The U.S. is basically a mercenery for hire for both the Saudis and Israelis. Iran and Syria pose literally no threat to U.S. interests. The Saudis and Israelis just want them taken out for their own regional interests. The Saudis and Israelis have lobbies in Washington that make a mockery out of the Russiagate nonsense we've been subjected to in the past two years with the fake "inteference" allegations. It's a scandal how much those two countries interfere in American policy. Dare a poor soul like Ilhan Omar mention it, then you see all the paid shills come out with fangs exposed, ready to strike. It's truly amazing.
Trump withdrew because if he went to war, he'd lose a chunk of his base. I've been watching the communities that watch the usual conservative audiences of youtube Right/centrist pundits and I've seen a sea change. I think it's been instigated by Tucker Carlson's change to an anti-war stance in the past year or so. These audiences now think the US is fighting Israeli wars, not American-interest wars. On top of it, a lot of pple now understand that 99% of modern Islamic terrorism all over the world comes literally out of Saudi Arabia and its sponsoring of Wahabbism everywhere on the planet. They understand the U.S. has not been fighting any 'war against terror' since Iraq but been using it as a pretext to fight wars for corporate America and Saudi/Israeli interests in the ME.
So now you have a conglomeration of interests, from thoroughly racist/bigoted interests that believe these wars are leading to a demographic shift in Europe and that simply hate Jews and Arabs, to nationalist/patriotic interests that are rebelling against wars they see as using them for foreign interests. Combine it with the Progressive anti-war humanism and desire to funnel those trillions into domestic social programs and I think this is grounds for something really major to happen soon, in the elections. If it was strong enough to sway a hard-head like Trump, you'd better believe something is brewing. This used to be a squarely Leftist/progressive issue and it has become a populist issue on both sides within no time.