Author Topic: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto  (Read 37197 times)

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #100 on: June 25, 2019, 05:45:19 PM »
If wishes were horses... there is nothing respect or confidentiality between Uhuru or Ruto. If these CS's are undermining Ruto - they are doing it with the blessings of Uhuru. He tore into Tanga Tanga at Kasarani in Ruto's presence - using very vile words in vernacular - what do you mean by respect? Those Kieleweke crew that were appointed into parastatals recently - the Wawerus, Toro, Rubia - yet they insult Ruto day and night. Then ati now Ruto calls Uhuru and gives him confidential tapes - which only Pundit knows about - even Kinoti hasn't seen them.

If Ruto forwared the Intel to Uhuru - It's very likely won't come out of respect and confidentiality. Big difference btw being a mature leader and Sonko tapping and releasing tapes every now and then - nobody can trust Sonko with the country leadership. Those tapes I bet exist and will be used if need be later. This is 21st century. Easy to bug a room. Eti leave all your phones :) on the door

Again show us where in the fake letter the name Kamau, Njoroge and Wakahiu are mentioned

At least 5 more people were ordered to report to DCI. That CS mentioned only 5.

Indeed Kamwana has been shitting on the hustler's head in public for sometime.  Since early last year.
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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #101 on: June 25, 2019, 05:55:51 PM »
All I am saying they are camps in gov, in statehouse and politics - there is an Anti-Ruto gang that rotate around Kibicho/Nancy working with Raila - there is Pro-Ruto gang working around Kiunjuri & many of Mt Kenya politicians  - and there are neutrals working around Kinyua(the Sec of Cabinet & Head of Civil Services). There is the confused Moses-Sonko group too if you want to spice things:)

Uhuru obviously is working closely clandestinely with Anti-Ruto gang but Pro-Ruto gang are with the ground & are threatening to make Uhuru lame-duck if not worse. The neutrals or moderates like Kinyua - are the ones trying to bridge the divide.

The rest of the Jubilee outside Gusii now (Matiangi has emerged as strong force) is united behind Dr Ruto. So once we see how the battles btw Pro-Ruto and Anti-Ruto pans out - we can declare the winners & losers.

For now, we are in the middle of the schism. So far Ruto is doing great. He may just have extinguished Nancy/Kibicho strategy of using "deep state" - aka Civil Servants & Prov
Admin to soften the ground & campaign for handshake & referendum. The political class cannot risk because the ground is HOSTILE in mt Kenya against anything with RAILA in it.

Kibicho despite all the money, threats and coercion have only managed to get a handful of MPs - he has scared a lot to silence - but a politician of course only cares about the political pulse in mashinani. They cannot risk it. Their necks are on the line.

Now Uhuru has reached a junction.  He can decide to proceed with Kibicho. He can decide to back Ruto. Or he can decide to go with moderates and slow down time. I think he will buy time. Anything else could drive him into cul de sac or proverbially akin to crossing the Rubicon river too early.

If he decides to continue with anti-Ruto group - there is a real risk of revolution - where likes of Kiunjuri stick it to him and forcefully take the mantle. Kiunjuri you must know was largely responsible with Ruto for the rout we saw in Mt Kenya against many older Mps. He is waiting and his patience will eventually run out. I don't think he is going back to Laikipia. He will make a deal with Ruto & fight Uhuru. They may have to close Kameme fm - that Ruto already bought - because Kiunjuri can be lethal :)

Obviously, Ruto is also considering Mt Kenya East - so there is the talk of current Speaker - moving from no 3 to no 2 - if Uhuru proof hard nut to crack.

Right. I was hoping you would define what 'deep state' is as well. As every 5th grade dropout knows, Deep State aka Dark Forces - are the patsy you blame when you want to attack PORK but are either a coward or in a political conundrum like yours truly Dr Moneybag. You're abit incoherent lately but spinning, turning corners and beating around the bush here will not help you. Not even patel nor Geemail buys your spin.

