Author Topic: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.  (Read 16598 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #160 on: May 08, 2019, 07:28:29 PM »
You can only compare jubilee with previous regimes and her conterparts in the region .That you can pull silicon valley card shows your desperation and jubilee great accomplishment.Kenya already made her name in Mpesa and digischool is the perfect investment to position Kenya as the tech leader.These are revolutionary ideas that can help skips years of investment like we have done in banking and telcoms
There are countless billionaire techpreneurs in the West. No, they didn't do it by availing gadgets. We are debating about the Digischool program - is it a potential game-changer? Nope, the odds are 1-v-1M it's another sequent step infact lower in impact than say FPE. History, statistics, etc - disagree. The solo Estonia of course proves nothing - statistically - with different factors - cultural, geographical, political, etc.

But I agree here Ruto has done well - for a hare-brained Regular Joe that he is.

Estonia already proved that a poor country if it embrace tech early in school - can leverage it. I don't know what you're arguing about but producing Bill Gates is hardly a yardstick - for measuring education outcomes.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #161 on: May 08, 2019, 08:32:41 PM »
RV Pundit amen to that. Holding our breaths here - for 20 years - waiting for the revolution.
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Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #162 on: May 09, 2019, 06:41:21 AM »
Pundit seeing nobody shares your visions here at nipate - save maybe for GeeMail - just like we asked for the SGR, get us just one credible person who believes Digischool is revolutionary. Just one. You can't because there is none.

You can only compare jubilee with previous regimes and her conterparts in the region .That you can pull silicon valley card shows your desperation and jubilee great accomplishment.Kenya already made her name in Mpesa and digischool is the perfect investment to position Kenya as the tech leader.These are revolutionary ideas that can help skips years of investment like we have done in banking and telcoms
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Kadudu

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #163 on: May 09, 2019, 09:56:10 AM »
Pundit, Estonia got its independence from USSR in 1991. You cannot even compare the level of education and infrastructure of Estonia in 1991 to the Kenya of today. Also it is foolsome to believe that only the digital revolution improved the living standards in Estonia.
I hope Kenya does not keep on mentioning Mpesa 20 years from now as the biggest digital revolution Kenya gave to the world. The digital world moves in a fast pace and the technology of today can be out even faster than we know it.

Estonia was poor in 90s when they embarkedon digital revolution..Kenya has proven itself with Mpesa and these kids will leapfrog us.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #164 on: May 09, 2019, 10:05:24 AM »
Nicholas Negroponte of one Child one laptop did that 14yrs ago in 2005. Why would you want me to justify basic self-evident stuff. If you want to read more Seymour Papert did all the research you need done in 1980s.
Pundit seeing nobody shares your visions here at nipate - save maybe for GeeMail - just like we asked for the SGR, get us just one credible person who believes Digischool is revolutionary. Just one. You can't because there is none.

You can only compare jubilee with previous regimes and her conterparts in the region .That you can pull silicon valley card shows your desperation and jubilee great accomplishment.Kenya already made her name in Mpesa and digischool is the perfect investment to position Kenya as the tech leader.These are revolutionary ideas that can help skips years of investment like we have done in banking and telcoms

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #165 on: May 09, 2019, 10:06:20 AM »
Estonia were poor to afford to go digital...but they did. They were not rich like their neighbour Finland. Kenya economy is going digital and we need to prepare our kids for a digital world. The world in 20yrs will be completely different. The brick-mortar business models will be out. Kenyan kids will not be inventing facebook or twitter...they hopefully will be inventing appropriate solutions to deal with day to day problems in their communities.
Pundit, Estonia got its independence from USSR in 1991. You cannot even compare the level of education and infrastructure of Estonia in 1991 to the Kenya of today. Also it is foolsome to believe that only the digital revolution improved the living standards in Estonia.
I hope Kenya does not keep on mentioning Mpesa 20 years from now as the biggest digital revolution Kenya gave to the world. The digital world moves in a fast pace and the technology of today can be out even faster than we know it.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #166 on: May 09, 2019, 12:49:20 PM »
M-PESA is MZUNGU-made, owned & run. MJ and Vodafone. Pundit fiddles with facts and statistics - how does one country's success prove something works? -vs all the failures. Besides all the day-&-night differences btwn Estonia and Kenya.

