legally promiscuous, impunity-loving, long-standing Machiavellian RV Pundit has been turned! Once he came face to face with the abuse of state power and the reality of victimhood. With his unscrupulous hero on the receiving rear, he has been cajoled, he has been jagulated - nay, he has been reprogrammed - into a rights activist. :) Although the 4th grade grammar and half-baked logic are unmistakable - it took me a while to decide his account had not been hacked by Kichwa or bitmask.
You clearly don't know me.I can support a political leader but I don't support corruption or impunity or human rights abuses.I don't delete my threads.They are ten thousands of them here, at and rcbowen.If I opine that Trump will win POTUS it doesn't mean I approve his brazen racism.If I support and vote for Sonko it doesn't I support some of his buffoonery but I know he cares enough to deliver compared to kidero and has ability to fix commonsensical issue like he has done.Ask Nairobean who is better btw the two.I support Ruto because as flawed as he is..he is our Meles Zenawi or Museveni or Kagame...highly effective leaders who get shit done.Those guys are ruthless killers just as Ruto is a ruthless thief..but a thief who get stuff done is better than a useless thief like Raila who cannot even build a pit latrine

Offline Kichwa

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2019, 09:56:38 PM »
You started well but I guess your true colors came-out in the end. What has Ruto done on his own? Nothing.  He needs to put together,  maintain a tribally diversified political outfit and go against a powerful government with that coalition intact and a threat at beating the government before he can even compare himself to Raila. Other than stealing a lot of money because Ouru let him, there is nothing Ruto has done without the cover of government that he can show-case other than the crap he has built in your tribal heads. Very sad.

Did anyone else notice the terrible metamorphosis? Ugly as the last scene in The Body Snatchers. At last, our dear truly the legally promiscuous, impunity-loving, long-standing Machiavellian RV Pundit has been turned! Once he came face to face with the abuse of state power and the reality of victimhood. With his unscrupulous hero on the receiving rear, he has been cajoled, he has been jagulated - nay, he has been reprogrammed - into a rights activist. :) Although the 4th grade grammar and half-baked logic are unmistakable - it took me a while to decide his account had not been hacked by Kichwa or bitmask.
You clearly don't know me.I can support a political leader but I don't support corruption or impunity or human rights abuses.I don't delete my threads.They are ten thousands of them here, at and rcbowen.If I opine that Trump will win POTUS it doesn't mean I approve his brazen racism.If I support and vote for Sonko it doesn't I support some of his buffoonery but I know he cares enough to deliver compared to kidero and has ability to fix commonsensical issue like he has done.Ask Nairobean who is better btw the two.I support Ruto because as flawed as he is..he is our Meles Zenawi or Museveni or Kagame...highly effective leaders who get shit done.Those guys are ruthless killers just as Ruto is a ruthless thief..but a thief who get stuff done is better than a useless thief like Raila who cannot even build a pit latrine
"I have done my job and I will not change anything dead or a live" Malonza

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2019, 07:22:17 AM »
Kichwa, Raila record of development starting from Kibra is nearly zero.Okoth Ken who replaced him was celebrated for doing basic stuff Raila never did.For Kibra just like Luo's are mere political tools in Raila armour.Kibra just urban demonstration unit for Raila.Luo Nyanza is a funeral ground.Ruto record right from Eldoret North to the parties to ministries to co- presidencies is exemplary.That is why the 53 yr old is giving all these old rich dynasties sleepless nights

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2019, 08:51:11 PM »
Kichwa, Raila record of development starting from Kibra is nearly zero.Okoth Ken who replaced him was celebrated for doing basic stuff Raila never did.For Kibra just like Luo's are mere political tools in Raila armour.Kibra just urban demonstration unit for Raila.Luo Nyanza is a funeral ground.Ruto record right from Eldoret North to the parties to ministries to co- presidencies is exemplary.That is why the 53 yr old is giving all these old rich dynasties sleepless nights

Musical chairs. Besides that Ruto's miracles or vision are imaginary, no performance can beat the downside of the insidious graft Ruto champions. Raila or Uhuru graft is mere cancer - Ruto graft is analogous to ebola or anthrax - where he teach the impressionable youth it is OK to loot and invest in heaven. So shameless. Yet he is a mere VP - now imagine Ruto's Kenya? - where you and patel see African Tiger or Canaan the rest of Nipate see Sodom & Gomorrah under Ruto. We beat this graft-vs-performance horse to death countlessly already - the scale tipped against your man every time. We can redux if you prefer.