Calm down and suck in the reality... you are over-spinning the un-spinnable! Don't be carried away by your alternative facts which you wish were the reality. I need not add to where good Robina has already pointed out your own admission of the deep state.

In his complaint to Uhuru, Ruto should pretty well have added that Speaker Muturi was at the La'Mada as well. Just for some elementary facts so that you don't get lost here; speaker Muturi is speaker because of Uhuru, he owes his rehabilitation from the wilderness to Uhuru. After his ignominious exit as a Chief Magistrate Thika, he was a disaster of a drunkard in Thika town and its environs (14 Falls Lodge) and was smoking enough weed with enough calabash-full of muratanas with Uhuru at the famous 14Falls Lodge day in day out!

They were quite an inseparable pair and which is why Uhuru at Muturi's mother's funeral said that she was like a mother to him as well. Muturi and Murathe are inseparable from Uhuru. Banish any thought that Muturi would entertain a running-mate arrangement with Ruto. If you have been misled to this direction then it shows the desperation in your ranks. Muturi has already achieved way beyond his wildest dreams and expectations and is only waiting to retire with Uhuru and go back to their binging, what with a lifetime pension as ex-speaker assured!

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #102 on: June 25, 2019, 06:12:18 PM »
I dont deny that Uhuru has been pro-kibicho/gitau ever since they delivered Raila - but they failed in their strategies to contain Ruto.Whatever they've thrown at Ruto, Ruto has deftly turned it around. In fact we are here because Ruto popularity in mt kenya has them so worried they are now scrambling civil servants to do politics. That is where you do not want to admit. It also fact that war of attrition has not gone overboard. Uhuru has not hit Ruto directly and Ruto has been respectful publicly.

I know many of you cannot wait to see the end of Jubilee. Its gonna be a long wait.This is just cold war. They both the consequence of such a war will be Mutually Assured Destruction.Obviously Raila is egging Uhuru to drop the nuclear - but  he will be stupid to press the button.

Kibicho are pawns that can be give up anytime to defend I watch the Kings and Queens.

If wishes were horses... there is nothing respect or confidentiality between Uhuru and Ruto. If these CS's are undermining Ruto - they are doing it with the blessings of Uhuru. He tore into Tanga Tanga at Kasarani in Ruto's presence - using very vile words in vernacular - what do you mean by respect? Those Kieleweke crew that were appointed into parastatals recently - the Wawerus, Toro, Rubia - yet they insult Ruto day and night. Then ati now Ruto calls Uhuru and gives him confidential tapes - which only Pundit knows about - even Kinoti hasn't seen them.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #103 on: June 25, 2019, 06:23:45 PM »
I know you have given up literally on politics and democracy but watch Ruto tactfully bring the cow home. You cannot all drive the cow all way from chaweri driv and have it snatched at Cheplaskei few kilometers from Sugoi.My friend if Raila had Ruto tact and patience - he would be PORK long time ago. Watch Ruto play political chess - where you use to play AJUA. Uhuru power brokers  after 20yrs of power are going to fight as hard as they can.Ruto people after 20yrs of cold will give it all. That was expected. Ruto will give them as much as they give if not more. Ruto started this journey long time ago.....he has all the arsenals...billion dollars in account...popular support accross the breadth and width of the country...and has executed successfully hustler v dynasty propaganda.Where Uhuru has security..Ruto has warriors.Its going go to the wire unless Uhuru accept the cow is GOING, Gone and Gone.

What remains is easy. Ruto kill or neuter the referendum. He drives the cow home triumphantly.Uhuru can chose win win like Jubilee is all about or lose lose like Raila is all about.