He started these apple & mango analogies with China, then Chile and Indonesia. Now he is onto Estonia.

Pundit, Estonia got its independence from USSR in 1991. You cannot even compare the level of education and infrastructure of Estonia in 1991 to the Kenya of today. Also it is foolsome to believe that only the digital revolution improved the living standards in Estonia.
I hope Kenya does not keep on mentioning Mpesa 20 years from now as the biggest digital revolution Kenya gave to the world. The digital world moves in a fast pace and the technology of today can be out even faster than we know it.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #167 on: May 09, 2019, 01:05:02 PM »
Anyone who backs the actual Digischool program? The way SGR has been sliced & diced and found wanting. Not historical research. Ngumu sana. The transformational nature is not obvious - going by the debate here. Of course you can be snide and quote ancient philosophers.

Nicholas Negroponte of one Child one laptop did that 14yrs ago in 2005. Why would you want me to justify basic self-evident stuff. If you want to read more Seymour Papert did all the research you need done in 1980s.
Pundit seeing nobody shares your visions here at nipate - save maybe for GeeMail - just like we asked for the SGR, get us just one credible person who believes Digischool is revolutionary. Just one. You can't because there is none.

You can only compare jubilee with previous regimes and her conterparts in the region .That you can pull silicon valley card shows your desperation and jubilee great accomplishment.Kenya already made her name in Mpesa and digischool is the perfect investment to position Kenya as the tech leader.These are revolutionary ideas that can help skips years of investment like we have done in banking and telcoms
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #168 on: May 09, 2019, 01:58:12 PM »
That sounds as insane as saying your hero behind Telsa is a south african invention. M-pesa is more than simple USSD menu - it about the ecosystem, about kenyans including gov wonks embracing and about kenya innovating along it. The original M-pesa was micro-finance app - the m-pesa we have now is a whole m-commerce and payment system.
M-PESA is MZUNGU-made, owned & run. MJ and Vodafone. Pundit fiddles with facts and statistics - how does one country's success prove something works? -vs all the failures. Besides all the day-&-night differences btwn Estonia and Kenya.

He started these apple & mango analogies with China, then Chile and Indonesia. Now he is onto Estonia.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #169 on: May 09, 2019, 02:00:50 PM »
I just gave you two people who backs it - MIT proffesors- who were advocating for this a two decade ago. How obtuse can you get? If by economists - you mean Dr Ndii - then you're lost. Gov of Kenya and China have economists too - including Rotich and Dr. Thugge - gov team with so many economists - who deal with public investment and have advocated for this - for years now.
Anyone who backs the actual Digischool program? The way SGR has been sliced & diced and found wanting. Not historical research. Ngumu sana. The transformational nature is not obvious - going by the debate here. Of course you can be snide and quote ancient philosophers.

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #170 on: May 09, 2019, 05:41:17 PM »
M-pesa is owned and MANAGED by mzungu. Any stupidness to localize Safcom management - by replacing Collymore with a Kikuyu or Kalenjin - utaona KQ nyingine. Hatujafika hapo - we have a one-off outlier Dr Mwangi - nothing consistent of MJ caliber. Plain reality.

If you doubt - the most innovative startups are mzungu- owned and run. These are the Safcoms or Googles in the horizon. One Acre Fund, M-kopa, Sun Culture, name it.

See this 2 startups named "Genius Companies" 2018 by Time Magazine. For being super innovative. Ona (medtech) and BRCK (internet hardware). Of course they are mzungu companies.

We need to fix our culture along with Digischool and infrastructure. In short, Ruto needs to stop teaching the youth it's ok to steal. With his omnipresence that looting message is so loud noone can hear a thing about digital. The cultural corner - who n what we worship, who are the role models - is a very big missing ingredient in the development broth.

We differed on OUTPUTS the other day - guess we are stuck there. Face the hard truth about the ineptitude of Kenya's finest mind being a literal BIG THIEF - how would any good come of that? His Digischool or SGR is one step forward, two backwards.

Ona, BRCK among innovative companies changing the world

That sounds as insane as saying your hero behind Telsa is a south african invention. M-pesa is more than simple USSD menu - it about the ecosystem, about kenyans including gov wonks embracing and about kenya innovating along it. The original M-pesa was micro-finance app - the m-pesa we have now is a whole m-commerce and payment system.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #171 on: May 09, 2019, 05:48:49 PM »
I think it's the ostrich approach to think you can entrench corruption in successive generations and reap anything but evil, suffering and death. Kenya will leapfrog cause SGR and Digischool? Eating nutritious foods while the tumor explodes. Capisce?
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline Nefertiti

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #172 on: May 09, 2019, 05:52:08 PM »
Mwafrika IQ, behavior and CULTURE - is still way below par. It's why you have no Gates or Jobs, not lack of laptops. Fix the culture and mindset first or at least in tandem with the other sectors. Of course you can't do that by praising or electing a Brazen, Ungroomed Moneybag like Ruto.
♫♫ They say all good boys go to heaven... but bad boys bring heaven to you ~ song by Julia Michaels

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #173 on: May 09, 2019, 08:37:28 PM »
There you go pulling the race card. The likes of cellulant valued at 10B (100M) were started and owned by Kenyans -last year they got 47M equity financing. Seven Seas? There are so many kenyan owned tech start ups. Obviously US(silicon valley) - not every mzungu - are far ahead in the game - which is why we are investing in the next generation. The current generation are hobbled - look at me - I started using a computer in my university computer science class.
M-pesa is owned and MANAGED by mzungu. Any stupidness to localize Safcom management - by replacing Collymore with a Kikuyu or Kalenjin - utaona KQ nyingine. Hatujafika hapo - we have a one-off outlier Dr Mwangi - nothing consistent of MJ caliber. Plain reality.

If you doubt - the most innovative startups are mzungu- owned and run. These are the Safcoms or Googles in the horizon. One Acre Fund, M-kopa, Sun Culture, name it.

See this 2 startups named "Genius Companies" 2018 by Time Magazine. For being super innovative. Ona (medtech) and BRCK (internet hardware). Of course they are mzungu companies.

We need to fix our culture along with Digischool and infrastructure. In short, Ruto needs to stop teaching the youth it's ok to steal. With his omnipresence that looting message is so loud noone can hear a thing about digital. The cultural corner - who n what we worship, who are the role models - is a very big missing ingredient in the development broth.

We differed on OUTPUTS the other day - guess we are stuck there. Face the hard truth about the ineptitude of Kenya's finest mind being a literal BIG THIEF - how would any good come of that? His Digischool or SGR is one step forward, two backwards.

Ona, BRCK among innovative companies changing the world

That sounds as insane as saying your hero behind Telsa is a south african invention. M-pesa is more than simple USSD menu - it about the ecosystem, about kenyans including gov wonks embracing and about kenya innovating along it. The original M-pesa was micro-finance app - the m-pesa we have now is a whole m-commerce and payment system.

Offline RV Pundit

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Re: Look like SGR to Kisumu & malaba - aint happenning soon.
« Reply #174 on: May 09, 2019, 08:42:08 PM »
All that we are fixing - IQ is improving, behaviour and culture will change - don't make it look like everything is about Ruto. You'll find me praising Kibaki or Moi achievements. There is no doubt that Moi for all his ills - set us on a educational edge that we posses compared to countries at our level of development. Kibaki went further and re-funded social programs including free education. Jubilee has gone further to finance tablets. If there is a sector we are not doing badly it's education - we just need to deal with teacher absentism and ensure there are serious quality controls to ensure teachers are teaching - in public school - otherwise you cannot compare a kenyan graduate to TZ or Ug or Eth - Kenyans are so miles ahead.Kenya beat even South Africa in quality of education - only Mauritus is better than us.

This is our edge. We don't have any minerals. But we are 100B economy by end of this year. That is only possible because kenya gov has really invested in education and hopefully we  can keep investing in them - we need to invest in contemporary equipments - like tablets - and stop talking books - when you have e-books - labs when you have e-labs - they don't cost much - and they achieve the same if not better results - e-voting - e-gov - e- whatever - m-pesa - this is where the world is heading - and kenya is one of the leader of that future.

We have to seize the moment.

Mwafrika IQ, behavior and CULTURE - is still way below par. It's why you have no Gates or Jobs, not lack of laptops. Fix the culture and mindset first or at least in tandem with the other sectors. Of course you can't do that by praising or electing a Brazen, Ungroomed Moneybag like Ruto.