Raila of course was behind the infrastructure savvy we credit Kibaki - starting with the bypasses - as Roads & Public Works minister. Ruto in his ingenuous attempt to copy Raila and Kibaki - has built the loss-minting SGR to nowhere.

Politically Raila without GoK has strung first ODM then NASA together. Solid political jaggernauts. What has Ruto done? - 2 seconds bila Moi Kanu was dead. The pastoralist URP gone. His Jogoo 2.0 Party broke into civil war barely a year after formation - Sep 2016 to Mar 2018 - 1yr+ is the longest Ruto has ever managed to hold onto a non-Kalenjin coalition. 8) 8) As at now it is not clear what Ruto 2022 party is. He needs to attempt a mere PG first - before talking party elections or primaries. Jubilee would need GSU or Recce to maintain the peace at Pangani HQ or SH or Karen - in case all hell break loose - we are used to MCA drama :) :D

In short, Ruto got nothing on Babu.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2019, 08:53:21 PM »
Pundit - Ruto's laughable "leadership" of the mish-mash Jogoo Party - old lame Kibaki did better with PNU. Ukistaajabu ya MCA utaona ya Jubilee.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2019, 10:07:18 PM »
Robina, yes Ruto is so overrated,that despite being born into poverty , graduated with first class honours at uon and was subsequently awarded MSc scholarship, started AMACO from his dorm room, became strong KANU youth leader in mid 20s,ousted Moi family Chesire from Eldoret North in 30s, fought for KANU reforms then and registered UDM with Kirwa before being made Ass Min and being allowed to sit in cabinet, overtakes Biwott & Saitoti to put Uhuru as KANU candidate and became chief campaigner.Ruto was about 35yrs then.Became KANU sec general overplaying Gideon.Led orange rejection of Kilifi draft with Raila, dumped KANU and became ODM big 5 slated for PMship.Led ODM campaigns and post campaign to get half gov from a sitting GEMA president.Should I remind you Ruto was just about 40yrs then.Became the best minister of agriculture and higher education despite Raila jealousy and ICC.Goes on to gobble URP that had 72 legislators and became co-president if not the president when Uhuru was drunk.Beat ICC, does a PhD in science, steal gazillions of money, loses weight by shockingly machine by hitting the gym, runs 20kms marathon, when he is not doing 200 political meetings...I can go on and on...Ruto just about 53yrs.The man born to poverty has sacred the rest of political fields their only option is to gang up.Ruto has seen it all..this is a big joke.Just prepare for the inevitable.Ruto is a man of first.He is incredibly brilliant, incredibly driven and incredibly gifted.What is remaining for Ruto to get the ultimate prize is very very easy.Most people who hate Ruto are just envious of his terrific talent, abilities and drive.Then don't Ruto was born so driven he was selling chicken and cows in his teenage years.I started taking keen interest on Ruto in 2001 and am least surprised by his meteoritic rise..he is nearest to a complete politician you can get.A Tom Mboya with the steel of Biwott, the brilliance of kibaki and the hardwork of Moi.As you wait for BBI.. Punguza Mzigo has checkmated that.Raila waited for ICC previously.meanwhile Ruto never sleeps... never get satisfied...remain as hungry and as ambitious as he was 40yrs when he was trying as many chicken instead of playing soccer like other kids

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #34 on: August 21, 2019, 12:18:25 AM »
I, Robina, am better than William Ruto. Straight As,  PhD at 26, young and rich. The point - those personal 'achievements' are irrelevant to me and other taxpayers that he wants to rob blind to the skeleton. PhD at 53 like seriously - that proves he is Average Joe not clever. Waking up 4am - who cares? YK92 that siphon CBK and send inflation thru the roof - KSh torpedoed from 30 to 60 vs USD - due to this Ruto 'achievement' - This chapter please just redact from your Ruto praise & hymns book. It's an own goal. I need you to score a point - cause at this rate even Baktar Akasha was billionaire at 30.