RV-Pundit, who knew the shoe would fall on the other feet so fast. You are spinning this Ruto-Ouru thing and like Robina correctly pointed out, it reminds me of myself when I used to spin for RAO.  The reality is that the fight between the two is quickly escalating from under the table to the open and that is what Ruto has been trying to avoid for so long but  he cannot maintain the lie that everything is OK between the two when the evidence to the contrary is overwhelming. His propaganda campaign machinery clearly reveals that he has panicked.  The Ouru camp want him to escalate the fight so that Ruto can crack.  They do not trust Ruto and believes Ruto is dangerous.  The fact that he would be the biggest beneficiary if  Ouru were to die makes him very dangerous to Ouru's camp. For us its more popcorns.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #104 on: June 25, 2019, 06:29:44 PM »
Kichwa agrees these long inshas - theses - are nostalgic. He needed Ivy English and then some to explain away Babu troubles in Kalenjin. Ruto at Sep 2017 had literally ALL the Kikuyu MPs. Now they have fizzled out into a handful - Nyoro, Ichung'wa, Alice Wahome, Ngirici and Waruguru. The heavyweights - wa Iria, Kuria, Waiguru, Kabogo - have abandoned him - and in fact Waiguru and Kuria are fighting him. Baba Yao has chickened out after doing the math. Likes of Kimemia no longer appear anywhere with your boy. Even Sonko the alleycat [sic] - who you now call stupid and confused :) - is hammering your hero - calling for Uhuru 3rd term.

I wonder how you will survive 3 years of spin with your poor grammar.

All I am saying they are camps in gov, in statehouse and politics - there is an Anti-Ruto gang that rotate around Kibicho/Nancy working with Raila - there is Pro-Ruto gang working around Kiunjuri & many of Mt Kenya politicians  - and there are neutrals working around Kinyua(the Sec of Cabinet & Head of Civil Services). There is the confused Moses-Sonko group too if you want to spice things:)

Uhuru obviously is working closely clandestinely with Anti-Ruto gang but Pro-Ruto gang are with the ground & are threatening to make Uhuru lame-duck if not worse. The neutrals or moderates like Kinyua - are the ones trying to bridge the divide.

The rest of the Jubilee outside Gusii now (Matiangi has emerged as strong force) is united behind Dr Ruto. So once we see how the battles btw Pro-Ruto and Anti-Ruto pans out - we can declare the winners & losers.

For now, we are in the middle of the schism. So far Ruto is doing great. He may just have extinguished Nancy/Kibicho strategy of using "deep state" - aka Civil Servants & Prov
Admin to soften the ground & campaign for handshake & referendum. The political class cannot risk because the ground is HOSTILE in mt Kenya against anything with RAILA in it.

Kibicho despite all the money, threats and coercion have only managed to get a handful of MPs - he has scared a lot to silence - but a politician of course only cares about the political pulse in mashinani. They cannot risk it. Their necks are on the line.

Now Uhuru has reached a junction.  He can decide to proceed with Kibicho. He can decide to back Ruto. Or he can decide to go with moderates and slow down time. I think he will buy time. Anything else could drive him into cul de sac or proverbially akin to crossing the Rubicon river too early.

If he decides to continue with anti-Ruto group - there is a real risk of revolution - where likes of Kiunjuri stick it to him and forcefully take the mantle. Kiunjuri you must know was largely responsible with Ruto for the rout we saw in Mt Kenya against many older Mps. He is waiting and his patience will eventually run out. I don't think he is going back to Laikipia. He will make a deal with Ruto & fight Uhuru. They may have to close Kameme fm - that Ruto already bought - because Kiunjuri can be lethal :)

Obviously, Ruto is also considering Mt Kenya East - so there is the talk of current Speaker - moving from no 3 to no 2 - if Uhuru proof hard nut to crack.
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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #105 on: June 25, 2019, 06:42:13 PM »
Uhuru is going home. Not everyone is planning to go home. Obviously, someone like Murathe has no future. Muturi - they are actually two - Muturi the speaker - and Njee Muturi - that you're missing up. Muturi the speaker is positioning himself for DPORK.

Calm down and suck in the reality... you are over-spinning the un-spinnable! Don't be carried away by your alternative facts which you wish were the reality. I need not add to where good Robina has already pointed out your own admission of the deep state.

