This is interesting if not surprising. A milk glut in February heading to March which are quite dry? The Kenyan farmers are doing something right in productivity. Eggs and now milk.
Government's interventions are required to enhance efficiency on the market side - though governments are very happy when things such as eggs and milk are dirty cheap. In milk efforts to formalize have failed with Kenyans continuing to consume 90% of the milk unprocessed.
Farmers need to accept forces of supply and demand and stop the romantic view of farming as a gold mine.
The powdered milk market is a hard sell given the deal between Kenyattas and Danone plus Abraaj who have the West and Northern African market locked.
We need to embrace simple value addition processing such as drying milk/vegetables/fruits/ meat in times of plenty, roasting coffee, spinning cotton, avocado cooking and beauty oils at the village levels. Most average nyeuthi still believe it is the gods who does this 'magic' in the US, Europe and China. This is our greatest undoing so far!
Make powder milk and ship it to Nigeria.
This makes sense. Especially in a commodities exchange.