How does silencing your critics become support?Will you intimidate people to vote BBI and like Raila.Such kind of politics have zero chances of success.It failed on Rails,Ruto,Joho and even Kalonzo with foundation harassment.This new Kenya... nobody can take us to Moi era of 1980s
Pundit, face reality and you have mentioned it several times that Kenya is a tribalistic entity.
So new Kenya does not exist. If this had been the case Uhuru and Ruto would have never been on the ballot in 2013. That buried all hopes of democracy in Kenya for the next two decades. We are a cosmetic demoracy. That means on the surface we a democratic, but inside we are ruled by an elite that controls the governing system.
Even Ruto's number one supporter in Western Kenya said one does not need to win the presidential election to be declared the winner. This will haunt your man in the next years to come.