In his complaint to Uhuru, Ruto should pretty well have added that Speaker Muturi was at the La'Mada as well. Just for some elementary facts so that you don't get lost here; speaker Muturi is speaker because of Uhuru, he owes his rehabilitation from the wilderness to Uhuru. After his ignominious exit as a Chief Magistrate Thika, he was a disaster of a drunkard in Thika town and its environs (14 Falls Lodge) and was smoking enough weed with enough calabash-full of muratanas with Uhuru at the famous 14Falls Lodge day in day out!

They were quite an inseparable pair and which is why Uhuru at Muturi's mother's funeral said that she was like a mother to him as well. Muturi and Murathe are inseparable from Uhuru. Banish any thought that Muturi would entertain a running-mate arrangement with Ruto. If you have been misled to this direction then it shows the desperation in your ranks. Muturi has already achieved way beyond his wildest dreams and expectations and is only waiting to retire with Uhuru and go back to their binging, what with a lifetime pension as ex-speaker assured!

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #106 on: June 25, 2019, 06:43:35 PM »
Calm down and suck in the reality... you are over-spinning the un-spinnable! Don't be carried away by your alternative facts which you wish were the reality. I need not add to where good Robina has already pointed out your own admission of the deep state.

In his complaint to Uhuru, Ruto should pretty well have added that Speaker Muturi was at the La'Mada as well. Just for some elementary facts so that you don't get lost here; speaker Muturi is speaker because of Uhuru, he owes his rehabilitation from the wilderness to Uhuru. After his ignominious exit as a Chief Magistrate Thika, he was a disaster of a drunkard in Thika town and its environs (14 Falls Lodge) and was smoking enough weed with enough calabash-full of muratanas with Uhuru at the famous 14Falls Lodge day in day out!

They were quite an inseparable pair and which is why Uhuru at Muturi's mother's funeral said that she was like a mother to him as well. Muturi and Murathe are inseparable from Uhuru. Banish any thought that Muturi would entertain a running-mate arrangement with Ruto. If you have been misled to this direction then it shows the desperation in your ranks. Muturi has already achieved way beyond his wildest dreams and expectations and is only waiting to retire with Uhuru and go back to their binging, what with a lifetime pension as ex-speaker assured!

A few days prior to the Muturi straw - Waiguru was the preferred running-mate. Until  she turned like a cobra - with the Kenol outburst against the hustler. The spin is that Waiguru demanded the position exclusively and was turned down. :)
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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #107 on: June 25, 2019, 06:45:53 PM »
I dont deny that Uhuru has been pro-kibicho/gitau ever since they delivered Raila - but they failed in their strategies to contain Ruto.Whatever they've thrown at Ruto, Ruto has deftly turned it around. In fact we are here because Ruto popularity in mt kenya has them so worried they are now scrambling civil servants to do politics. That is where you do not want to admit. It also fact that war of attrition has not gone overboard. Uhuru has not hit Ruto directly and Ruto has been respectful publicly.

I know many of you cannot wait to see the end of Jubilee. Its gonna be a long wait.This is just cold war. They both the consequence of such a war will be Mutually Assured Destruction.Obviously Raila is egging Uhuru to drop the nuclear - but  he will be stupid to press the button.

Kibicho are pawns that can be give up anytime to defend I watch the Kings and Queens.

Explain MAD to us.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #108 on: June 25, 2019, 06:47:54 PM »
It sacrilegious to compare Kichwa wish-washy punditry with my unmatched illustrious punditry. Records here can proof that. You're about as worse as Kichwa. The heavyweight is Uhuru - and he is going home. Unless you're willing to ammend the katiba, Folks are jostling for positions. Ruto has the majority of GEMA mps - super-majority - just like he has ground support. When that changes - we will know. Uhuru window to appoint a succesor is nearly closing. He is becoming lame duck every passing day.

Anyway the big thing we are waiting is the referendum. Not sure when that will happen. BBI thing is going around - until October. Definitely, nothing is planned for this year. Definitely, the process of amending the constitution is very hard and long. It needs like 1-2 yr if not interrupted.

So what we know we will do census - get census results -  then we will do boundaries review - that should take 1yr (2020) - we may have to fire and reconstitute IEBC at that point - otherwise the boundaries review will be contentious.

then 2021 - we can have time to consider Raila's referendum - although everyone will be busy campaigning by then - and won't care about the fate one Uhuru and Raila :)

Kichwa agrees these long inshas - theses - are nostalgic. He needed Ivy English and then some to explain away Babu troubles in Kalenjin. Ruto at Sep 2017 had literally ALL the Kikuyu MPs. Now they have fizzled out into a handful - Nyoro, Ichung'wa, Alice Wahome, Ngirici and Waruguru. The heavyweights - wa Iria, Kuria, Waiguru, Kabogo - have abandoned him - and in fact Waiguru and Kuria are fighting him. Baba Yao has chickened out after doing the math. Likes of Kimemia no longer appear anywhere with your boy. Even Sonko the alleycat [sic] - who you now call stupid and confused :) - is hammering your hero - calling for Uhuru 3rd term.

I wonder how you will survive 3 years of spin with your poor grammar.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #109 on: June 25, 2019, 06:50:00 PM »
She has an issue with kirinyanga women rep - wagirici who is close to Ruto. That is her main problem. That women rep husband basically stole Kanyotu loot and like Sonko during Kidero error is running her own county gov parralel to Waiguru. I think one point she looked like she could be considered esp if she was to get Uhuru backing. Obviously, my money has been on Kiunjuri since 2016 or around.
A few days prior to the Muturi straw - Waiguru was the preferred running-mate. Until  she turned like a cobra - with the Kenol outburst against the hustler. The spin is that Waiguru demanded the position exclusively and was turned down. :)

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #110 on: June 25, 2019, 06:58:10 PM »
Do I have to do this every day? The only beneficiary in UhuRuto war is Raila. That is obvious. Uhuru will not get a term extension. Raila wants to dupe him with PM position - which will happen post-facto - after GEMA are made to vote Raila as PORK. I mean someone has to be that stupid and that desperate to take such a position.

Anyway I wish we had concrete stuff to work on. Like constitutional proposals that define how such a mongrel would work :). Raila wants a secure 7yr "ceremonial" PORK. That is crazy - and Uhuru will serve at the pleasure of Mpigs.

If uhuru sneaks in a clause declaring he is eligible to run again for PORK or ceremonial PORK (new job anyway that is non-executive :) then I would be very worried.

But so far as I can see - these are just scare-scrows - kamikaze projects.

Ruto offer to GEMA is simple - PICK DPORK and get 50% share - and we continue for 10yrs. After 10yrs - we swamp forever and ever more.

Explain MAD to us.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #111 on: June 25, 2019, 07:04:26 PM »
Uhuru is going home. Not everyone is planning to go home. Obviously, someone like Murathe has no future. Muturi - they are actually two - Muturi the speaker - and Njee Muturi - that you're missing up. Muturi the speaker is positioning himself for DPORK.

Calm down and suck in the reality... you are over-spinning the un-spinnable! Don't be carried away by your alternative facts which you wish were the reality. I need not add to where good Robina has already pointed out your own admission of the deep state.

In his complaint to Uhuru, Ruto should pretty well have added that Speaker Muturi was at the La'Mada as well. Just for some elementary facts so that you don't get lost here; speaker Muturi is speaker because of Uhuru, he owes his rehabilitation from the wilderness to Uhuru. After his ignominious exit as a Chief Magistrate Thika, he was a disaster of a drunkard in Thika town and its environs (14 Falls Lodge) and was smoking enough weed with enough calabash-full of muratanas with Uhuru at the famous 14Falls Lodge day in day out!

They were quite an inseparable pair and which is why Uhuru at Muturi's mother's funeral said that she was like a mother to him as well. Muturi and Murathe are inseparable from Uhuru. Banish any thought that Muturi would entertain a running-mate arrangement with Ruto. If you have been misled to this direction then it shows the desperation in your ranks. Muturi has already achieved way beyond his wildest dreams and expectations and is only waiting to retire with Uhuru and go back to their binging, what with a lifetime pension as ex-speaker assured!

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about. Njee Muturi, who served as Solicitor General in UhuRuto 1st term was ("still literally is") Uhuru's Personal Assistant (including the time when Uhuru was "briefly" Kanu Chairman) and was mostly operating at the family business HQ at Chancery building along Valley Road where mama Ngina had given Uhuru an office for him to appear Executive. He also doubled up as his pimp. For sure when Uhuru retires, Njee will take back his exalted position of PA among the staff that ex-Presidents are allowed to keep on taxpayer's tab.

Now, Muturi the speaker is Uhuru drinking & weed smoking mate as is Murathe.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #112 on: June 25, 2019, 07:21:24 PM »
Do you think speaker Muturi is planning to retire with Uhuru for a full day of binge drinking and weed smoking? I don't think so. He wants to either go for Gov of Embu or DPORK or keep his position. Uhuru needs to figure out his retirement - and if not - he need to change the consitution.  Before that is done - we will assume he is retirement bound.

Beside with his lung cancer - he really need to slowdown. Ruto can be an energizer. You don't want such an enemy :)

Now, Muturi the speaker is Uhuru drinking & weed smoking mate as is Murathe.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #113 on: June 25, 2019, 10:08:39 PM »
Kiunjuri sticks to his guns; DCI told them they received a call from Ruto.

I'd like to know the source of the State House spin that Uhuru ordered the accused to report to DCI. BS
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #114 on: June 25, 2019, 10:19:32 PM »
So? You expected he will change his story. Munya is the politician-lawyer in that group. I wish Mucheru would be the one talking.
Tell us why those other guys like Ps Eng Njoroge are there. 4 CS,6PS and Parastal head were instructed to go see DCI first thing Monday.
They took themselves there.
Kiunjuri sticks to his guns; DCI told them they received a call from Ruto.

I'd like to know the source of the State House spin that Uhuru ordered the accused to report to DCI. BS

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #115 on: June 25, 2019, 11:34:38 PM »
So? You expected he will change his story. Munya is the politician-lawyer in that group. I wish Mucheru would be the one talking.
Tell us why those other guys like Ps Eng Njoroge are there. 4 CS,6PS and Parastal head were instructed to go see DCI first thing Monday.
They took themselves there.
Kiunjuri sticks to his guns; DCI told them they received a call from Ruto.

I'd like to know the source of the State House spin that Uhuru ordered the accused to report to DCI. BS

Nobody corroborates your Uhuru calling DCI, summoning his people to State House etc

That's bullshiet fed to the media by faceless Ruto people. I'd rather Munya any time

Wake me up when Ruto gets balls big enough to record a statement. Of course you can spin it that fickle summons was his whole point.

Not only will Ruto not record nothing,none of these will be impeached, and no ody will ever discuss it. What did Ruto gain? Nothing other that painting his desperation in bold  and bright strokes
2 Timothy 2:4  No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #116 on: June 26, 2019, 12:01:31 AM »
More Kenyans know Waiguru not Ngirici - Waiguru outbursts tell us Ruto is in trouble with Kikuyu. Ngirici of course is a flower girl - women rep - she basically ran alone unopposed cause no serious person care about the position. Angejaribu hata senator aone compe. It's poor math to trade Waiguru for Ngirici. The influential Gema have left Ruto with flower girls. Ichung'wa cannot match Kuria. Nyoro cannot match wa Iria. Waruguru cannot match Nderitu Mureithi. Ngirici cannot match Waiguru. Nairobi they all left with Sonko. Waititu is now silent.. any word on Muthomi Njuki? Why aren't Kiraitus defending hustler?