Ruto's signature delivery is the SGR. it was URP manifesto item no 1. You have labored here to tell us how our great grandkids will reap massive benefits - in 2080 - so in meantime we must ignore the huge losses. As hk or vooke tell you - you can as well build SGR to every ward - 100B usd giga-Loan - and no industries will miraculously appear from thin air cause rail. What stop them from building factories in Mombasa or  Malindi or Ukunda - right next to the harbor. There is no transit problem - sugarcane or flowers or sisal do not need rail.

Yes URP was a pastoralist coalition - 90% kalenjin, 30% matusa, 30% NEP. This come to <20% Kenya. Now Central is goone. With the Duales fleeing the vessel - Tanga Tanga will be a bony skeleton - smaller than URP - by the time they ship out to UGM. United Green Movement that Nixon Korir registered on March 9th 2018.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #35 on: August 21, 2019, 08:22:34 AM »
Whoever gave you a phd should recall it. Anyway Jubilee 1.0 didn't just do SGR. They moved electricity connection from under 30s to now over 70s. Through innovative road annuity programme they added 10,000kms road...about as much as what all previous gov did. They grew the economy on average 5.6-6% --- higher than all previous regimes. I can go on and on....but they won 2017 by 54% margin.

As regard to current Ruto fortunes....maybe you're watching different news. Ruto controls an intact jubilee. Kieleweke crew remain a handful number of mps who are unpopular in the ground.  Ruto has Jubile mostly intact and has raided ODM & other parties for support.

Anyway as always we will find out very soon.....and as always with your PHD in'll change the story like you did in 2017.

I, Robina, am better than William Ruto. Straight As,  PhD at 26, young and rich. The point - those personal 'achievements' are irrelevant to me and other taxpayers that he wants to rob blind to the skeleton. PhD at 53 like seriously - that proves he is Average Joe not clever. Waking up 4am - who cares? YK92 that siphon CBK and send inflation thru the roof - KSh torpedoed from 30 to 60 vs USD - due to this Ruto 'achievement' - This chapter please just redact from your Ruto praise & hymns book. It's an own goal. I need you to score a point - cause at this rate even Baktar Akasha was billionaire at 30.

Ruto's signature delivery is the SGR. it was URP manifesto item no 1. You have labored here to tell us how our great grandkids will reap massive benefits - in 2080 - so in meantime we must ignore the huge losses. As hk or vooke tell you - you can as well build SGR to every ward - 100B usd giga-Loan - and no industries will miraculously appear from thin air cause rail. What stop them from building factories in Mombasa or  Malindi or Ukunda - right next to the harbor. There is no transit problem - sugarcane or flowers or sisal do not need rail.

Yes URP was a pastoralist coalition - 90% kalenjin, 30% matusa, 30% NEP. This come to <20% Kenya. Now Central is goone. With the Duales fleeing the vessel - Tanga Tanga will be a bony skeleton - smaller than URP - by the time they ship out to UGM. United Green Movement that Nixon Korir registered on March 9th 2018.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #36 on: August 21, 2019, 09:25:56 PM »
Sawa tutaona. Continue building junk websites and payrolls in COBOL. We are onto web 3.0 and 5G - it will take Safaricom 5yrs to catch up. Can you make a chatbot to speak Sheng? Or even Afrikaan. Instead of innovating to bridge such glaring hitec gaps in Kenya and Africa - you are here singing Baba Ruto the Great day and night - whenever you're sober enough to type. I told you that's Stockholm syndrome. Bure kabisa.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2019, 10:02:42 PM »
Oops  :)
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2019, 10:07:01 PM »
Oops  :)
Relax until the case has been exhausted

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Jomo Kenyatta statue on new currency - what's nipate's take?
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2019, 10:15:10 PM »
Oops  :)
Relax until the case has been exhausted

OK. 2-3 ruling. Noone abstained.

The Judges said KICC was a key national monument which was gazetted in July 2013 and the image was considered and approved by the Cabinet.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels