I just googled. It's never gonna happen. We'll all be extinct before it does. If the best of science is all about correlations, and assumptions about causation are mostly dead ends, look look no further than the reproducibility crisis, the same crisis are likely experienced my machines with fake and faulty data. Problems because of mother nature. Humans have an extraordinary ability to absorb error rates, adapt, lie, and adjust to unpredictable outcomes, machines are coded in a way without sentience. It can't lie, it reacts to error rates like its a big deal. Amazing rate of false positives etc etc. a supercomputer would be deadly in a world with perfect conditions but that's not this world. However, it could be possible in a virtual space. If the workforce migrated to a virtual space and I think this will be inevitable, then yes, a supercomputer leading to extinction could be possible. Already today people are glued to facebook and get depressed etc etc