She has an issue with kirinyanga women rep - wagirici who is close to Ruto. That is her main problem. That women rep husband basically stole Kanyotu loot and like Sonko during Kidero error is running her own county gov parralel to Waiguru. I think one point she looked like she could be considered esp if she was to get Uhuru backing. Obviously, my money has been on Kiunjuri since 2016 or around.
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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #117 on: June 26, 2019, 09:08:48 AM »
Do I have to repeat this everyday: William Ruto has never been PORK - and he is a fire-spitting dragon - so no, he is not trustworthy. I told you, and the events concur, that Ruto cannot be trusted by Gema cause power concede nothing. Gema will be stripped from him - and auctioned to the highest bidder as he did Kalenjin. Whether we get PM or not, there will be horse-trading in 2022 and aluta continua. That Uhuru should just sit silent and let Ruto directly control Gema... yawwnnn.

Raila will betray Uhuru - of course. It is why the animal is being sliced officially. Nothing stop Raila from going for PM. These are all politicians and there is nothing special about Ruto or genocidal Kalenjin so they can be trusted more than Luo. In any event, the tussle over referendum is a great platform to demonize Ruto in Gema - who will be told they need Uhuru to defend them. Gema will file behind Uhuru to the last man.

MAD - I see none of it in your incoherent response. Of course Raila is the big winner - finally you own up :D - while Ruto is the big loser. Ergo, Ruto cannot start open war against Uhuru or RV Gema - so he must attack an imaginary power cabal run by Kibicho and Jezebel - while prostrating before Uhuru. As BBI wind up - he will have to make a stand - and as you can see shit is already hitting the fan.

Do I have to do this every day? The only beneficiary in UhuRuto war is Raila. That is obvious. Uhuru will not get a term extension. Raila wants to dupe him with PM position - which will happen post-facto - after GEMA are made to vote Raila as PORK. I mean someone has to be that stupid and that desperate to take such a position.

Anyway I wish we had concrete stuff to work on. Like constitutional proposals that define how such a mongrel would work :). Raila wants a secure 7yr "ceremonial" PORK. That is crazy - and Uhuru will serve at the pleasure of Mpigs.

If uhuru sneaks in a clause declaring he is eligible to run again for PORK or ceremonial PORK (new job anyway that is non-executive :) then I would be very worried.

But so far as I can see - these are just scare-scrows - kamikaze projects.

Ruto offer to GEMA is simple - PICK DPORK and get 50% share - and we continue for 10yrs. After 10yrs - we swamp forever and ever more.

Explain MAD to us.
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Re: Kibicho going down --4 Cabinet secretaries grilled on plan to kill Ruto
« Reply #118 on: June 26, 2019, 11:45:16 AM »
You're as dense as Vooke. UhuRuto have 50-50 gov that has been working as mean machine until the handshake.It still somewhat functional. Uhuru wants to go and do get 30% from Raila :).

 GEMA can only get out of Jubilee if they are getting a better deal.

And only better deal is for them to go for PORK again - either Uhuru or someone in GEMA emerges & makes another coalition & ran for it.

I know you're thinking GEMA are working for Raila :). That is very dumb.

Do I have to repeat this everyday: William Ruto has never been PORK - and he is a fire-spitting dragon - so no, he is not trustworthy. I told you, and the events concur, that Ruto cannot be trusted by Gema cause power concede nothing. Gema will be stripped from him - and auctioned to the highest bidder as he did Kalenjin. Whether we get PM or not, there will be horse-trading in 2022 and aluta continua. That Uhuru should just sit silent and let Ruto directly control Gema... yawwnnn.

Raila will betray Uhuru - of course. It is why the animal is being sliced officially. Nothing stop Raila from going for PM. These are all politicians and there is nothing special about Ruto or genocidal Kalenjin so they can be trusted more than Luo. In any event, the tussle over referendum is a great platform to demonize Ruto in Gema - who will be told they need Uhuru to defend them. Gema will file behind Uhuru to the last man.

MAD - I see none of it in your incoherent response. Of course Raila is the big winner - finally you own up :D - while Ruto is the big loser. Ergo, Ruto cannot start open war against Uhuru or RV Gema - so he must attack an imaginary power cabal run by Kibicho and Jezebel - while prostrating before Uhuru. As BBI wind up - he will have to make a stand - and as you can see shit is already hitting the fan.

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