Author Topic: Impeachment wet dreams - Omollo respond to this before you disappear again  (Read 718 times)

Offline RV Pundit

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The Hon. Senator Orengo, being a Senior Counsel is either in some legal slumber or is knowingly misleading the public. He has failed to understand six important aspects of any impeachment process of the Deputy President or the President: -

1. The process cannot start in the Senate where he sits! Under Article 145 of the Constitution as read together with Art.150, the process can only originate in the National Assembly, where he does not sit!.

2. Under the same Article, The process can ONLY be initiated by a sitting Member of Parliament. The Constitution has no room for the strangers he is imagining he can sponsor to initiate the process.

3. Any MP wishing to start the process MUST have signatures of not less than a third of the entire membership of the National Assembly. In a House of 349, that translates to 117 MPs! That would be an uphill task for anyone- The idea will die even before it starts.

4. For such a motion to pass the second stage, it will require to be supported by two-thirds of all Members of the National Assembly. Getting 233 MPs to support anything is a political nightmare! We have tried it unsuccessfully more than 5 times in Bills to amend the Constitution.

5. Supposing that it passes that stage and the trial committee of eleven is formed. This is the Third Stage, where the Senate now becomes involved.

If the Committee was to find the grounds substantiated, the final stage is even harder- it requires two thirds of Senators to support! Third Stage is even harder! The motion will also require support of another Two-thirds of all Senators. In a House where Jubilee party enjoys super majority, that is definitely insurmountable. Our Constitution protects all Kenyans from cheap witch-hunt. My friend senator Orengo knows this too well, but he has chosen, once more, to market cheap and worthless fishing expeditions. He will not distract us from uniting our nation and the BIG 4 agenda!

Offline GeeMail

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Nothing stops the Senate from initiating impeachment through Parliament. The last time we checked, ODM was well represented there and there were numerous MPs from Gema land and even RV who said they were tired of "mwizi wa kuku/" The jury is still out on who they meant.
Celebratory violence: 2017 crime invented to justify killings to prevent Raila from becoming PORK.